• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Like everyone else says - great pics! I am amazed at the variety of peppers you have. Nice pic of the horn worm too. Man those things are ugly. I have to check my tomatoes closer. I just keep hoping that natural predators will knock them out if they ever come around because I know they hide very well.
Sounds good, Greg! Now I can't wait till next season :drooling: but for now I'm good. I'll contact you at the end of the season, maybe I got some interessting stuff for you as well :)

PS, great update again and those Hab. Big Sun will taste great. I had a few over here and they are 1 of my favorites so far this season.
Nice update sir! We finally got some rain ourselves,nothing like rain water. I started some seeds a couple weeks ago for overwintering. This year they are getting "soaped" down instead of a water washing before they come inside. Seems like it's easier to raise the young ones inside to me. Took awhile to germinate outside with the fluctuating temps. Hope you had a good 4th.
Wow Greg ...freaking amazing pod porn!! I have been slacking lately around these parts and it seems I missed some great eye candy!! Good growing to you sir!!
Amazing as always Greg...beautiful photos!
Thanks,reading your glog...50 mile runs...my back, shins, calves...are all starting to hurt thinking about that!..........Shane that's great to be able to hit those distances
Nice work Greg!The plants look awesome, great pictures and looks like your going to have a stellar year
Thanks Hops,The gardens starting to cook! Little by little the peppers are entering my kitchen...chop,chop
Like everyone else says - great pics! I am amazed at the variety of peppers you have. Nice pic of the horn worm too. Man those things are ugly. I have to check my tomatoes closer. I just keep hoping that natural predators will knock them out if they ever come around because I know they hide very well.
Thanks Andy,I have plenty of plants that are just starting to throw out flowers. I'm trying to get a photograph of each of the varieties. It may take til the end of the season but I'll get it done. Hornworms are nasty. Where there's one theres more. Although I can't seem to spot any. Partially or missing leaves is usually the sign. Last season I was at my mom's , she wanted to show me her deck potted pepper plants. One plant had 3 horn's on it and the foliage was devasted...overnight. So its good to do the occasional inspection.
Sounds good, Greg! Now I can't wait till next season :drooling: but for now I'm good. I'll contact you at the end of the season, maybe I got some interessting stuff for you as well :)

PS, great update again and those Hab. Big Sun will taste great. I had a few over here and they are 1 of my favorites so far this season.
The Big Suns have great flavor. Not as bright as the usual hab taste, these actually have a mellower citral taste with plenty of heat. They're great just to munch on. I made a mango/peach salsa yesterday using a few and it turned out fine...

Nice update sir! We finally got some rain ourselves,nothing like rain water. I started some seeds a couple weeks ago for overwintering. This year they are getting "soaped" down instead of a water washing before they come inside. Seems like it's easier to raise the young ones inside to me. Took awhile to germinate outside with the fluctuating temps. Hope you had a good 4th.
Rain is far and few between here, but its great when it happens. With the overwintering you can spray down with water, dunk ia a soap solution and when repotted you could spray the stem(s) with lemon juice and cayenne.The 4th was fun. We had a chance to stop at a BBQ hosted by one of the members here, A local residant Jerry (AnSeanachi) with JDizza and Chicago Mo sharing in the festivities. Food was delicious, from the Pig Roast to Smoked Bhut Jolokia powdered chicken, 7/Pot Empenadas (mine) and other great fixin's. I sampled a fresh Barrackpore......ouch! Did I need to sweat any more it was only 100 deg out. The beers were flowing, thanks to the gang if they get a chance to read this. Trish and I had a blast...

Lookin stellar my friend!
Tanx...I see on the radar there's been rain north of us lately. Has your garden been lucky enough to get some of the mother nature?

Wow Greg ...freaking amazing pod porn!! I have been slacking lately around these parts and it seems I missed some great eye candy!! Good growing to you sir!!
Hey Trip,Thanks for stopping by it's good to hear from ya. How's the cooking and photography going amongst your other hobbies and priorities?Is your season winding down?Greg
Thanks,reading your glog...50 mile runs...my back, shins, calves...are all starting to hurt thinking about that!..........Shane that's great to be able to hit those distances

You don't hit those distances as much as they hit you...Especially when your 230lbs. I ran a 100 miler back in November that I'm still feeling. Wasn't so much the distance as the 25000 feet of climbing and decent. The race director's description..."It's all up, or down...if you've been running on a flat spot for more than 1/4 mile you took a wrong turn."

This time of year is good, the peppers are entering the kitchen at a managable rate. In another month I will be running the smoker and dehydrator full time and still filling my freezers...at least I hope I am! I've been taking notes from your Glog since my first day on here...keep it up brother!

Hey Greg, absolutely awesome updates. Been a while since I been around , so good to see, an inspiration to alot of people for sure !!!!!
Your plants are looking great Greg. Nice varieties you have growing. Did you notice the pics I
posted here? Not trying to highjack your thread. Those plants are from the seed you gave me.
One of them had a big juicy hornworm on it. It's funny how you don't notice them until they are
really big.
Thanks for stopping by this week. It was good to see you at the party. my peppers have double their production since you stopped over. i think it was the 4 100 degree days in a row that really got the pods going
we will do another party soon.
Hey Greg, always forget to ask, but what is the story on the "nagabon"?

Sorry for the late response Matt,

The "Nagabon" is a cross between Costa Rican Scotch Bonnet and a Naga Morich.......a creation from "THSC".
It has the typical Bonnet flav with some of the Naga heat. Ilike the taste so I decided to OW and grow a few from seed stock.

Hey Greg, absolutely awesome updates. Been a while since I been around , so good to see, an inspiration to alot of people for sure !!!!!

Thanks, Did you get a chance to start some plants after you relocated? My youngest son is in London taking an internship for the summer. He's staying in the "Kings Cross" area. I bet he's having a great time...

Your plants are looking great Greg. Nice varieties you have growing. Did you notice the pics I
posted here? Not trying to highjack your thread. Those plants are from the seed you gave me.
One of them had a big juicy hornworm on it. It's funny how you don't notice them until they are
really big.

Cool.........are you posting in the glogs or the growing forums.........I must have missed it

Thanks for stopping by this week. It was good to see you at the party. my peppers have double their production since you stopped over. i think it was the 4 100 degree days in a row that really got the pods going
we will do another party soon.

I had a great time,......the evening at the bar was also enjoyable......from what I can remember................lol

What size are those pots ? NICE growing

Which ones? Most of them are small to average size, since these are the first to appear this season. The largest pod so far has been a "Safi Red Scotch Bonnet" which was slightly larger than a golf ball. Most photos are taking close up for the dramatic effect
Wow Greg plants and pods look amazing I was wondering how often do you see any unintentional crosses with your seed stocks because my plants are growing in a tight space and don't know whether to isolate a few flowers or just let them do their thing.
Now that the rain has stopped......and photobucket is cooperating here's the weekend update...


a group of "Martinique Habs"


"Morado" Pods starting to come in.........these will be large, probably 2 to 3" long


not to much ripening up yet, but her's some color......"Caiene"


"Trinidad Scotch Bonnets"


"Douglah"......on one of the overwinters


soon to be "Long Brown Habs".........this is a great pepper to smoke and grind to powder.........I can't wait!


some "Yellow Bhut Jolokia's" also from an overwintered plant...

some more photo's shortly

Wow Greg plants and pods look amazing I was wondering how often do you see any unintentional crosses with your seed stocks because my plants are growing in a tight space and don't know whether to isolate a few flowers or just let them do their thing.

It happens, but for me I try to isolate a branch on plant that's either rare or unique. It only takes a pod or two to give you a few yrs seed stock. This year I overwintered around 28 plants, Through the indoor grow I lost 2 plants . One was a "Yellow Perons" which burned under the MH lights and the other one didn't have enough green left on it to even "bonchi"............lol
But, you can also receive seeds from others that are far from growing true.....It's great to have photo's of the gnarliest pods, but when it come down to it, how do they taste?
Next year I intend to focus on the "Cooks Kitchen" type of peppers. Everything from what taste great raw through the best smoked powder that I can produce.There will be some plants from this year that I won't re-grow next season, just because they don't taste good...
Thanks for the information my plans are to only pill capsule 2 or 3 flowers I want to save seeds from this year. Yea that what I am focusing on this year on taste and heat combination, but it will be interesting to see what happens.
Thanks again for sharing Greg
Here's a few more folks...


"Scotch Bonnets" from (Peppermania) I received these seeds from Beth a few yrs back and I have growing them since, very tasty


These are "Pimenta Chris" ....I have 3 plants identical, they'll probably turn red........and taste great!


1st "Primo" pod...........I have 4 plants total, so there will be some additional pod photo's as they ripen..................hot stuff!


for you bird lovers......"Hanoi Red"


"Congo Red".........complments of Gary (windchicken)


and finally some "Rotan Pumpkin"

Have a great weekend.....what's left of it!