
Hello to everybody in Hot pepper world!!! When I was a kid we used to see who could hold their breath the longest under water! Now that Im (older) we see who can eat the hottest peppers, than gussel enough water to put out the fire!! GO FIGURE! ;)
Welcome From The U.K :cheers:

moyboy said:
Welcome from Newcastle Australia mate.

here you will learn the art of no water after chillis......

Either that or you will learn what "poop" means,or not.. maybe.
Oh yeah thats right it's Friday, WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT:lol::cheers:
Novacastrian said:
Either that or you will learn what "poop" means,or not.. maybe.
Oh yeah thats right it's Friday, WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT:lol::cheers:

sounds like you have had a few friday arvo drinks...hehe...

I know i have...:lol:
moyboy said:
sounds like you have had a few friday arvo drinks...hehe...

I know i have...:cheers:

Does this post mean you are once again connected to the information super highway? Not like you would still be at work you f'n bludger:lol.

Oh yeah i sent the care package courtesy of Prariechillihead, that powder is the BOMB, no gut wrenching like tha Naga i tried:)

Novacastrian said:
Does this post mean you are once again connected to the information super highway? Not like you would still be at work you f'n bludger:lol.

Oh yeah i sent the care package courtesy of Prariechillihead, that powder is the BOMB, no gut wrenching like tha Naga i tried:)


Yes i'm back on the net at home....Only stinking dial up though... I can't get broadband at this house and wireless sucks dogs balls here cause of the bad reception.....

I am always at work this late you retard... :cheers::lol: I work big hours sometimes but that happens when you are the boss.....

Sorry Plantman, that bloody Novacastrian fool hijacked your welcome...... Damn him....
Welcome from Lake Constance, Germany! It's a nice place here with a lot of thread hijacking Ozzies, Westralians and son on... Lots of fun and information.

Brokensea said:
Hello from New Zealand

(Real hardcore is to see who can eat the most chillis underwater)

moyboy said:
Welcome from Newcastle Australia mate.

here you will learn the art of no water after chillis......

Oh, please, no climate change discussions!
*pondering 'bout ice caps melting and NZ under water and Australia dehydrating*