show-off Pics of My Early Starts

Experimented with starting peppers earlier than usual and have to say I'm pleased with the results. I started three initially but gave one to my Mom. These are the two I have left. My biggest concern was keeping them small enough to hold in a tight space. When they began to noticably take off, I cut the lighting in half. 1st time I've experimented with putting peppers under a 12/12 schedule, but it seems to have worked out just fine.

Foodarama SB on the left and Fatalii on the right.

Thanks! When your dealing with so few plants, it's much easier to pamper them and keep the flouros close enough so that they don't strecth to much...some strains will still lank out, but most tend to stay pretty compact.
Lol, wussap Fresno! Keep in mind that I started these gals really early, so they've had time to be finicky with sprouting and then bush out to where they are now. The fatalii I planted in January still haven't sprouted and only one super hot's broken the surface thus far.

Thanks Pepperlover!!
Thanks everyone! Heres a pic of a plant I started in this manner a few seasons back, just not as early. They're still sort of the same though because I kept it indoors when planting season came and didn't place it outside until it was a little over a foot tall.

This was a no name SB from some site I don't even remember. SB my hind quarters though, cause it tasted like a hab. I'm so happy to be dealing with legitimate stock this season.


They're starting to stretch out now. It's like they can since the weather is gearing up to change.


Also, another one of my superhots broke the surface this weekend. Check out the wicked looking forked petal!

Avon - Oh yeah? This is the first I've noticed one like this. Was yours a super hot as well? This year is my 1st time growing superhots and my 1st time seeing a fork like that, so i wonder. Thanks Man!

JSNI - Thanks! I believe it was either late November or early December. So there around 2 months old.

Thanks Richoso!
Avon - Oh yeah? This is the first I've noticed one like this. Was yours a super hot as well? This year is my 1st time growing superhots and my 1st time seeing a fork like that, so i wonder. Thanks Man!

Can't remember which variety it was, I'll see if I can find it and get back to you. :)
Thanks for that Avon and Jessxcr. My forked leave is no longer as exciting to me. lol.

Since my babies have started strecthing out, I've been given a much better look at what alls been going on under that compact vegetation. And wadda ya know, both are starting to flower. I'm not sure if this is a good thing seeing as neither are even over 6" tall yet. At the rate there pushing out though, they'll probably be beyond that in 2 weeks.

Camera isn't good with close ups so bear with me.


And closer still

Found another flower last night thats about to open. Too deep in the plant to take pictures, but I think Im going to go ahead and hand pollinate just to see.....I hope it doesn't slow the plants growth though.