food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

It looks like it has a somewhat-curdled dairy element to it. Was it frozen? Also kind of looks like it came up after having been eaten. :sick:
I agree - good call tossing it. Hope no one got sick from it.

Nah it was "freshly" prepared in the refrigerated section.
        Needed to make lunch for the upcoming week.Saturday cheeseburger,fried rice combo wrapped in a tortilla.I want to thank Hamilton Beach for making my big pieces into little pieces.
The players are Old cheeseburger and stuff minus the bun.Onion,corn,tomato and my last Texas Funky Reaper that was so good(and bad)to me.
2014-07-27 003.JPG

Sauces and reinvigorated beef.Also eggs yet to be scrambled.
2014-07-27 005.JPG

Top right,sharp cheddar.Top left ground onion,pepper tomato and corn (no cob).Bottom,gummy saturday rice that's going to be more gummy when done.
2014-07-27 006.JPG

all combined and cooked(don't walk away from this process) ;)
2014-07-27 007.JPG

In the pan to heat and firm up tortilla.
2014-07-27 009.JPG

The end game.... :dance:
2014-07-27 010.JPG
I call that a Regurgitated Burrito!  The pic of it after it was blended together looks like some canned corned beef and hash :sick: .  Hey, wait a minute. I don't see no bite marks in that burrito. How do we know if you even tasted it? :lol:
Admittedly, the first few pics had me wondering "Has randy really gone this far down the hole? Is there any hope left for him?" But the finished burritos look better than any you'd get in the freezer section of the grocery store. 
I bet you left that day old limpass lettuce on there too huh?
Randy you had me fooled, I though it was going to end up being good looking.
Well the toasted tortilla's are anyway.
That meat/rice combo mix looks downright diabolical. 
It looks like jaba the hut ground meat n' sheeit.
In theory it should taste good.
But lookin' at it makes me feel like I've been exposed to rabies.
Damn, there is some magnificently hideous offerings on display here! I particularly admire the OP's maiden pic of the bowl of hot vomit.
Hopefully I'll have some monstrosities of my own to contribute soon ... those wasabi seaweed snacks in my cupboard are looking like they need a damn good coating of smoked oysters, Cheeze Whiz and hot sauce ... 
TheOrangeCat said:
Hopefully I'll have some monstrosities of my own to contribute soon ... those wasabi seaweed snacks in my cupboard are looking like they need a damn good coating of smoked oysters, Cheeze Whiz and hot sauce ... 
We wanna seeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Leftover crappy food action time!
I used some cheapa$$ polenta, grilled steak, grilled pork belly slices, green beans loaded with garlic, provolone. Assembled somewhat and microwave crisped:

For me with some superhot sauce:

It was decent.
I can't stand polenta so it gets an automatic crap! from me.
A dang shame really to put that leftover goodness on it.
And overall the whole shebang looks like barf-o-rama in CinemaScope.
"green beans loaded with garlic"
I reckon you're saying "green beans cooked with a shit-ton (official SoFlo measurement) of garlic" no?
That I like to be liking.
I don't know if really at shit-ton level of garlic, but enough to say: hey there's lots of garlic here!
Instead about polenta: can't hate it in any form, even cheapa$$! :D
But of course a microwave can crisp stuff up.
If its a dang lump of coal to begin with.
And yeah I think canned green beans are the devil.
Someone say grits?
That sheeit's like Gerber baby food but only made out of sawdust and hate.
Grits. Polenta. Hominy....its all the same to me.
Throw it all on the ground.
Preferably on a fire ant colony.
Those little bastige's know something about hate and would appreciate it.
The Hot Pepper said:
TB must hate grits too. Bastard.
I had to search what's that. Just semolino. I like it! :D
geeme said:
Were the green beans out of a can? If so, that gets an extra crap from me. 
FOUL! When does a microwave EVER crisp anything???  :lol:
We are in the magic world of crappy food, all can happen! :D
Unfortunately green beans were homegrown (they still suck for me).
Ok TB i must be sure to not offer you some polenta. I don't want to waste some! :D
Here's plan to get rid of leftover home made Cincinnati Chili while at work (it's runny chili with pie spices instead of chili spices):
Step One:  Add ramen noodles so there's something to grip.

Step Two: Make it spicy enough with powders so you don't have to worry what it tastes like.

Step Three:  Brush twice.