food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Ok, so got home from from practice and there were these left over hot dogs so.......


Add a can of Wolf Brand Chili, some sharp cheader and some smoked Haba-Peno powder. A shot of Ketchup and a splash of Worchestershire sauce,


It was so good my beer got excited ;)
Most excellente' RM.
Crappy crap at its finest.
One question.
What are "leftover hotdogs"?
Never heard those two terms used together like that ever on THP.
texas blues said:
Most excellente' RM.
Crappy crap at its finest.
One question.
What are "leftover hotdogs"?
Never heard those two terms used together like that ever on THP.
Thank you!
They be the hot dogs left in the pot for me by my family who ate them fresh while I was rehearsing with my band. So they were left over for me :)
Here we have some choice black bean and sawdust patties cooking warming up in a pan.

Added some generic pepper jack and cheap smoked turkey deli meat...

Mixed up some rooster sauce, mayo, and smoked super powder...

Stacked it all up and served it on one of those tasteless sandwich thin thingys - toasted.

It actually wasn't half bad...
it wasn't half good either, but it worked in a pinch. :P  
MM is killin' it!
I know for a fact just how crappy both those thin buns and the frozen sawdust patty's are.
No amount of cheese or turkey or other hotness can cover up that sheeit.
MM you made it look dern' good but I know 'zackly what it is.
Chico aqui.
TB say I for making teh breakfast.
Huevos y jamon.

I for making son 'ting muy bueno!
Sabes que?

I making for TB the EggMcMuffin.
I uso teh tabasco verde tambien.
Chingon! Verdad?

Orale wey!
Hells Kitchen said:
Home made Egg Mcmuffin! Always wanted to do that. Looks awesome dude, cheaper and better than McD's! 
Yeah that dude Chico is an innovator and cutting edge.
As you can see he's a master of culinary mayhem and totally thinks outside the box.
Been workin' long hours lately… wanted to make something decent tonight since i had most the afternoon off, but the tuna steaks didn't thaw.  Plan B, but I still want something halfway decent to eat…. *Idea* Make crappy frozen black bean patty a gourmet (pronounce the t) dish. 
I had no hamburger buns, so I made some arepas

I put cheese, garlic and jalapenos in the dough, because I can.

Avocados and melted cheese disguise the frozen black bean patty. 

finish it off with tecate for good measure. 

Up next my gourmet tortizzas. o.0
Your crappy frozen black bean patty looks better than my crappy frozen black bean patty. I dig the avocado. Nice cheesy buns too! That's almost not even crappy.
It's about as good as a crappy frozen black bean patty can get.
Tonight's dinner will be a well rounded menu of protein, vegetable. fruit, and grains perfectly balanced for optimum nutrition. 
Locally sourced bovine protein with a mushroom and red wine reduction,  Romaine chiffonade with fresh made dressing...
muskymojo said:
Your crappy frozen black bean patty looks better than my crappy frozen black bean patty. I dig the avocado. Nice cheesy buns too! That's almost not even crappy.
It's about as good as a crappy frozen black bean patty can get.
i get the morning star ones, usually i just nuke 'em with some cheese on top and put them on a bun with ranch dressing. but i got my mind psyched for a decent meal tonight so I did what I could with the ingredients on hand. I was gunna post in the burger thread but thought the burger boys would just send me here with my frozen non meat patty. 
Oh  PSYCH!!!
This is the crappy food thread.  Ain't no way I'm posting a red wine reductions!!!  That's Alkeehol abuse!!!!..... not to mention the Bait-n-Switch!
pre-shredded cabbage, ground beef, fried 'schrooms and oni's




Yellow blend dried chiles and a dried jalapeno spice mix-

powdered yellow cheese-type food product



And that was last night's dinner.  Tonight's is much more pedestrian....



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