• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Greg: great looking pods. congratulations. my season isn't going so well - got started late then the weather was way too hot. very limited setting of pods. good luck with the rest of your season.
Finally made it back around-fine pod shots Greg! Loving that patio "bowl of skittles/orchard " shot.
DeNNiZ:"[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Man. Those peppers look like skittles. Makes me wanna put a mouthful and taste the rainbow.[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]We just request that you video the "Skittles Vittles Episode"... :rofl:[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Glad you posted that Fat /Cleo pic...I needed some reassurance -I had 3 different plants come out with this cross-but it is a keeper I love the taste,and just had one for the midnight meal(breakfast for me)![/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Have a good one -[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Dave[/background]

Thanks Dave,
I just happened tobe having a bloody mary and decided to harvest a few. I needed a large bowl and ended up with that "Skittles or Bowl of Fruit Loops" photo opt. The drink was a kicker, I added a tsp of some pepper puree.......the ice left in the glass was a treat!
I agree the Fat/Cleo has a unique taste, different then the typical Yellow Fatilli................it is a keeper!


There is not enough of this stuff. Gives me that feeling like when you scratch a dog in the right spot. My one leg is running on it's own!
Matt started taking detailed and labeled photos also. Very beneficial to us,and would be growers. I am glad you decided to incorporate this weekly. Is the lighting one of your t8s raised up pretty high over the pods? Not a very dark shadow in those shots.

Haha....................I can just pitcher that....................where's my camera?

Greg: great looking pods. congratulations. my season isn't going so well - got started late then the weather was way too hot. very limited setting of pods. good luck with the rest of your season.

Hey Buddy,
I feel were in the same boat. I have more plants this year, so far less pod production. The weathers been brutal but the cooler days/nights are on the way. I can see a new wave of buds and flowers appearing.............just in time for some sat/sun tailgating!

Hey Greg - just thought I'd mention they revised our forecast
for the weekend down to the mid-80's to low-90's. Maybe we'll
dodge the bullet. Bloody Mary sounds like a good idea!
Wow, I'm gonna repeat myself again, Greg. Those are beautiful pictures and pods of course. Do you polish them before taking the shoot? :lol: How is the flavor of the St Martin Habanero and Orange Congo?
Ha.................I'm disqualified,............. sometimes I jump the gun with too many photos at once..........

A couple more.....




Wow, I'm gonna repeat myself again, Greg. Those are beautiful pictures and pods of course. Do you polish them before taking the shoot? :lol: How is the flavor of the St Martin Habanero and Orange Congo?

Lol.............no wax shine here, but I do rinse all pods before bringing them indoors...
The St Martin Hab has a juicy-citrus flavor with some quick lingering heat. The Orange Congo has a mellow heat, good "Bonnet" flav.
We're heading to St Martin/Marteen in Sept. for a week. I'm sure to find a produce mkt or a local that grows some "Hots' in their yard........More seeds!
Thanks ,once again for your compliments!

Awesome, my friend! My Inca Red Drop (Peppermania) is getting the
same shape variation as you show here, and my
Fatali x Savina (Spankycolts) has turned out to be the red variety.
My Congo Trinidad pods look like yours, except red so far.

Muy bueno, amigo!
The first time I had a Chicago Sports pepper was just over a year ago at portillo's when we visited just south of chicago, by joliet. It was wonderful. I never know what the pepper was that they put on the hot dogs in Chicago until later.

Anyway, great pics! Question: my 7Pot yellows look more pimply and with lobes - I've seen Yellow 7's that look like yours and some that look like mine. Do you know what the difference is?

Great photos! I'm discovering I'm a sucker for the yellow pods, and I'll have to add a bunch to my grow list for next year.
Lookin great Greg. I love the photos. You have definitely got a great variety, and I bet you are busy as hell filling bowls of peppers for all around your house!
Things are picking up in Chi-town! Loving the pics...better be watching the web, someone might snipe those from ya! Hope we're in for some garden shots as well this weekend!
Things are picking up in Chi-town! Loving the pics...better be watching the web, someone might snipe those from ya! Hope we're in for some garden shots as well this weekend!

I guess that is one positive about my bad photography,I'm in no danger of having my pics hijacked.