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Pod Shots With Macro Lens 06-23-09


I know you guys are probably going to get tired of me posting these pics...but I am learning to use my new camera...hope you don't mind...and comments on using the 50D Canon are very welcome...

Super Cayenne II Hybrid


Tomato Growers Scotch Bonnet




Trinidad Scorpion


4 more shots coming...
Brain Strain 7 Pot...


Naga Morich


PRF Bhut Jolokia


Homegrown Bhut Jolokia


hope you enjoyed...
I don't think we're getting tired of those pics!

Here's a tip for the new camera: Put it back in the box and mail it to me. :D
I for one enjoy the pics. I wish I could figure out how to get mine to do macro shots, but must locate owners amnual, which seems to be hiding from me.
Can't get enough of pictures of amazing chiles, but I have to be somewhat of a downer... You need to practice some more so that you get the focus where you want it. Seems like your focus is just a little bit off in all the pictures, maybe you are to far away? With macro you typically need to be 2-6" from the subject. At least that is true for my Canon PowerShot A710IS which is a joke compared to a Canon D50.

RTFM as the kids would say:) Are you pressing "the button" half way down letting the camera make all adjustments before you take the picture?
nice shots AJ, just not the sharpest..

you should be able to get really crisp sharp images with the 50D.

try using manual focusing..change it from auto to manual... much easier to capture sharper shots.... you could also try over exposing it half a stop..
not hard at all

you just need to increase the shutter speed.. and over expose it a little more so you dont lose any light..

the great thing about digital is you can do tons of trial and error without it costing you an arm and a leg like the good old days with film..
and if you notice the pics are too exposed, drop down half a stop unitl you get a good crisp, clean image, properly exposed image..
Is this a pepper forum, or a photographing forum? :)

Peppers look great AJ! Keep it up. Hope you're surviving these triple digit temps we've been getting in this part of the country. Doesn't seem like they'll ever end!
Yeah, I think HP is right. If you close down the lens, you get greater depth of field which will bring more stuff in focus. To compensate for less light, you may have to slow down the shutter speed. But that's a serious high dollar SLR, so you can do about anything. You'll be having lots of fun with that one. I'll bet the original size pics, not these compressed midgets, are stunning.