food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Scoville DeVille said:
Like Shweinefleisch pomodoro hamaguri poivre enchiladas?
I'm not going to waste time looking up all those words!  I do recognize "enchilada" though.....
PexPeppers said:
this is called food gore.
Food Porn -vs- Food Gore!!!!!
BRINGITON!!!!!  :lol:
Scoville DeVille said:
:rofl: I know, with shows like 'Say Yes to the Dress', 'The little Couple' and 'My 600-lb. Life' it's amazing that we're not all geniuses with all that Learnin' on The LEARNING Channel. :rofl:
I was going to mention HoneyBooBoo as another quality example of the best of USA TV programming but someone beat me to it~~~ 
TB- what I can't figure out come MissyLou keeps letting you use her bowl?  Do you give her the last bites in the bowl as treats? 
AAAAANNNNDDDDD>>>>>> did you get a kiss Mrs Blues after eating those stinky anchovies?     :rofl: 
I'm sure I'll be posting some Kraft Mac&Cheese with micro-dogs and (sauce-du-jour) or similar in the very near future. 
Pepperjack91 said:
I actually love my 600 pound life. I do not put it into the same category as shows about polygamist midgets and honey boo boos and what not.
Nothing. And I repeat, NOTHING is worse then Dance Moms. The worlds worst show that my 11 year old daughter is addicted to. Makes Honey boo boo and the weirdo polygamist with 5 ugly wives look tame.
Scoville DeVille said:
For you Scovie. Another real gem thanks to my daugher. <sigh>
What were we talking about in this thread anyway? Surely not Scovie's selfie.
This thread is a little late, you had some real gems you could have posted in here TB.


OMG!!!  JeffH!!!!  I need a re-wine after 20 seconds of that ....that.......WHATEVER....that was!!!!!
Why do I have this uncontrollable urge to take a picture of myself?    :think:
Y'all too funny!
Saturday supper.
The finest hand opened imported canned sardines in olive in a bath of only the finest gourmet Crystal Hot Sauce served with Wisconsin imported pepperjack fromage slices and imported from Ohio sea salt crusted saltine crackers. 
Drained the olive oil off and gave it to missylou. She loves that sheeit and too much in the can leaves little room for hot sauce.

You likey?

This is fine white trash queezine y'all!
Oh damm. I wish I could get my hands on some of them crackers. Almost impossible to acquire the Ohio-uns here. :mope:
Aight, TB, I'll see your "Imported from Oh-hai-yo" crackers with fromage and canned pescado....and lower it to housebrand imported from Portland ORE crisps, cheddar from the cheese-making mecca of Portland, ORE.......but I can't quite stoop to Crystal.  Sorry Bro....Gotta go with 2 of my faves.....Lucky Dog Pink label and Sweet Spicy Girl!  Oh Yea!!!!

Just one problem though......


Not To Worry!   There's more bottles in the cupboard!!!  WOOT!


And just for good measure, a couple with LDHS Purple (HOT)....and the only bling I usually wear....
I already posted them in tb's burger thread. I dont know if double posts are allowed:) Not to fear I will have some more crazy concoctions soon.
I just bought those perfect bacon bowl things so ive got some ideas brewin.
this isn't a TD...double post away!!!! 
bacon bowls!!!! another reason I Love the USA!!!  ('course..having said that...they're prolly made in China!) :lol:
texas blues said:
imported from Ohio sea salt crusted saltine crackers. 

salsalady said:
Aight, TB, I'll see your "Imported from Oh-hai-yo" crackers
Stop making fun of Ohio. That's not a saltine, it's an Artisan flatbread. It is a leavened bread that has been allowed to rise for 20-30 hours and consists of yeast, flour, water, and salt.
zdecker said:

 Stop making fun of Ohio. That's not a saltine, it's an Artisan flatbread. It is a leavened bread that has been allowed to rise for 20-30 hours and consists of yeast, flour, water, and salt.
I think what TB means it that he has generic Kroger brand crackers. Yes, based in Cincinnati, but probably made in Whothehellknowsswhere.
SL gettin' down brown ghetto style.
I knew it.
3rd coast gets a boooo.
Not for the double post but because you can't see any of the hotness.
Dino nuggets.
That IS ghetto.
Still waitin' for Jay to bring his hot dog water soup to this thread.
And SoFlo.
I know they got some funknessessess.