• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

That Primo is an awesome looking pod! I notice you grow a lot of different "Scotch Bonnets" - they must be one of your favorites? How much does the taste vary between the ones you grow? Amazing pictures once again - thanks for sharing!

Shane - why am I not surprised to see you at the top of the page again? Well played.
That Primo is an awesome looking pod! I notice you grow a lot of different "Scotch Bonnets" - they must be one of your favorites? How much does the taste vary between the ones you grow? Amazing pictures once again - thanks for sharing!

Shane - why am I not surprised to see you at the top of the page again? Well played.
Dunno how that keeps hap'nin!
Great update again, Greg. Those Martinique Habs looks delicious, growing them myself also but mine is just forming buds. What kind of variety is the Caiene, haven't heard of it and can't find any info about it?
Feel free to send that rain here. Very nice primo pod,mine are acting like "primo"donnas. Dropping flowers like crazy. I have 4 plants in 2 different locations and soils. They are dropping maybe 20:1 but since our last rain they have put out a large number of flowers that seem to be "hanging" in there. I am with you on finding the tasty ones. A lot of my plants are novelty this year and some with be kept for pod and plant size or shape,but quite a few will be cut. Keep the pics coming!
That Primo is an awesome looking pod! I notice you grow a lot of different "Scotch Bonnets" - they must be one of your favorites? How much does the taste vary between the ones you grow? Amazing pictures once again - thanks for sharing!

Shane - why am I not surprised to see you at the top of the page again? Well played.
Hey Andy,Yes, Scotch Bonnets have always been on top of my list. I prefer the taste of the Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet over the West Indian Red types. The yellow gives you alot of up front flavor before the heat sets in. Although a good red is the Safi Red Bonnet out of Africa...

Very cool and wicked plants,they going strong
Thanks man, I still have some super hots that are still flowering but no pods yet,I figure in about a month all the plants will be in full stride
Hey Greg, just took a walk through your garden, well at least I feel like I was able to, really beautiful how you've been able to use such limited space so well. I can tell you get alot of enjoyment out of it too. Now that I've seen what the parents of so many of my plants are doing I can't wait for mine to get to producing some pods. Going to have to look around here though and see if i can find some more 1 gallon nursary pots though. Some are ready to be planted up.

Have a great week Brother,
Dunno how that keeps hap'nin!
Shouldn't be in your yard doing something!................ha

Hey Greg, just took a walk through your garden, well at least I feel like I was able to, really beautiful how you've been able to use such limited space so well. I can tell you get alot of enjoyment out of it too. Now that I've seen what the parents of so many of my plants are doing I can't wait for mine to get to producing some pods. Going to have to look around here though and see if i can find some more 1 gallon nursary pots though. Some are ready to be planted up.

Have a great week Brother,
Thanks Bill,Skip the 1 gal......those are just holding bins, jump to 5 gal, especially if you have the room and I know you have that long growing season where you live.Greg

amazed amazed..amazed... i want some JSBs!! i want to make some jerk sauce too!! any seeds available??
PM sent

Great update again, Greg. Those Martinique Habs looks delicious, growing them myself also but mine is just forming buds. What kind of variety is the Caiene, haven't heard of it and can't find any info about it?
Hey meatfreak,This is the 3rd year growing this chili, it's a thicker walled pendant shaped Hab, red ripening and firey hot, from Brazil...Good producing plant, medium size shrublike under a metre tall. I can't remember where the seeds were acquired from?

Feel free to send that rain here. Very nice primo pod,mine are acting like "primo"donnas. Dropping flowers like crazy. I have 4 plants in 2 different locations and soils. They are dropping maybe 20:1 but since our last rain they have put out a large number of flowers that seem to be "hanging" in there. I am with you on finding the tasty ones. A lot of my plants are novelty this year and some with be kept for pod and plant size or shape,but quite a few will be cut. Keep the pics coming!
Thanks J,My Naga Vipers and Red Scorpions are flowering like crazy but aren't producing any significant pods yet especially the Scorps. I've got "Primo's" from 2 different sources, one type has very dark branches while the other looks greenish. We'll have to see the difference in pod shape......I'm sure the heat and flav will be the same.
Interesting that you mentioned the darker branches. Mine all have extremely purple branches, not your normal purpling but completely purple. A couple of them had purple leaf sets while they were growing indoors. The seeds I have were taken out of pods with two different phenotypes. They are currently showing 3 different phenotypes. I will be sure to post some pics as the year goes on for comparisons.
I considered getting 5 gallon but decided on 1 gallon as we are looking at moving next summer and 1 gallons will be easier to move with than 5 gallon. Once we get to the new home they'll be going into the ground.
Here's a little update...


The "Hitchcock" view...from the bedroom window...............I am watching them..........ha


And we have the ground view......of the main pepper area. The plants are starting to pickup. I actually had a small harvest today!................yea!...ABOUT TIME...


"Chiltepin"...from Guatemala


Here's another pepper from Guatemala. I'm not positive on the name of this one. My son brought back the tepins, a bird type, and these. His girlfriend says these are hot, but normally used when ripened and dryed.


The overwintered "Nagabons" are starting to get twisty and big. They only need to ripen and I'll be sampling these up at the bar with some friends.


some "Bombay Morich" pods appearing out of nowhere on an overwintered plant


an "Indian Carbon"


Finally, todays small harvest...No real super-duper "wave the hand in front of the month" type peppers, yet. Just some bonnets and various habs...
Til next week,

I've only seen a couple Hitchcock movies, but Rear Window is my favorite. I should watch it again - amazed at how he could build suspense. Today's stuff more often relies upon blunt, brute force. There's very little subtlety. That harvest shot is great! What a fun mix of colors and shapes.
Yo Greg!

Your grow is looking amazing, the collage of all your plants is a nice contrast of green, to all the brown that we have been experiencing this year with its excessive heat and lack there of rain fall. Those nagabons have an excentric lime light color to them in the pre-ripeness, nice lookin pods!

That pepper, center left in the harvest picture, the orange one with the scorpion/morouga shape to it, what kind of pepper might that be? Looks similar to the 7 chaguanas that are growing out here.....lil more tail on that one though.

With half the growing season left I'm excited to see what that field of heat will develop into!

Good Vibes,

Wow Greg plants and pods look amazing, but that is expected when entering this glog and great harvest awesome combination of flavor and heat.
Thanks man,I never look at this being a glog competition, just challenging myself to do a better job with this than the previous season.Decent 1st mini harvest...alot of smaller first picked peppers....with unpredictable heat!

Hey Alfred, that "Rear Window" shot is giving me "Vertigo". I bet "The Birds" eyes are going "Psycho"! What a layout! That small harvest may rival my annual count.
Ha........that's the kind of run-on sentence that would keep one running...

That reminds me of the Universal Studios, Cali...yrs back, the "Hitchcock" tour. The tram went through the "Vertigo" tunnel. The mind trip had me holding on to my chair, since "My Ferris Wheel" was not only going backwards but sideways at the same time.........lol

The tram never moved, the walls spun in mysterious directions.........wo..."Jane Stop This Crazy Thing!

"With the size of your plants I can see you with some very large harvests, soon