food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Anyone who posts food that looks like it's being "revisited" after a long bender is a winner here.
Tricks: A blender, and spill some yellow #5 around it. You'll be winning like Sheen.
thirdcoasttx said:
Feast your eyes ladies and gents!!! The original idea was bacon bowels with hot cheeto chilli cheese pie but.... the bacon bowels over cooked and fell apart so this is what you get.

Served in an old ass whipped cream tub.
:edit: bowls not bowels! Bowels will come later!
:double edit: I've been drinking boxed wine all day
Double win for the double edit to include the box-o-wine! 
Double Fail for posting Bacon Bowels TWICE! 
3C, that is my favorite post in this thread to date!!! WOW!!!!
I was smiling the whole time. 
It has this warm, almost dog-food quality to it. 
The meat, the rice, the cheetos. 
And then you top it with CHEESE!!!
And BACON BOWELS!!!!!!!!!
(no lie, I bet that tasted amazing!!!!!!!!!! Like the best drunk food ever!)
I get a fail before the post even starts. No pics. Shoulda, coulda, thought about it, to hungry to do it. Still wanted to tell about it though.

Six jalepenos
Handfull thai
Six prik kee noo
Seven zuccini
Bunch of spinnach
Five roma tomatoes
Bag schreaded mex cheese mix
Jar generic scetty sauce

Added all heat and tomatoes to sauce. Ribboned zuks. Layered all like lasangna.

Way to runny and really kinda bland, but still do-able.

I did, however, save the evening by adding chocolate scorpian powder to a small batch of fudge I made for dessert.
That sounds completely awful.

Any recipe that has "7 zucchini" in it, is not off to a bangin start.

I think I might be glad there are no pics? :rofl:
Chez Chico's Feast of Fury.
My friend Chico swung by The Blues Casa yesterday.
After he washed and detailed my car I had him cook me up somethin' guud in The Blues Kitchen.
Here's some of the fine cuisine he whooped out.
Appetizer del Chez Chico.
We have here a  tower of the finest canned refried bean pate' topped with 4 day aged guacamole, in a shallow bowl of salsa picante reduction and garnished with round corn masa flat breads.

Chez Chico then presented me the entree.
Leftover stale tortilla chip enchilada casserole microwave radiated to perfection and topped with salsa picante reduction.

On Chez Chico's suggestion I added a dollop of sour cream to balance the veritable cornucopia of flavors.

Once my plate was served Chez Chico disappeared for a good while and then I heard him down the hall in The Blues Shitter and what sounded like porcelain clankin' around. What was going on I really don't know. 
All I know is the other day he broke the chain on the toilet handle which I had to fix.
I swear that guy poops more than anyone I know too.
Sometimes I don't trust him.

Tell me you didn't.

But you did....

I don't know what to say about the "best" part.

The "Rings-in-Beans" sludge cereal or the 4 day old "aged" guac...

I'm thinkin this Chico fellah is a bad bad bad influence TB.

Yesterday the toilet chain, what's next? Tomorrow the Subaru gas pedal?
Chico IS a bad influence but I "use him" for certain 'thangs.
Like cooking when I don't feel like it.
I dunno' if Chico slipped somethin' special in my food or it was the tower of bean pate' but I've been burnin' sulphur all morning.
The whole house just reeks.
The guac was still dern guud as I keep it well wrapped in the fridge and also because it has a shit-ton(official SoFlo measurement) of lime juice in it. This was the last of the batch and I gotta' make more today.
What? You never had bean pate' before?

Oh almost forgot.
Here's a link from the other day where Chico was cooking.
Scroll down to post 12871.