• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Like the quonset style contraptions. The April snow should slide right off... Hehe Will the weight of the 2x4 hold the plastic down when unfurled,or do you have something to lock them in place? Now if you tell me you drank tge whole bottle of Jameson before building I will be thouroughly impressed.
Opps..........Oh what the heck, ok these aren't peppers. The closest to a pepper are the small pack of "Jamaican Scotch Bonnet" seeds in front which were brought back from a friend of mine on a dive trip......it's nice to have friends like that. For those who know me and how I like the "Bonnets".....it's never too late to plant and these seeds are already in der soil!..........yea

Hehe, sure it's never too late. ^^
You have a great collection of different scotch bonnets, any thought about making a comparison between all of them when it will be harvest time ?
Well, i'll be able to taste a few of them anyway, thanks to you. :)
Your plants look great and healthy as always, and so many plants...
I call it a greenhouse...its really just a piece of 6mil poly spring clamped to a planter shelf outside my kitchen window creating a pup tent with a floor area of about 3 x 7 ft...I added a board on two buckets for a shelf. Its only about 4 ft high so the air volume is small enough that a small 900 watt space heater keeps it 80 in there when its in the 30's outside...Maybe next year a real greenhouse. I passed on an 8 x 13 complete with shelves and built in vent fans on craigslist for $100 (retail $1300) just had too much going on to be able to go disassemble and pack it out of there...still kicking myself.

Looking forward to your next great update!

Hey Shane,
Sounds like your ahead of the game, good deal with your makeshift GH.. When the price is right go for it.
30's in Cali..............are you in the northern valley?


Awesome update Greg. But what else do we expect from you :D

Thanks "Tripp"
I can't wait to post some pepper photos, especially of the ones that I'm growing for the 1st time.............We have a "Caribbean Party" at the house during the summer. It would be nice to have some fresh "Bonnets" for the "Jerk Chicken and Pork"...........I usually order some piemento wood for the smoker.
Slow smoked pork shoulder.........basted with the jerk paste............yum......mon

Greg looking really good I pick up something everytime I stop by. Man you have many interesting varities, think I will take you up on that seed offer next season lol. Keep up the good work
Like the quonset style contraptions. The April snow should slide right off... Hehe Will the weight of the 2x4 hold the plastic down when unfurled,or do you have something to lock them in place? Now if you tell me you drank tge whole bottle of Jameson before building I will be thouroughly impressed.

Ha.........Rain, snow. bird poop..........well two out of three, will slide off. The bottom of the visqueen is actually anchored by two 1 x 4 cedar. The rest of the frame is "treated" lumber. Although the cedar is light weight, 2 boards at 10 1/2 ft screwed together is a good anchor dry or not. There's an on going radius with gthe PVC, so gravity does its job. We have had 70 mile plus surge winds in the spring, but where these frames are located they are protected on 2 sides.
No drinking while working..........that only leads movation to............having another drink!
But yes, the Jameson was "a rocking" .Years back, my father-in-law would have a shot with me at the beginning of every family event!......now he likes his glass of wine. Me,...........still a shot and a beer, or the good reserve on the rocks.


Hehe, sure it's never too late. ^^
You have a great collection of different scotch bonnets, any thought about making a comparison between all of them when it will be harvest time ?
Well, i'll be able to taste a few of them anyway, thanks to you. :)
Your plants look great and healthy as always, and so many plants...

Thanks Ben,
Yes I will make some comparisions, I usually isolate a branch or two of the most important plants. Those seeds are my stock.
There is a difference in the "Jamaican and Ugandan" bonnets. I am still more fond of the yellow. The Caribbean Reds, Congo's, and the West Indians are all great peppers.....fantastic for sauces, but the raw taste of the Yellow Bonnet just does the trick..
This year I plan on sending off some peppers to some of my friends here. I will send you back a variety of "Bonnet" seeds after the season. I have a few new ones.
Later in the year we're traveling to St. Marteen......
I'll see what produce or seeds are available while we're there.........more seeds for you!


Greg looking really good I pick up something everytime I stop by. Man you have many interesting varities, think I will take you up on that seed offer next season lol. Keep up the good work

No problem Robin,
Just give me a shout after the season,

Hey Shane,
Sounds like your ahead of the game, good deal with your makeshift GH.. When the price is right go for it.
30's in Cali..............are you in the northern valley?

No I am just outside San Diego! Between the foothills and the coast. Very odd weather. The average highs for my zip are supposed to be mid 70's right now, average lows around 50. We've had highs in the 50's and lows in the high 30's low 40's. Tonight should be the last night having to cover the plants. Hope your weather holds up! Gotta be wonderful seeing 80's this time of year up there! I imagine the lake shores were packed and the lake was loaded with boats this weekend!
Looks awesome as always! Man is that Douglah cross an overwinter? its a monster! well done. and im diggin the outdoor digs! self made is best made. Its easy to hold the craftsman accountable!
No I am just outside San Diego! Between the foothills and the coast. Very odd weather. The average highs for my zip are supposed to be mid 70's right now, average lows around 50. We've had highs in the 50's and lows in the high 30's low 40's. Tonight should be the last night having to cover the plants. Hope your weather holds up! Gotta be wonderful seeing 80's this time of year up there! I imagine the lake shores were packed and the lake was loaded with boats this weekend!

Yes the lakefront was packed with peeps...oddly enough the boats normally don't start entering the slips until April. One more week in the 70/80's and we're back to the 40/50's.
About 2 more weeks I'll start bringing out my OW's to harden off. Since all 20 or so are potted in 2 gal containers, I can use the extra room indoors for something else.


Looks awesome as always! Man is that Douglah cross an overwinter? its a monster! well done. and im diggin the outdoor digs! self made is best made. Its easy to hold the craftsman accountable!

Thanks "Bee-man"
If its the Douglah x Scorpion that your referring to then no, its not an OW. I pinched that one back at an early stage. The Douglah on its own can grow 3/4ft and the Scorp can easily be 6/7ft with a long growing season. By the time that plants in the ground it'll be two ft tall and probably 5ft by the end of the year. I have a few that I didn't cut back and they're already 2ft. By cutting back before the plant starts to fork I'm assured a dense plant with many branches and more fruit, overall.
This plant will probably get overwintered if everything works out and I'll shape the branches into a nice "crown" so the following year I'll end up with an even more of a lush,dense plant.
Thanks again, the coldframes will be benificial. In the past I've used row covers which were flimsy. These will last, even though temporary, if it gets me three weeks ahead with hardening off plants then I consider it a success. I like new construction projects.......painting a closet that no one will ever see......sux

Crazy how forked it is already. next year ill have to try cutting my back.

Oh man dont bash painting! Painting is the best part of the construction process. If covers up my crappy craftsmanship.
Great update Greg! Got a few tomatos by any chance?! You gotta have some serious yardage for all those plants man.. It'll be great to see all your girls in the yard this summer. Sure wish we were neighbors! I'd stroll through your garden with a beer in hand for hours on end lol.. Out of curiosity whats your plan for all of them? You goin for mainly in the ground or containers? Also, are those 2 gallons OW's or first years? They look incredible. Your going to need a freaking wheel barrel to walk around with as you fill it with pods this summer lol. I'm interested in that DouglahXScorp, That was 1 of the only 3 types I couldn't get to start this year.. So don't sell all of those to a nursery! I'd like to see what the pods turn out to look like lol. I have a feeling with all your SB varieties you might convince me to try growing some of those next year.. Can't wait to see those pod up. BTW nice coldframes! That will help out alot with the crazy spring weather you guys get over there. Glad to see things are continuing to go well for you Greg. Keep it up :cool:

Great update Greg! Got a few tomatos by any chance?! You gotta have some serious yardage for all those plants man.. It'll be great to see all your girls in the yard this summer. Sure wish we were neighbors! I'd stroll through your garden with a beer in hand for hours on end lol.. Out of curiosity whats your plan for all of them? You goin for mainly in the ground or containers? Also, are those 2 gallons OW's or first years? They look incredible. Your going to need a freaking wheel barrel to walk around with as you fill it with pods this summer lol. I'm interested in that DouglahXScorp, That was 1 of the only 3 types I couldn't get to start this year.. So don't sell all of those to a nursery! I'd like to see what the pods turn out to look like lol. I have a feeling with all your SB varieties you might convince me to try growing some of those next year.. Can't wait to see those pod up. BTW nice coldframes! That will help out alot with the crazy spring weather you guys get over there. Glad to see things are continuing to go well for you Greg. Keep it up :cool:



My backyard is actually small, I'll probably bend the rule a bit, but I'll end up with 50 (18) gal containers with 3 plants in each 10 (11) gal with 1 plant ea. 10 (9) gal 1 pl ea.
My neighbor and I share an easement area where my raised beds and more containers are. Most of the tomatoes and a large amount of pepper plants will get sold at a conservatory plant sale, a few garden clubs and this year I'll have a plant sale at my house.
The current issue of the "Chicagoland Garden" mag has an article about me and the "modest city garden"...I'll be doing a speaking engagement at a local botanical garden ...I hope that leads to a few more, possibly at some of the area garden club meetings.....$$
There's always a lead or option to plant sales.
I hope to end up with a mix of 200ish pepper plants for myself. I'll have to isolate a branch off that D X S plant for seeds for you.
Those 2 gal photos are this years plants. So far I have 20 something 2 gal overwinters and about 20 2 gal from this years plants...which were started 1st week of Dec.
A cold frame doesn't beat a GH, but it sure will help especially when the tomatoes get potted up into 1 gal pots. I'll have to disasemble them at the end of May. That's part of an area for the containers.

Hope all is well with your fam and the plants

Nice to see you are getting some recognition of your Gardening talents in print Greg!

Can't wait to start seeing some of these plants get outside and under Natures HPS/MH fixture!
Your plants look great as always, Greg, really bushy and vigorous.
Those specimens in the 2 gallon pots are KA. I love your cold
frames. Great design, and a nice way to extend a grow season
on both ends! You're rockin' the pepper world in Chicago!
See ya later, have a good week, Greg!
Time for the weekend update...


OK......starting off with something different. I've been picking some "Bird" chilis and "Mini Thai's" so far but I've been waiting for some pods to make a chop sauce.
Well up front are a couple of "Jamaican Hot Reds" and a few "Pimieta Preta Orange" pods. With the help of some store bought heirlooms and a few other fixins I'll be ready to mix it all up.


Here's the last of the c.chinense that I just transplanted from the flats. I still have 3 flats of annuums to get to this week............. :cry:


I've been doing alot of potting into 2 gal containers today...Here's a Red Jamaican Scotch Bonnet plant.


Some ripe Hawaiian Pele' chilis


Now for some group shots, These are in 5 1/4" containers...
From L to R...Naga Morich, SBJ7, Fatalii Red


Cappuccino Kapowie, Hawaiian Sweet Hot, Aji Dulce Chato


Roatan Pumpkin, Fatalii x Cleos Dragon, Bahamian Goat


FDA Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate 7, Madame Jeanette


Douglah x Scorpion, Luiza Yellow Pumpkin, Auenir...I'll post a few more shortly

Man Greg it gets hard trying to keep up with all the Glogs but I love stopping by yours always such beautiful pics. You also have some fascinating varieties growing, I will be knocking on your door for seeds next season lol. What do you do with all those peppers? Refresh my memory how many exactly do you have growing? What do you do with all the pods? Well my friend I'm gonna call it a night but I'll check in again in a few days or so .. keep up the awesome work!
A few more


Peruvian White Habanero, Aji Caballero, 7 Pot Primo


Mulo di Toro, Costa Rican Scotch Bonnet, Guadalupe Blavk Habanero


Trinidad Scotch Yellow, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Tobago Scotch Faria


Hablokia, FDA Red Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate Scorpion


Thought you'd get away before seing the finished product?................lol
Well it's time for an ice cold "Pacifico"...Til next time,.......thanks for checking this out


Man Greg it gets hard trying to keep up with all the Glogs but I love stopping by yours always such beautiful pics. You also have some fascinating varieties growing, I will be knocking on your door for seeds next season lol. What do you do with all those peppers? Refresh my memory how many exactly do you have growing? What do you do with all the pods? Well my friend I'm gonna call it a night but I'll check in again in a few days or so .. keep up the awesome work!

Hey Robin,
I feel guilty that I can't check all the glogs, but I try to scan the 1st page.
...Sure if you need seeds next yr , just ask.
Most of the peppers get sauced, bottled , wheeled and dealed. The rest get smoked or dehydrated, left whole or powdered.
I can't quite say how many plants there are maybe 300,or so.
Yea same here, its been a long day............later

My plants dread Saturdays...because after looking at your plants I always yell at them to get it together! Great update. Always something new. Some really fantastic varieties!

Post more often!!!
Another great update Greg I was having an issue with one of the Indian mystery leaves that look similar to your Aji Caballero and Hawaiian Sweet Hot leaves is that normal or reaction to something it seems to be the only one with distoration . Thanks for any input
My plants dread Saturdays...because after looking at your plants I always yell at them to get it together! Great update. Always something new. Some really fantastic varieties!

Post more often!!!

Lol..................my plants dread it also, it must be the scissors in my hand.. it was a long day today, and more tomorrow................yikes
I'll try to throw a few zingers here during the week once the plants are outdoors.


Another great update Greg I was having an issue with one of the Indian mystery leaves that look similar to your Aji Caballero and Hawaiian Sweet Hot leaves is that normal or reaction to something it seems to be the only one with distoration . Thanks for any input

Are you referring to some leaf curl.....not sure exactly what you mean. The Hawaiian Sweet Hot is an annuum and the leaves are narrower.

Sorry Greg for not inputting more information, but on the bottom leaf of the Aji Caballero one torque at the edge of the leaf on the front of the picture. Sorry for the question I noticed I had the same thing with one of my varieties and accepted as normal, but if you knew what caused it that would be awesome.