• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Love stopping by your grow setup is just amazing. PDN x SB or SB X PDN that would be an interesting to see on what characteristics it take by the F3 stage and on. Good luck through the season but you never need it.

Thamks....will give it a try....both ways.....a double cross!

Greg your babies are rocketing past mine that as you know are growing in da real sun, every ting looking great on your side mon!!! BTW one of your seeds (Butch T Scorpion) has popped, hooked and sprung leaves faster than the MoA's but I guess it's been in Mama earth a bit longer :D I have 5 of 6 pop on MoA and don't expect the last to go but no leaves and only one hook so far. I believe I might have the first helmet head with the first one but not sure yet as I buried it a little to see if the soil helps scrape it off. So you said "what goes better with this "Bedrock" size meal than a bottle of "Stone" Pale Ale," I’d say a neat pour of Appleton Blue Añejo Rum ;) Hope you know I jest my rum drinking Chicago brethren, I enjoy Ale & beer too and will probably be tipping a few esta noche. You do great food, so good that this will be the only post I make today, as now I have to run and eat ... I'm not joking either, enjoy da bowl tonight and see ya around the forums :)

Thanks Ramon,
I still have seeds popping up after seeding 3 weeks ago......I just received my MoA seeds from Steve, they're soaking as I type. Appleton Blue sounds interesting. I just finished a 12 yr old Estate?...last week.....it was pretty good.
Ha..........the "safety cost me the final score.........I'm trying to get past that one.

Well I have to answer a few more, but first I need to thank Steve for the gift.

Good thing I been cookin all day...still made me hungry, but soup's almost on here. Great update! Your "little" ones are rockin...and not so little!

Thanks Shane,
Soup sounds great, especially on a cold day.........The seedlings are moving good right now. I'll be playing "Musical Containers" pretty soon as some plants are out growing others. As you know sometimes its easier to move the plants then keep raising the lights.....
I hope you have a good loaf of bread for the soup. .....

Oh man Greg you just got down and dirty with all that good food... Love the pics and your transplant looks professional and clean... Keep em coming, its just goin to get better here on out..

Thanks Portuge,
I'm getting hyped up about the outdoor grow. My focus this year is to get the best harvests out of my plants.....early!

Neolithic appetite for a polymathic gent! Greg, you are a true renaissance man.

This thread could even keep "The Great Gazoo" awake!

Shucks...........really ?............yuk,yuk.....

:drooling: :drooling: dang that looks good!.........

The plants or the food................... ..maybe both?...................... :cool:

Note to self: Quit looking at this glog before I eat lunch

Just don't look at it if you're starving.....
Thanks for the response!

Weeing it when you type.....now that's multitasking.

Your grow is always so nice...

So I need some aphid killing advice...my OW's are infested. I thought I remember you having a good solution. If you have a sec. Stop by my glog and fill me in would ya!?

Beautiful steak btw
Weekend update..............


Once again I'd like to thank Brandon (Big Cedar) , for the numerous seed packs he sent to me, none of which I already had.
They're starting to pop!............ :party:


Here's a shot of 3 Trinidad Viper x Purple Bhut Jolokia sprouts, the purple seedling on the left is the oldest, the far right is the youngest
I used a 38 cell flat and doubled up....and sometimes tripled up with the seeds........these are the last c.chinense to go around.


The same group as the last photo, the different angle shows the color variegation from the youngest to the oldest.


A group of 168 seedlings in 2.25" w by 4.25" star inserts. These will get potted up into 5.25" containers mid March.


This is one leaf ...........off a Scotch Bonnet


Just a mix of plants with the largest plant being a "Fatalii"


"Bird's the Word"...........Two Zimbawie Bird's with a Ethiopian Bird in the middle.............................. Squawk !


Pullux, Guatemalen Rocoto, Cumari


Peri-Peri, Pequin, Amish Bush

a few more shots in a few...
Beautiful shots Greg! Douple leaf, triple sprouts...50 shades of...purple! My dang Cumari didn't sprout but I did get some Charapita to sprout, Dang Tripp beat be to the first reply! I hope these two serve as a bump fo-mo-pics boss.

Orange Devil, Orange Habanero, Red Fatalii


"The 3 Ramon's".............hehe
Here's 3 of WalkGood's Jamaican Reds.. ...........The seeds were selected from 3 different pods all from 3 different plants.
Thus the 3 variations of plants # 1,2,3......................That's a Triple Crown !


Three of my Yellow Jamaican Bonnets (Ocho Rios)..............these things are starting to bush out.
It must be the "Jerk Marinade" that I added to the feedings..................... :liar:

Well I'm out of plant shots......but here' was somebodies catch of the day...


Ingredients: Eggs, Chives, Dill, Celery, "Albacore Tuna" loin, Cornichons, Capers, Curry Powder, Chicken Broth, Olive Oil, Lemon Mayo, Old World Bakery Bread, Lime, Lemon, Fresno Pepper, Hot Finger Pepper, Garlic, Shallots.


Poach Tuna loin in a small amount of Chicken Broth with Dill and Chives in a covered pan. Rotate loin occasionally to get and even cook.
When almost completely cooked through remove pan from heat, keep covered. When fish can be handeled easily wrap in plastic wrap and fridge for a few houts, preferably overnite. Mean while hard boil the eggs peel and place in the fridge.


Take Tuna loin out of the fridge, break apart and sprinkle with a small amount of Olive Oil. Dice all other Ingredients mix with Mayo and fold in Tuna.
Juice and zest half a Lemon and a Lime over top of mixture.


Here's the "Tuna Salad" sandwich served on Artisian Bread with Thai kettle chips.
This is not the classic, nor Grandma's version, but the kicked up one that will make you want to come back for 2nds

Thanks for stopping by.............see ya all next week, same time same channel...

Looking fanbloodytastic Greg .... any new crosses in mind for the coming season???

Thanks Tripp.
Besides the F1 Yellow Scotch x Yellow Brain I may keep the overwinterd Scotch Bonnet and the Pimenta de Neyde in side and try to cross them both ways,
But to be honest , I'd be happy just to keep some of my original seeds isolated from the rest of the gang. I prefer the pure route ....to growing

Beautiful shots Greg! Douple leaf, triple sprouts...50 shades of...purple! My dang Cumari didn't sprout but I did get some Charapita to sprout, Dang Tripp beat be to the first reply! I hope these two serve as a bump fo-mo-pics boss.

Ha.....thanks for any and all responses ............it's either dam early where Tripps at or dam late...
I'm hoping for the plants to grow for more shots next week. Enjoy the rest of the day.................everybodies sleeping here. I'm ready fry up some "Bangers and Bacon"
That will get the sleepyheads....sniffing!
Hard to want a tuna sandwich at 0445...but you made it happen! Great update Greg...a little let down now. Kinda like the kid leaving Disney Land knowing it'll be a while before I see something as awesome as this again! Will be waiting impatiently for next weekend's update brother!
Love the setup and pics guy, you're doing it up big! Cheers

Thanks Rick,
Glad to see you checking this out...

Hard to want a tuna sandwich at 0445...but you made it happen! Great update Greg...a little let down now. Kinda like the kid leaving Disney Land knowing it'll be a while before I see something as awesome as this again! Will be waiting impatiently for next weekend's update brother!

0445 may be too early for the sammy but not too early to work on your glog........I 'll be checking yours out later , always an interesting read!
Greg was up early this morning eh! Plants are looking awesome. Are you running all T8's besides the other room with the HID's?
Fresh tuna fish salad is delicious, had it once. Your plants are looking good and getting big. I'm
starting some of the seeds I got from you in 2011. The congo trinidad is my favorite one. Large
pepper, glossy and beautiful (at least to me). I'm also trying to germinate some cumari pollux that
I received in 2011 from one of Chris's sase offers. Didn't get around to it last year. I see your growing
one too.
[sup]OMFG......u guys feed your plants steriod......WOW... just wow.....damn lights..... Wow.. off to work for 16hrs...cant wait to see how theyll look in march..probably will be podding up by then...[/sup]
Looking amazing as expected. Cool purp bhut x viper shot. It's neat to see the progression of color right next to each other.
Those star inserts are sweet. Good depth to them.