teh purple penguins said:if you like all types of linux then you like macs. the only difference between linux and macs is the type of base it uses in the os.

teh purple penguins said:if you like all types of linux then you like macs. the only difference between linux and macs is the type of base it uses in the os.
Pam said:I...I
*looks down*
*shuffles feet*
I had sex with a Mac user. And Linux user. And a PC user.
And...*blushes* they were the same guy.
Well, look, he complied his kernel, right there, in front of me! What's a geek groupie to do?
Pam said:Dang, just wrote a long post and a mis-click lost it.
5101, something is obviously eating your plants, spray with Neem or a pyrythrum. Try turning the leaves over and see if you can see any bugs on the underside.
What kind of soil are you using? Is it store bought or did you dig it up from the yard? What's the white stuff on the surface?