• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

excellent pictures and congrats on the various varieties you are growing :hot:

the Cardi Purple somehow catched my eye, is this a chinense?

best wishes :cool:
excellent pictures and congrats on the various varieties you are growing :hot:

the Cardi Purple somehow catched my eye, is this a chinense?

best wishes :cool:

Hey chilinferno,

Thanks, and yes the cardi purple is a c.chinense this is a new variety for me. So I can actually comment on the plant growth or heat from the chili. Maybe someone will chime in here. The seeds were purchased from Grant ( Junglerain.com.au) with a few other varieties.

Thanks..........if I had the Orlando weather I wouldn't need the indoor setup....well at least not as much...
thanks for the complement


Here's some random photos of some smaller plants.........in 5 1/4 " containers


Morado, Yellow Burkina, Giant Bhut Jolokia, Butch T, Nagabon


Yellow Scorpion, Cumari, Zimbawie Bird, Orange Oxkutzcabian, Naga Morich


Peach Bhut, Congo Trinidad, Mini Thai Hot, St. Martin Habanero, Barrackpore 7


AJ's TS Red, Safi Red Scotch Bonnet, Baby Bird, West Indian Red, Yellow Mushroom


Primo, Orange 7/Pot, Bonda Ma Jacques, Big Sun Habanero, Mischung Bunte


Auenir, Scotch Bonnet Red, Congo Orange, Hawaiian Beach Pepper, Yellow Scotch Bonnet


Douglah x Scorpion, Brown Hab Small, Bahamian Goat, Jamy, Bih Jolokia St 2

Greg just astounding work. What size are the pots in this pic? Do you do anything to protect against cross pollination ? Refresh my memory how many do you keep to plant out? Love your Glog!
Great looking at the 'few' overwinters you've got going, Greg!
They should go bananas when you put them out this spring!
Your 'smaller' plants in the 5" pots look like they are ready to go, NOW!
Have a great weekend, and good luck as the season progresses,
although I really don't think you'll need it : )
No update in a while! Gonna make for some dramatic pics once you post them! I can't wait...

Hope things are going well,
Hey there, really love your plants.
But what is this 7Pot Chicuana you got there? Never heard of it. Sorry if someone already asked that, didn't have the time to read every post..
Hey Greg I am impatiently waiting for my weekend fix, but I wanted to ask about your top vs bottom watering opinion. I saw you mentioned in a post that once you pot up you always bottom water, does that mean you top water in the flats, also do you dip them in the water for a few minutes, or fill the flat and let em soak?

Thanks man and look forward to your update.

Hey there, really love your plants.
But what is this 7Pot Chicuana you got there? Never heard of it. Sorry if someone already asked that, didn't have the time to read every post..

The 7/Pot Chaguanas, is what it is.........A pepper from the Chaguanas region of Trinidad. The peppers are longer than the normal 7/Pot, and is very similar to another pepper that I grow, the "Jonah Long"....which is insanely "Hot"

No update in a while! Gonna make for some dramatic pics once you post them! I can't wait...

Hope things are going well,
No update in a while! Gonna make for some dramatic pics once you post them! I can't wait...

Hope things are going well,

Hey Shane,
Things are well, I;'m just behind on things "Like a kid leaving a toy store".......it's me trying to get the heck out of the grow room........ha
An update coming soon as my photos download...

Hey Greg I am impatiently waiting for my weekend fix, but I wanted to ask about your top vs bottom watering opinion. I saw you mentioned in a post that once you pot up you always bottom water, does that mean you top water in the flats, also do you dip them in the water for a few minutes, or fill the flat and let em soak?

Thanks man and look forward to your update.


Hey Matt,
Sorry for lack of updates......I just can't figure out what to do with these "Rah...Rah...Ramen noodles...............lol
Seriously,.......I know what to do.

As far as the top vs bottom watering. I top water (mist) the flats when seeding and at the same time I bottom water the flats for the seeds that emerged to feed the tap roots. I'll continue to do both until all seeds are sprouted. Once the seedlings are potted up they get bottom watered only. For ex: a tray of 5 1/4" containers (8) gets filled half way, about an inch of water (or diluted chem mix) Within an hour the plants will have wicked up all the water, better than the "Shammy" which is advertised on TV............lol
By keeping the top of the soikl dry, there's no pests hopping around. There's usually no roots at the top of the soil anyways. No tomatoes are another story.
Let the pots stay in the flats..........but caution, if they don't need watering don't do it. I feel the weight of a container in the flat. If its dry the flat will get a drink.
An update as soon as my photos download.

Thanks Greg. i appreciate the response. I think that is a great way of doing things and I just need to get the ratio right.

I am going David Chang style Ramen (MOMOfuku) style. I know a lot of people are going to think crazy, and do some crushed Ramen Noodle suffle stuff, but I am going to treat it simply but use some complex flavors and ingredients. Just trying to find pork belly here is not the easiest thing in the world.....

I guess your response will tide me over until the update. :lol:
Well here's the weekend update...


To all who celebrate......and are still awake...Happy "St. Pat's Day"
Flanked by some of my favorites are, 7 Pot/Yellow, Auenir, True Scotch Bonnet (Tim Smith)


Here was a nice little project, a couple of "coldframes". About a 6 hr build ( probably a 30 min teardown)...I hope to use these thru the end of May. They're 5 x 10' with 2 x 8 frame, 1" sch 40, fiber embedded visqueen. It should be enough to keep out those nasty cold spring winds........wait a second another 80 deg day...........well I been there done that, and I'd bet the frost will return.......burrr.


Opps..........Oh what the heck, ok these aren't peppers. The closest to a pepper are the small pack of "Jamaican Scotch Bonnet" seeds in front which were brought back from a friend of mine on a dive trip......it's nice to have friends like that. For those who know me and how I like the "Bonnets".....it's never too late to plant and these seeds are already in der soil!..........yea
The flats are a combo of 30 varieties of tomatoes which will get transplanted to 3" pots tomorrow.......well not all of them at once.............in stages


Primo, FDA Red (AJ), Super Datil


Fatalii, Clavo, Douglah x Scorpion


Fish, Maui Purple, Fish


(2 gal containers) XL Caribbean Red, Bih Jolokia


Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet


P.Dreadie Scotch Bonnet, Brown Long Habanero

I am awake. I wouldn't sleep until you posted the update. I can sleep now. +10 for the Jameson shot. I myself are drinking a Jameson Gold Reserve on the rocks. Happy St Patty's day Greg, you sure shared a bunch a green!
Digging them all...but I think I like the Super Datil and Clavo best. They all look fantastic as always! Do I see a pod or two on those Fish Peppers? Good job on the cold frames! Something wrong when you're getting 80 degree days in Chicago and I am having to put my greenhouse back together in San Diego!

Looking forward to the next update,
Digging them all...but I think I like the Super Datil and Clavo best. They all look fantastic as always! Do I see a pod or two on those Fish Peppers? Good job on the cold frames! Something wrong when you're getting 80 degree days in Chicago and I am having to put my greenhouse back together in San Diego!

Looking forward to the next update,

Thanks Shane,
The "Clavo" is another 1st yr plant and the few that I have growing all have the laterial growth pattern.

The Super Datil produces a typical yellow pod. No hotter than the original, but more prolific and the plant stays more compact (2 ft) and lush.

No peppers or flowers on the "Fish" but when it happens, its non stop til the end
Hey, your fortunate to have a GH. I have an enclosure around our hot tub, and I've used that in the past as a holding bin.....what ever it takes.
Global warming..............maybe someday the "Shade Cloth"...........................lol


fantastic looking plants as usual Greg way to go my friend!!! :)

For the comp.
You folks on the West coast are probably just in the swing of things, I'm ready to call it a "Goodnight"

I call it a greenhouse...its really just a piece of 6mil poly spring clamped to a planter shelf outside my kitchen window creating a pup tent with a floor area of about 3 x 7 ft...I added a board on two buckets for a shelf. Its only about 4 ft high so the air volume is small enough that a small 900 watt space heater keeps it 80 in there when its in the 30's outside...Maybe next year a real greenhouse. I passed on an 8 x 13 complete with shelves and built in vent fans on craigslist for $100 (retail $1300) just had too much going on to be able to go disassemble and pack it out of there...still kicking myself.

Looking forward to your next great update!