show-off pics of chili pests and problems

teh purple penguins said:
if you like all types of linux then you like macs :P. the only difference between linux and macs is the type of base it uses in the os.

Hahah :) What?? Linux is an open source OS. Mac is a type of computer with an integrated OS and proprietary software. They have nothing in common, except they're not Microsoft!
actually just because it is open source doesn't mean they have nothing in common, most of the infrastructure on a mac is open source, just because the main kernel and applications are not open source does not make two bsd based operating systems completely different : ).
Hope you can see my pic (pests n problems - from 5101)

I'm no help here, just wanted to comment on the photography. Those are some fine looking pictures. WOW!!! The detail in the last 2 are remarkable. I'm sure from those pics someone will be able to help.
ditto on the picture quality 5101, very nice work!

after consulting my ever-growing pepper library, my uneductated guess is thrips. Pam is quite a bug expert, see if you can get her to view your pics and make a diagnosis.
Pam said:

*looks down*

*shuffles feet*

I had sex with a Mac user. And Linux user. And a PC user.

And...*blushes* they were the same guy.

Well, look, he complied his kernel, right there, in front of me! What's a geek groupie to do?

Pam......... im slowly developing a picture of you in my head.

Im sure it will end up nothing like the real deal, but the picture is building :lol:

Dang, just wrote a long post and a mis-click lost it.

5101, something is obviously eating your plants, spray with Neem or a pyrythrum. Try turning the leaves over and see if you can see any bugs on the underside.

What kind of soil are you using? Is it store bought or did you dig it up from the yard? What's the white stuff on the surface?
Thrips. I got the same thing. Leaves curl up, then go brown, then drop off. All new growth will turn black & die.
Spray with pyrythrum, then repeat a week later, then again a week later (eggs keep hatching) untill all signs are gone. Be sure to coat the underside of the leaves where the lave live.
Hi there (me 5101) again. I use Macro feature in my Ricoh Caplio7 (digital camera) for exactly this purpose of ZOOMING into the micro world.

I will try to check the cause and soursce for the curled (overturned boat) shape of the leaves. Then...maybe a picture of the cause.

Feel free to use the pictures (if they are detailed) of the 'worm' and insect and maybe some other insect shots...I get to them before they flee to acquaint ourselves with "enemies of the chilli".

Today, I manage to get some time off to talk you all. My mum will be operated on soon (old lady who neglected her health) and please excuse my absence for a few days or weeks...depending on how well she recuperate. I fed her with my sweet chillies 99% from my 10 plants (hungarian sweet type), CERTAINLY not habaneros....Anyway, my habaneros have yet to grow into teenagehood.
Pam said:
Dang, just wrote a long post and a mis-click lost it.

5101, something is obviously eating your plants, spray with Neem or a pyrythrum. Try turning the leaves over and see if you can see any bugs on the underside.

What kind of soil are you using? Is it store bought or did you dig it up from the yard? What's the white stuff on the surface?

Hi Pam

Yes, I suspect, starting investigation. VERY SORRY to infrm you, over in South East Asia, the insecticides and fertlizers are MUCH more limited. Pyrythrum is no available. MALATHION PLENTY...

BUT, thanks to all of you who are a great help re; Chillies. Hope more people from this side of the world find out more abt you and what this help this great site gives.

Another time..I'll share one chilli recipe.. I cook... til sometimes I am tired (til I am "cooked")..but I am not a cook/chef.