• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

GLOG =Good Looking Older Gentlemen or maybe Got Lot's of Gas......Today I'm going to have to go with both.....TMI....I think not.

So this will be my first GLOG. Enjoy Everyone.

Grow List

Brain Strain 7
Jonah 7
Yellow 7
Chocolate Bhut
Peach Bhut
Yellow Bhut
Naga Morich
Chocolate Scorpion

White Habanero
CGN 21500
Fatalii Yellow
Fatalii White
Aji Lemon Drop
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Bonda Ma Jacques
Long Chocolate Habanero

Should have the grow area set up and seeds germing by February 15th
....hmmm... where is the log you are growing? :whistle:

:rofl: Those babies look like they LOVE lookin'at the purty blue light.....when I do it, my eyes just :fireball: :fireball: !
Just got caught up on your G-log. Looking awesome man. your transplants are looking hella green! The added pulley is saweet making things look at industrial and hardcore! You now now like the death metal of the grow areas. I dont remember if you said but are all your plants going into the ground to finish or will some stay in pots for the summer?
great grow log 3/5 King that chain and pulley system looks "tough", a good indication of great things to come :cool:
That's a serious looking grow area...................."what people think of"
Your plants are on the move,looking good. They'll be well established by plant out time....good luck with the rest of the indoor project

@Beehunter~Thanks bro! Haha, it's definitely an industrial brew n' grow shed. As my buddy says "Anything worth building, is worth over building"

@Pic 1~Thanks for stoppin' by! Yeah they are doing decent for having stressed them with my all of my mistakes. I don't know if I'm going to have enough room to keep them inside until may! I transplanted from solo cups to 1/2 gallon pots on the 23rd and I already have roots coming out the bottom.....good lord. I cant pot up again....guess I will see what happens....any ideas?

@Gnslngr~ohhhhhh just wait. Come harvest time all of these suckers are going to be growin' logs! I try and wear sunglasses up there, so I don't melt my eyeballs into my skull. I want to add more ligjt too.......haha

@Benzo~Thanks brewha! Things are kickin' Cant wait to see what else these Chile's throw at me!

Btw the chain and pully is getting more upgrades to come....;-) next big task to handle is making our garden plot and planning out our plant/Vegetable placement....man some of this stuff is proving harder than antisipated...thanks God! You're always lookin' out for me.

Couldn't do it with out ya though.
Theres no problem with roots traveling out the bottom, .........It's when they start wrapping around your house............ :eek:
Hey, if you just transplanted them a week ago in 1/2 gal, then you should be fine for another month. The roots should have plenty of space to wrap around. Its when you move them out to harden off that you'll need to watch. Black containers, which we all use tend to wake and bake in the sun. Keep you containers fit tightly together and water in the morning. Once you transplant into larger containers or into the ground separate the bottom of the root ball. That gives the roots a new direction to grow. They will anchor the plant and you will be rewarded dearly with a nice harvest if they have room to roam. I don't have the luxuary here since I plant more then one plant in 18 gal containers. I may sacrrfice overall growth but it gives me the oppurtunity to grow more varieties.
You'll be fine with those plants just keep pouring on the light until you can bring them out

Wow, I can hardly wait to see that b and t rig in action!

Pic 1 is right, when you transplant, be sure to break up the root ball and spread the roots. Before I understood that, I would dig up plants in the fall whose roots had continued to grow in circles, even though there was no pot, and the root ball was still shaped like the pot! So now, I spread the roots out, and if the pot is really root bound, a take a really sharp knife and cut slits down the side of the rootball, maybe four in all. The new root tips will grow out from the clean cuts, and the bottom roots will spread to fill the pot.

Your plants look great, King!
Good lord.....I just typed out replies to you Pic and Paul....and I updated my log.....and somehow right at the end, I hit something and deleted it all.....what a PITA.

@Pic 1-Thank you for the heads up. I might bunch them together and wrap white towels around the heard or get an emergency blanket and make a skirt for them. Things are getting intense to say the least.

@PaulG-Sharp knife.......slits.....yikes! lol, I'm not quite sure I can picture what you are talking about. Could you elaborate on the subject a little? When you say loosen the root ball, do you mean take the whole clump of soil the plant is growing in and loosen all the soil away and then untangle the roots?? Please explain if you could. I have a lot to learn. It's crazy that the plants just kept circling the roots like that.

Update: I was at my buddies staking off the garden plot and planning the beds out. It is going to be so tight with everything we have going.....hope it's not a PITA to get to and care for them....let alone harvest. So when I was up spying on our jungle, I noticed that the White Habaneros and the Jamaican Scotch Bonnets are starting to bud....uh oh. They just couldn't wait to get there groove on. So I guess I will have to be doing a little pinchy pinch on them. Which means I am going to have to research on how to pinchy pinch....what.....you think I've done this before....lol. So much to do and no time to learn it. This sounds awfully familiar to my life....kick ass and ask questions later.... :hell: If anyone has any information on the subject they would like to share...feel free!

My plants are running out of space uptop in the Pepper Pent House....I hope they don't suffocate each other...here's some pics of the buds on the white habs. The third picture is of my Jonah 7 Pot, which I would like to know if this is just new leaves growing in or if it is the start of a bud? I guess I will find out soon enough anyway....thank you for looking everyone. I'll keep the updates flowing.





Hey 3/5 looking awesome! I can see how it is possible you wont have enough room! You have so many healthy lookin plants. As far the Jonah goes i think that is just new growth coming in. im sure it will bud soon enough though! White hab looks super healthy! Even the new growth is dark green.
Thanks Bee! Things are way out of control. I don't have enough room. Everything is getting so ridiculously cramped.....I have no idea what to do lol. It's so hard to move the plants around, the leaves are overgrowing each other. I have to do something, but I have no idea what...oh well.

Here's the update. I had to water some today. To many plants, my eyes where bigger than my grow area. What to do what to do.....well for now I will do nothing, except update my glog. I guess this would be constituted as going well?? hahahaha

One of my lights ballasts burnt out today...jebus. Well, off to the box store for another one tomorrow.

Look at these leaves!!! I'm raising green mutated elephants...(The second pic is a Brain Strain Red)

P.S. Check out my entry in this months TD. Vote 3/5!!! (you know you want too)


@Sawdust~Thanks bro!

@Socalchilehead~Thanks for the compliment man. The tall dog is my sole Tepin lol. The Aji lemon and chocolate bhut are 2nd and 3rd place in height.

I'm planning plant out around may 15th....but with how big and fast they are growing, I might have to move it up a couple weeks. I'll have to play it by ear I guess.
Looking great! I totally feel your pain space-wise. And yeah, moving plants with the overlapping leaves, then they stick together and tear those beautiful big green leaves, ugh... So, reading you post made me feel better, that at least I'm not the only one who totally underestimated the space I'd need before plant out. We ended up getting a portable greenhouse on ebay, but I'm still waiting on that until it warms up just a little bit more. And of course, the sad thing is, I'm not considering doing less plants next year, just racking my brain as to how to get more space...
"A Money Tree"..............just what I need.........How you do dat?..............ha

Nice size leaves on that "Strain".....Yep those Tepins can grow tall..........unless you top it. Then it will grow "nuts" in all directions, ...and you can move your lights closer to the rest of the crop.

Great glog man. Keep it up. I just noticed you live right across the border from me. I drive through Wauconda occasionally on my way home from work. Them TS Moruga's is one strain I wish I had. Happy growing!
Fabulous grow, .6! Really top notch.
And you say this is your first crack at this?
Your opposable thumbs are green!
Lol, thanks squatch! Even through the chaos things are going as well as I can expect them.

Pulpiteer~Ooooooooh yeah, I miss judged BIG TIME. But that's ok...there's nothing wrong with a big passion....even if it does get a little out of control! Gets the mind working and the blood flowing bro!

Jamison~Right on bro! Stop by anytime dude. I got some Moruga seeds last minute. I only have the one going due to space.

Pic 1~MONEY TREE.......actually yes, I hope these do turn into money! Lol. Chop it huh....oh man that would be a first. How far down do you chop it? I'm going to try and build a little greenhouse area outside to make some room uptop....that's a whole notha story all togetha. I need room though! Planting out is just around the corner though...another thing I have to make happen....the garden. A lot of work but so worth it.

Thanks Paul. Well, this isn't my first time growing but of this size, caliber and variety...yes. It's crazy! I'm lovin' it though and my buddy is pretty stoked too, seeing everything growing so fast. It's a great time. Can't wait to get outside in the spring dirt!
Chitballs!!! its just a sea of leaves under those lights! Your grow is shows how far a grow can go in the first season. Its insain. Thats a huge leave on that BS but its kinda cheating to use a dime.... come on. atleast use a nickle...