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heat Peppers with longest burn time?

The Hot Pepper

I would like to know your opinion of the peppers with the longest burn time, even low heat peppers. That burn that sticks around, whether it's on the lips, tongue, in the throat, the sustain is what I am interested in. Thanks!
No names come to mind off the top of my head but I will say that the thinner wall superhots are probably the ones to do it. Thicker walls absorb more oil which gets carried down to the stomach easier, where as the thinner walled varieties tend to coat the mouth with more oil and leave a longer burn.
Burn time depends on the individual and the way their brain interprets the pain signals that capsicum will trigger. Once your brain decides the capsicum is not a threat it shuts off the receptors to the part of the brain associated with pain and what you feel as burn. I just made all that BS up but sounds good right? Hope that helps.  :P
Edmick said:
No names come to mind off the top of my head but I will say that the thinner wall superhots are probably the ones to do it. Thicker walls absorb more oil which gets carried down to the stomach easier, where as the thinner walled varieties tend to coat the mouth with more oil and leave a longer burn.
Thick or thin wall is not a factor in sauce and there are definitely some sauces with serious hang times vs. others.
Capsaicin is a compound and different peppers have different capsaicinoids. Those capsaicinoids hit differently. Even the area of the mouth.
The Hot Pepper said:
Thick or thin wall is not a factor in sauce and there are definitely some sauces with serious hang times vs. others.
Capsaicin is a compound and different peppers have different capsaicinoids. Those capsaicinoids hit differently. Even the area of the mouth.
You didn't say you were talking about sauce boss. Just peppers
Not even talking bout salt. There are thousands of flavor combinations in hot sauce. All of which can influence the hang time of heat.
Let's slow down here before we get into a debate about hot sauces. We're not even sure as to what this post relates to. Plus what do you mean thousands of flavors? You mean sugar?
This is where I leave haha. 
Grass Snake said:
Let's slow down here before we get into a debate about hot sauces. We're not even sure as to what this post relates to. Plus what do you mean thousands of flavors? You mean sugar?
This is where I leave haha. 
I didn't say thousands of flavors. I said thousands of flavor COMBINATIONS.
Edmick said:
I didn't say thousands of flavors. I said thousands of flavor COMBINATIONS.
Well that changes everything :P
No need to respond to my dumb post, I know nothing on the subject.
Back to the crafty thread I go..