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Pizza Time

First Pie




Artichoke hearts, olives, bacon, jalapeño rings, mozzarella
Second Pie


Olives and mozzarella
Third Pie


Leftover chili with cheddar.  Really wanted to put jalapeños on this one, but the rest of the family didn't want it hot. 
My favorite from lunch was taco pizza - with the shredded iceberg on top.
I too take what the dough gives me.  Shape means nothing so long as I'm happy with the pie.  
Really loving the rise and air pockets in the dough you're making 1010.  They are looking better and better.  :)
JayT said:
Please Grant, I know you are hip and all. Please explain this "I can't even" thing to me. I see it on FB all the time and it makes me crazy! I can't even WHAT?
The 2015/2016 version of Valley Girl dialect.

Very popular among my daughter and her friends.
I can't even begin to get into this ...
I can't even believe you said that ...
I can't even speak to what those people think ...
I can't even believe you put that in your mouth ...
I can't even believe he could believe that ...
I can't even ...