pick 6

if you were to pick 6 varities of chile's to grow, 1 plant each...though it'd be for several years.
and forget about the type you can buy in stores, yea yea the ones you grow are better but you can get them in the store !
which would you pick ?
I'm curious to hear what others would choose.
for me its up in the air, though I do have some favorites.
jamaican hot chocolate
congo trinidad
bhut jolokia
thai (orange or maybe the red ?)
? haven't decided yet, still thinking :lol:
+1 on congo!




Hmm. 6 kinds out of any chiles? In that case, Roatan pumpkin habanero, brown moruga scorpion, 7 pod cardi, 7 pod bubblegum, hp56, GHY-nh-hh-p1(custom strain, going to start in 6 months.)
Hmm...only 6? Here we go, CHocolate Habanero, 7 Pot Primo, Brown Moruga Scorpion, Moruga Satan Strain, Jays Ghost Scorpion, 7 Pot Bubblegum. Cover the heat range and flavor range!
Cumai do para, Cheiro roxa or Fidalgo roxa, Tiger`s Teeth Habanero, Red Trinidad Congo, SBJ7, 7-pot jonah.
cruzzfish said:
Hmm. 6 kinds out of any chiles? In that case, Roatan pumpkin habanero, brown moruga scorpion, 7 pod cardi, 7 pod bubblegum, hp56, GHY-nh-hh-p1(custom strain, going to start in 6 months.)
You may never see the hp56, that is for cancer research only.
Most people suggest mainly very hot to super hot chinense varieties, I think you should try some from other species too. From baccatum maybe Criolla Sella, Lemon Drop or Aji Cristal. And then maybe some kind of pubescens, which one depends on how your growing conditions are, the Locato PI 387838 is early and should be more dependable than the classic Rocoto Manzano in hot growing conditions. By choosing only chinense plants, I think you will miss out on some different flavors...
I would go for:
Cumari Pollux
Brown moruga
Capsicum parvifolium
Capsicum flexousum
Brazilian starfish
Some sort of pubescens
Donnie said:
Most people suggest mainly very hot to super hot chinense varieties, I think you should try some from other species too. From baccatum maybe Criolla Sella, Lemon Drop or Aji Cristal. And then maybe some kind of pubescens, which one depends on how your growing conditions are, the Locato PI 387838 is early and should be more dependable than the classic Rocoto Manzano in hot growing conditions. By choosing only chinense plants, I think you will miss out on some different flavors...

Add a bird pepper or a chiltepin, you won't regret.


MeatHead1313 said:
Hmmm. Probably CGN 21500, Jimmy Nardello's, Aji pineapple, Brazilian starfish (my wife loves them), fatalii and either white or yellow 7 pot. 
Gotta say that would be a nice assortment from my perspective - I had them all but the Brazilian starfish and it is one I may grow next year.
Although I might choose to sub in  Cumari do para for either the Fatalii or 7 pot yellow.  Those little buggers a fun!
cone9 said:
Gotta say that would be a nice assortment from my perspective - I had them all but the Brazilian starfish and it is one I may grow next year.
Although I might choose to sub in  Cumari do para for either the Fatalii or 7 pot yellow.  Those little buggers a fun!
The starfish is great. Very little heat and an amazing flavor. Agree on the Cumari du para too. Hadn't tried 1 when I made the picks, but loved them when I did. I'd probably sub out the fatalii for it now, and maybe even change the yellow or white 7 to another super, but that preference changes all the time. I've noticed as I get to try more peppers, my favorites are always changing. My favorite superhot at the moment would be the brown 7 pot I tried Sunday from thegreenman. The flavor on that 1 was great. Same with the CGN 21500. Love the flavor of it, but I tried a Safi red hab after I made these picks, and absolutely loved it. So it's a toss up there too. Nard's would stay for sure, couldn't get enough of them. Same as the aji pineapple and the starfish, but that's also cos my wife loves them as much as I do, and she's not real big into peppers so any she really likes are automatically a winner. 