• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Hey Andy,Those seeds were originally from Beth at Peppermania...I've been growing those for a few yrs. The claim is that the peppers were found at a Foodarama in Texas . That's where the "FDA" comes from. The peppers ripen yellow, but someone had also sent me some seeds of a red variant that I have growing now. I like the taste, the heat really seems to come in later in the season. The 1st wave of pods are hot, but later towards the end of the grow the level changes. I usually isolate a branch or two. If you like the flav of the Bonnets, I can send you some seeds for next yr. The Bonnets do make for a great sauce with the additional right ingredients.

Wow, thanks. That explains why I couldn't find "FDA" Bonnets with a quick search :) . I'd love some of those seeds - that'd be awesome, thanks. Should I PM you?
Here's the weekend update......photos taken early morning after a well appreciated night of rain...


The overwinters are flowering robustly and the small pods are starting to appear


some more buckets of green flanked by some tomato plants


Here's the 1st "Naga Viper" starting to form......compared to some miniture "Spoon" tomatoes.........a nice snack at any time of the day!


"Maui Purple"


Some "West Indian Orange"


Here's some "Jamaican Scotch Bonnets"


A couple of "Pimiento Morron"......not a hot pepper............just thru this in for the heck of it

more photos shortly...
Looking amazing Greg. :fireball:

The shot of the maters with the viper is priceless. :dance:

And we will let you slide on the sweet peppers ;)
Wow looking great. Are those "Spoon" tomatoes just premature or actually supposed to be that big? They look tepin size. I know not hot and all, but I will have to find seed for them if that is their normal size.
A few more...


"Mustard Habanero"........in the unripe state, as most of these photo'ed today are


"Yellow Scorpion"........the first few can take on an odd shape without the "tail"


"Orozco"...these are firery little chili's that will ripen red


First "Fatali"........very small. Now I really feel my gardens behind...................lol


"Cherry Bombs"


and finally some of "Cappy's" Chocolate Scorpion's starting to form.

til next time,..............thanks for taking a look.......and...... enjoy your weekend, folks!

Looking amazing Greg. :fireball:

The shot of the maters with the viper is priceless. :dance:

And we will let you slide on the sweet peppers ;)

Thanks Jamie,

I promise I won't do that again.............................. :liar:

Wow looking great. Are those "Spoon" tomatoes just premature or actually supposed to be that big? They look tepin size. I know not hot and all, but I will have to find seed for them if that is their normal size.

Brian those are the actual size. They're "pea" size, I picked those off this morning. A few split due to the rain we had yesterday and thru the night. The tomatoes are sweet/tart.......many uses from folding into an omlet to floating them on top of a "Bloody Mary". I also grow the Red current tomatoes which aren't much bigger but are slightly sweeter.......Seeds aren't easy to find but take a look at "Tomatofest" seeds. They use to carry them

What I normally do is screen the previos container soil and add some garden lime , compost and turn that into the raised beds. Whats left I use to pot up the 2 gal early outdoor containers. The current containers and over 300+ plants get a Garden Mix which consists of thirds of Top Soil, Mushroom Compost and Torpedo Sand. To that mix I had Worm Castings, Bone and Blood Meal and additional Perlite. I also add a 2" layer of compost on top of the medium and scatter a hanful of 10-10-10 per container. Once the plants are in their final home I soil water with a light mix of Fish Emulsion, Kelp, Cal/Mag,and SuperThrive. Every two weeks I continue the year-round spray of Epsom Salts and I'll scatter some more 10-10-10 at the time of fruit production.

Hey, Greg, just wished to say thanks for that detailed post last week. I like your 'cradle to the grave and back to cradle' recycling. I definitely plan to do same putting the container mix in the raised beds for 2013. Also your fert regimen is GREATLY appreciated. I followed you pretty close in the early phase and have had excellent results with plants with amazing internodal growth. Now if I can keep them going to adulthood!

Dang great photo shots again! The tiny maters with the viper really stands out. Nice to see the reds, including the Cherry Bomb!
Those tiny tomatoes do look like a fun one to grow! Not so sure they look as fun when you have to pick a bush full! How's the flavor on those little dudes? Momma made me pull up all my tomatoes but 3 plants. She got tired of picking them during the week.
CLEAN!!! Not a pot 1cm. out of place. What you do with your space restriction is epic. I'm curious to know what this rain stuff you talk about is.

Ha.........sloppiness is not an option, unless there's a can of "Manwich and Ground Beef" available!
Rain ,Hail .......the plants loved it! It rained twice in the last month and a half. My plants had they're best growth spurth overnight. I just saw about 30 Kung Pao chili's on a plant... I swear they weren't there Wednesday when I could have used them. Stir fry tonite!

Those tiny tomatoes do look like a fun one to grow! Not so sure they look as fun when you have to pick a bush full! How's the flavor on those little dudes? Momma made me pull up all my tomatoes but 3 plants. She got tired of picking them during the week.

The tomatoes are cool. The "Spoons" are an heirloom and not easy to find. Years ago Park Seed carried them but discontinued selling them. They need to be isolated if you intend to seed stock. I believe that's why they stopped carrying them. The taste is sweet/tart.........lol
Not like the candy but the first bite gives you a slight bright hit of tomato acidity!
They're not the easiest to pick. Can't shake the plant cause they won't fall off. The branches are thin and slightly fragile. So I reach in and scissor of a vine of about 10 at a time. I have 4 plants growing along with a few Red Currents.
I'll have to take a small bowl of those mixed with Chiltepin's, oh and of course a bag of salty chips with a cold one. .......For an afternoon snack
Your plants are looking awesome man!!
Very healthy!!
I have a volunteer spoon from 2 years ago!
They are fun to give away, people love em!!

Ha.........sloppiness is not an option, unless there's a can of "Manwich and Ground Beef" available!
Rain ,Hail .......the plants loved it! It rained twice in the last month and a half. My plants had they're best growth spurth overnight. I just saw about 30 Kung Pao chili's on a plant... I swear they weren't there Wednesday when I could have used them. Stir fry tonite!

The tomatoes are cool. The "Spoons" are an heirloom and not easy to find. Years ago Park Seed carried them but discontinued selling them. They need to be isolated if you intend to seed stock. I believe that's why they stopped carrying them. The taste is sweet/tart.........lol
Not like the candy but the first bite gives you a slight bright hit of tomato acidity!
They're not the easiest to pick. Can't shake the plant cause they won't fall off. The branches are thin and slightly fragile. So I reach in and scissor of a vine of about 10 at a time. I have 4 plants growing along with a few Red Currents.
I'll have to take a small bowl of those mixed with Chiltepin's, oh and of course a bag of salty chips with a cold one. .......For an afternoon snack
You just added them to my grow list for next year! Found them here:
http://www.localharvest.org/red-spoon-heirloom-tomato-seeds-tiny-fruits-C18801 Sound like fun...
Looking very professional Greg--you the man!

Never seen those little tomatoes before, looks like they would go well sprinkled on a salad.
Superb update again, Greg. Plants and pods look amazing. I'm loving the look of those FDA Scotch Bonnets, still haven't tried a SB. How do they taste? Maybe a little early but if it's possible I would like too trade some of those seeds so I can grow it next season.
I dont know it what strange world your garden is "behind" but id like to grow there :) Looks great to me. not only the growth and plants but your organization makes the look complete!
Your plants are looking awesome man!!
Very healthy!!
I have a volunteer spoon from 2 years ago!
They are fun to give away, people love em!!


Thanks Kevin,

That's well appreciated, coming from an expierenced gardener, that you are!................ :cool:
The spoon tomatoes are real cool! I'm throwing some into a tropical salsa for a BBQ tomorrow...........Its going to be back around 100 deg....."Citrus Salsa with Heat"

You just added them to my grow list for next year! Found them here:
http://www.localharv...y-fruits-C18801 Sound like fun...

Thanks Shane, That looks like an interesting site for seeds. I'll have to take a closer look at that when I need some extra's

veeery nice love those tiny red tomatoes, I can only imagine your great snacks

Thanks.................those mini's have many uses for tasty snacks!

Looking very professional Greg--you the man!

Never seen those little tomatoes before, looks like they would go well sprinkled on a salad.

Thanks Patrick!
Are you wearing those tires out yet?
Hey that reminds me ......Theres a pod starting to form on the SBJ7............as soon as it has a distinctive shape I'll snap a photo.
Thanks for your compliment............... :cool:

Superb update again, Greg. Plants and pods look amazing. I'm loving the look of those FDA Scotch Bonnets, still haven't tried a SB. How do they taste? Maybe a little early but if it's possible I would like too trade some of those seeds so I can grow it next season.

Thanks...The SB's are becoming my favorite from munching on one with a bag of potato chips, to including them into a "Jamaican Jerk" marinade,and also my favorite ...making a Scotch Bonnet hot sauce out of them.
How do they taste? Well when breaking one open you get a different citral/floral scent followed by a bit of smoky heat. Quite different than your typical Caribbean Hab, in my opinion you can get a good bit of flavor up front before the heat smacks ya...........
Remind me at the end of the season or send me a PM if needed sooner


oK........................so it's not the weekend yet! But it feels like there's two "Friday's" this week and this is one of them. So heres a little update


Well I never said its too late to seed......Even here in Chicago. Here's the Jamaican Scotch seeds that I planted 9 days ago. Why's the pot on an angle? Its getting the last direct sunlight of the evening. They spend half the day outdoors and the other half under a light fixture inside. The dual process will speed up the growing process until they can get transplanted. Sure I would get a harvest but with 4 months of grow left I'll probably get a taste and will overwinter the best of the bunch


Even with over 350 plants I still have to do the occasional check "under the hood" to look for pods and inspect for ...... "Acrobatic Insects".
I swear this dam Hornworm wasn't there on one of my OW's yesterday.........but you never know.
Hey, nice contrast........red and green.......Sharp knife..........Dull insect


Ok..........back to some porn.........Here's a "Fatalii x Cleo's Dragon" (jr)


"Red Umba's"


1st "Monster Naga" (jr)


Ripe and unripe "Hawaiian Beach Pepper's" (jr)


a group of "Big Sun" pods........

a few more shots shortly............after I have a shot!
Nice "mini" update Greg! I love the contrast of the ripe/unripe pods.

I can't wait to start seeing your harvest shots. Gonna be epic!
Nice "mini" update Greg! I love the contrast of the ripe/unripe pods.

I can't wait to start seeing your harvest shots. Gonna be epic!

Thanks Matt...........I can't wait to start tasting some ripe pods!

A couple more shots!...........................bartender


the easiest chili to grow...........would probably find its way out of a crack in the ground......"Super Chili"


"Serrano del Sol"


any "Goat's Weed".................heres some


"Nagabons" starting to come in on my overwinter


"Hawaiian Sweet Hots"


finally a couple of "Large Yellow 7/Pots"

Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July!..........and thanks for checking this out
