food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

I was going to put this over in the  Drunken Chef :drunk: , but I forgot to take a picture of my Ghost pepper Vodka & Coke with the meal  :mope:
(thanks for the recommendation on the GhostVodka & Coke, Bhut_Trolokia :mouthonfire: )
Here it is..!

frozen Japanese noodles, frozen stir fry Veggies, leftover Bacon from breakfast this morning afternoon, Korean bbq sauce, Aji Amarillo powder
(it was kinda a waste with the Aji Amarillo powder as it didn't really go with this @ all, but it was the first 1 i grabbed, so in it went :rolleyes: )
GIP I'd say that qualifies fo'sho.
It's got several 'thangs I don't much eat and not in that combination.
Mostly pasta and bacon.
And it looks like junk to me.
But in a weird kinky tasty way.
I might even enjoy that.
Although I've eaten better from a doggy bowl.
True story.
grantmichaels said:
I'm kind of at a loss for words ...
Here's why  ... I don't like ham salad ...
That isn't really ham salad, when I read it, but I can't stop thinking about ham salad - so my mind can't focus on it, or reason about it, well.
I think it's in the right thread though, LOL! =)
Ham salad.
Thats like digested ham I reckon.
Which means its shit!
Awesome job Senor Guatemala.
Tonight I had whole wheat pasta and a jar of store-bought pasta sauce, so it had two strikes against it from the get-go.  Fortunately Dru, aka SmokenFire, came to my rescue.  He sent me three of his sauces and I put two to the test; El Capitan (chipotle) and Lava Lips (habanero).  Damn!  Very good stuff.  I used almost a half bottle of the El Capitan and a 1/4 of the Lava Lips.  Very flavorful and bold.  When these become available to the mass markets they will go like hot cakes.  I could not recommend them more as they will take your crappy food to new heights!

I've had all three ... they are all good ...
The Island Sunshine is, like I said, my breakfast sauce ... I have a couple of servings left, probably one ...
The Rio Grande Mud I used a few times on frozen burritos, and it saved the day ... and actually, interestingly, I ended up using the difference of the whole bottle to cook chicken thighs in the slow cooker one day when I was craving curry ...
Yes, I realize it's not curry, but like ... it's got that intensity like curry, and it worked when I needed it to.
grantmichaels said:
Nice to see you! =)
Island Sunshine is the only sauce I use within the first hours after opening my eyes.
SmokenFire said:
Dude try the Rio Grande Mud.  I aspire to such heights.  
(and thanks Ken)   :)
Thanks guys.  You're too nice.  I just got a new shipment from Endorphin last week.  Grant, if you liked the last batch you will love the fresh stuff  :cheers: