heat Peppers with longest burn time?

I have to agree with Moruga Scorpion, also the Trinidad 7-pots. We have a local hole in a wall sushi bar here that serves a very spicy grilled octopus and conch salad topped with a mix of dried nori, panko, Thai pepper, scorpion pepper powder and palm sugar. Hits every part of the tongue and throat. I had it for lunch and still felt it well into the evening. Ill have to take a picture next time I order it.
I love a nice clean list. Thank you sir. What order is that in?
Sounds very interesting! Very slow ramp up to fool you into the heat and then drops off, with tons of flavor, nice!
I ate an orange habanero that burned when I ate it, burned again when I took a whiz, burned my eyes in the shower and finally burned my wife’s lady parts. It burned from about 3pm to about 10:30 pm. Funny thing is my fingers never burned. [emoji16]

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PtMD989 said:
I ate an orange habanero that burned when I ate it, burned again when I took a whiz, burned my eyes in the shower and finally burned my wifes lady parts. It burned from about 3pm to about 10:30 pm. Funny thing is my fingers never burned. [emoji16]

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I think that's called gonorrhea..
Yep. Even worse, when I was visiting my friend, I was munching on a fresh picked habanero from his garden, and I half sneezed. I got a seed stuck up in that spot at the back of your mouth/throat that connects to your nose. Way worse than squirting soda out of your nose when someone makes you laugh. I popped whatever was left and another whole hab in my mouth and chewed it up on the, "burn it out premise",which actually worked fairly well. With everything on fire the seed didn't feel like it was burning its way into my brain so much any more, plus it got my sinuses going so much, it flushed the seed out. Based on that experience, I have no idea how hogleg does lines of ghost pepper powder.
-Orange Manzano
-MoA Yellow SB
-Yellow Fatalii
-Moruga (any, but specifically the Chocolate
-Chocolate Bhutlah
-Judy's 7 Pot Lava

Last but definitely not least..... RED BRAIN STRAIN. Those fuckers just don't quit. Period. Every time I've ever eaten one, I've ended up on the floor, in the fetal position, with gut-wrenching cap cramps. Sometimes for over an hour. You'd think I'd learn my lesson, haha. Even after the cap cramps subside, my lips are usually still tingling. I definitely have a love/hate thing with those God awful, delicious little fuckers :rofl:

I'd say the 7 Pot Lava probably has the longest "hang time" for me though
The clavo red has really piqued my interest. Thank you all for your contributions. 