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Picklese...You Have To Try This!!!

I just made 2 batches of this. Amazing.
It was recommended to me by a Haitian friend of mine.
The idea is to keep replenishing the same jar as contents get low.
Have to keep everything under the vinegar. Enjoy.

Pikliz - Vinaigre Piquant

by Mirta Yurnet-Thomas

Pikliz, or pickled scotch bonnet peppers, is used to give flavor to many dishes.
It is also placed on the table at mealtime so that you can sprinkle as much as you want over your food. Every Haitian kitchen has pikliz in the cupboard or refrigerator.

Yield: Makes 1 quart


6 Scotch bonnet peppers
2 cups thinly sliced or shredded cabbage
½ cup thinly sliced or shredded carrots
¼ cup thinly sliced or shredded onion
¼ cup green peas (frozen)
4 whole cloves
1 teaspoon salt (optional)
8 to 10 peppercorns (optional)
3 cups vinegar
Snip off the stem of the peppers, cut each into 4 pieces, and keep the seeds.
Place hot peppers, cabbage, carrots, onion, green peas, cloves, salt, and peppercorns in a quart-size jar, then add the vinegar.
Close jar tightly and let sit at least 24-48 hours before using. Once you commence using it, store in the refrigerator.
It lasts for months.
put this together yesterday:

[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]


pretty much followed the OP recipe to the letter, except put 4 dehydrated Red Brains in instead of scotch bonnets.

And I used green onions instead of regular
Ch8, lookin' good. Nice twist with the green onions. FD likes to go heavy on the onions. I like to go a little heavier with the cabbage. But the peas are really one of my most favorite parts about picklese. Nice fresh tasting snaps of hotness. Those dehydrated brains are def going to amp up the heat. Enjoy!
Redneck kim chee? Yummy.
Might just have to make a small batch.

I may have to don my frock and collar and venture out to make converts to partake, as I live in the land where the jalapeno popper, or jalapeno roasted or pickled and sliced on top of pizza is the old testament covenant.
I generally use green beans ( poached) and cauliflor instead of the cabbage. We call it Chilero. Just made some yesterday.I used Aji Panama(weak Bonnets) and a few little devils(bird pepper).
The real way to make it is with Banana vinegar but that's a project all in itself. I'll do some and post it as it's fermenting. Got a big branch of square bananaz that'll be ready in a week or so.
ABG- You are talking about something different and something that sounds entirely awesome. Maybe it deserves its own thread. Picklese is a Haitian condiment staple that is not fermented. Like ketchup or mustard to most Americans, Haitians have picklese on hand for any occasion or moment that presents itself.

Make a Chilero thread with detailed pics and explanation of process. I wanna try it out.
Had some more for lunch today, and I will have to agree with previous posters, this stuff will not last long. It is addictive, and I know that it will go great with a great many things.
Last night we had hot dogs and Frots. I wanted to try the picklez on a dog but I sliced it all too thick and it doesn't sit well on there. So I put a bunch of it into the food processor and


It was perfect. Didn't have the raw consistency of the cabbage and peppers that was bugging me. Now I really love this stuff. Next time though cutting it thiner and fermenting it.


Edit: looks kinda like a Chow chow now

Is this the same jar that had the peas in it as well? Did they not funk up the mixture? I really like the idea of the peas and also Arenal Botanical Garden's idea of putting a little green beans and cauliflower also. BUT I am going to wish to blend it a bit to make it look like this because it will spoon out easier at work. Hmmm its difficult because the jar only has so much room........going to have to get a bigger jar.
I didn't see any photos of red cabbage Picklese yet so below is my contribution to this thread.

Made just like the OP recipe except for the red cabbage and the scotch bonnets, I couldn't find scotch bonnets so there is one orange hab and 1 bhut jolokai in each container. After 24 hours, is was delicious, but not yet hot. If the spice level doesn't increase in the next few days, in will go another ghost pepper.

Is this the same jar that had the peas in it as well? Did they not funk up the mixture? I really like the idea of the peas and also Arenal Botanical Garden's idea of putting a little green beans and cauliflower also. BUT I am going to wish to blend it a bit to make it look like this because it will spoon out easier at work. Hmmm its difficult because the jar only has so much room........going to have to get a bigger jar.

That was made by the original recipe that FD4 posted. I just took a bunch of it out of the jar and put it into a food processor where it did the whirl and twirl till it was where I wanted it. It's about the samy as a good Chow Chow and I can mix it into anything.

I didn't see any photos of red cabbage Picklese yet so below is my contribution to this thread.
Made just like the OP recipe except for the red cabbage and the scotch bonnets, I couldn't find scotch bonnets so there is one orange hab and 1 bhut jolokai in each container. After 24 hours, is was delicious, but not yet hot. If the spice level doesn't increase in the next few days, in will go another ghost pepper.

Might be a dumb question but, did you quarter the peppers or put them in whole? If you put them in whole then it'll be a while till the heat gets out to the rest of the jar. Also I put mine in at different levels not just on the top, middle or bottom and it was hot in about 3 days.

I'm getting to the point that I need to replinish and I'm thinking I might just make two batches and ferment one of them. I'm wondering how it'll come out.
i read this post awhile back and thought man that sounds good. i am glad someone brought it back alive i am defiantly making this today. got to get some peas. i got some carribean red peppers looking for a place to hang out this should do the trick thank
Might be a dumb question but, did you quarter the peppers or put them in whole? If you put them in whole then it'll be a while till the heat gets out to the rest of the jar. Also I put mine in at different levels not just on the top, middle or bottom and it was hot in about 3 days.

Habs were quartered but the jolokais were just cut in half. I wanted to keep the ghost pieces as large as possible so no unsuspecting member of my family would accidentally pull one out with their pickelese. That would be bad (for me) if it happened to my wife. :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

I only gave it 24 hours before trying it. It probably needs a few days or more.
My pikliz that I made with dehydrated brains was almost too hot to eat after a week in the fridge. 'Course, there wasn't much left by that time . . .

lol whoops!!!!

Damn, it all looks great here!!!

I've thrown purple cabbage in mine during a "re-load", but I didn't post pics.
I've also used red onion.

It would be easy to make an all-red pikliz. Red cabbage, red onion, red scotch bonnets.
Do they make red peas and red garlic??? If so, use it!!!!
It's kind of funny. When I read this recipe in the summer I mixed up a batch. I tried to eat it straight, like fresh kraut, and mine was too hot to enjoy like that. I really didn't enjoy it. I didn't have the heart to pitch it, so into the fridge it went, where it sat for a couple of months, taunting me.

Last week I had some homemade empanadas and wanted to add some heat, so I figured I'd give it another try. With all that vinegar I figured it would still be fine. Holy Cow! as a condiment it's really delicious! With less heat I'd eat it straight because I love the crispy cabbage. It does seem like the heat mellowed a bit during its time in the fridge.

So now my question is do you just refill the jar when it's empty? Boil the juice or sterilize the jar in between?