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Plant Out 3/5

Pam said:
It's almost a month before I can plant out. Gotta watch those late cold snaps.

I looked up when our late freeze was last year and it was several days surrounding APRIL 16th! No way I'm waiting that long. I know now I can take care of what i planted with tarps, frost blankets and a pot or two of hot water.


OK, the weirdest thing just happened. i was outside transferring today's newborns into their 9 oz cups when I felt something go down my shirt. Looked but didn't see anything. A while later I feel something crawling up and it was ... A LADYBUG. I shit you not. I got her to crawl onto a toothpick and put her in the garden. Went back a while later and snapped this picture:


...just before she flew away home.
I'm heartbroken. :(

And then there's this:

Boy, that's a healthy anole! Great shot of him munching, too.

As to planting out, it isn't just a matter of protecting from those late cold snaps. I'm far enough north of you to be concerned about the effect on soil temperatures. I sure don't want to coddle those peppers inside for months, then stick their toesies in the ground before it warms up!
Pepperfreak said:
Do lizards eat other pepper enemies? BTW, I think he is cute.

Lizards eat bugs, some of which are beneficial, some of which are purdy (like butterflies) and some of which would hurt your peppers.
Pam said:
I sure don't want to coddle those peppers inside for months, then stick their toesies in the ground before it warms up!

Yeah. Greenhouse makes the differnece. The ones that went in the ground had been super-hardened off. There's a big difference between 1 cold night and several in a row. After 2 or 3 days the soil doesn't warm up nearly as much and it becomes more difficult for the plants and keeping them happy. I try to cover them before the sun goes down to get a little extra warmth in there.
I like lizards...wish they would find my greenhouse and plants...they may once I quit futzin' with it...
thepodpiper said:
carol, your ladybugs or your plants?


I was worried what would happen to the ladybugs or their eggs and larva if we got another cold snap. I can keep them above freezing but not by very much. I'll drop by a local nursery or two and see if they stock them. But for now the aphids have backed down from the dish soap.
Only problem is I think I sunscalded some leaves from having the solution on them. Or maybe they're just turning a bit purple on me. Time will tell.
oops...yup....shiners got me...roflmao :lol:
Got home from my little "vacation" last night and all was well with the garden. One week away from the babies and you really notice a difference! Did some minimal reorganization and some watering this morning - it hasn't rained but 1/4" since I put the second batch of plants in the ground. The ones I planted first are doing best... they greened up right away but it took them a while before they hit a growth spurt - cold weather and establishing roots, etc.

So here's a before and after. Elapsed time approx 5 weeks. Sorry for the slightly different angle but I don't feel like retaking the picture right now.



And here's 10 days growth on the baby wax peppers. This is probably 2 different plants but they all flowered and set fruit within about a day of each other. These things are TOO easy.



Next up: lemon drops and super chilis....!
caroltlw said:
Spot the lizard!

I know I'm super late, somehow I missed this thread.. But I have to know Am I correct? I scrolled through real quick and didnt see anyone point him out. YAY!


BTW everything looks great to me.