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Potawie's early progress 2009

Not even close to spring yet here either, maybe in Toronto or central Ontario where they get the lake effect, but I'm in a frozen snow-belt and have at least one more month till greenhouse season:(
Those white specks on the top of the tomato plant are white fly. They don't seem to do a lot of damage until they increase in numbers, but I'm trying to keep ahead of the game.
I almost picked the buds off of my cayenne and wax last week. Today I noticed about 1/2 doz flowers open and I had BEES! Real honey bees, not the weird-ass wtf kind of bees I had last year. :)
caroltlw said:
I almost picked the buds off of my cayenne and wax last week. Today I noticed about 1/2 doz flowers open and I had BEES! Real honey bees, not the weird-ass wtf kind of bees I had last year. :)

Like native bees, the kind you should have living in the middle of the woods?
caroltlw said:
I almost picked the buds off of my cayenne and wax last week. Today I noticed about 1/2 doz flowers open and I had BEES! Real honey bees, not the weird-ass wtf kind of bees I had last year. :)

Look for a Big Old Growth hollow Black Gum tree if you want the honey....
Pam said:
Like native bees, the kind you should have living in the middle of the woods?

Like the type of bug that I've never seen before I and wonder if it's ever been 'discovered' by scientists. Yeah, I googled some AND asked some 'native Floridians.'

AlabamaJack said:
Look for a Big Old Growth hollow Black Gum tree if you want the honey....

We have Sweet gum but not sure about the black gum. Hollow, we got plenty.
caroltlw said:
Like the type of bug that I've never seen before I and wonder if it's ever been 'discovered' by scientists. Yeah, I googled some AND asked some 'native Floridians.'

Well, you said they were bees in your first post, so what did they look like? What made them odd?

There are certainly plenty of invasives, so if you see another one, maybe you should take it to the Florida Extension Service or the Dept of Natural Resources.
caroltlw said:
I'll see if I can dig up whatever pictures I saved and start an insect thread. Tomorrow maybe.

Oh, that could be fun. I'm always fussing at people to id the bug to make sure it's a pest, not a beneficial.
Very nice start to the 09 season and a nice list of varieties. I am growing some of the same. I got good germination from the Giant Whites but nothing from the Murupi seeds yet. I hope the tomatoes work out for you as well. All that beautiful growth from the fluoro's and some window light. How much are they getting from the window?

I don't get full sun where my plants are but if I'm around to move them, some will get about 4+ hours of natural sunlight per day.
Sorry if the Murupi reds don't germinate, I did not save seeds, those were from my originals. The giant white's are growing great for me this year now that I've grown some successfully and saved my own seeds.
Ciao Potawie-

I spent a good portion of yesterday looking at your photos with Duane. Both of us, and it looks like a great many others, would really be keen for you to write a primer on your growing methods. I noticed you do a substantial amount of pruning and quite a number of your plants have an umbrella appearance. There's got to be a good reason why you prune them that way. I certainly can't argue with your results. When pepper harvests approach what I get with my tomatoes, I pay attention.:shocked: It's very difficult for us to over-winter peppers without a greenhouse. Duane tried doing that last year, but when he got a bad dose of aphid infestation, I had to put the kabosh on it. :(

I may be in Toronto, but it's far from Spring here. We just got another dose of snow today and I know you felt the wind yesterday. It was brutal here, but I'm sure it was worse for you.

Have you grown Reisetomate before? If not, be ready for a true freak of nature. It looks like nothing you've ever seen before, trust me on that. ;)
i agree, i said it before and ill say it again...

i will pay for a step by step process from POTAWIE's growing methods..

how to, what to use, when to, that kinda thing...

i would also pay the same to AJ, Lee, Pepper Ridge Farm, Willard, and a couple more...
I was just looking in the greenhouse today, and I have a lot of work to do cleaning up all my junk. I'm hoping to start moving plants into the greenhouse during the sunny days but I think that'll be at least a week or so away.
As for my growing methods, I don't really have any secrets other than to get an early start. The greenhouse really helps too but also creates its own problems and expenses.
This is my first year growing the Reisentomate, I just started my seeds yesterday. They sure do appear interesting and freakish, do they taste any good?
Ciao Potawie-

I'm pretty sure you're not giving yourself enough credit. Your harvests are mind-blowing.

The Riesetomate is not grown for its flavour. It's an ok tomato, but there are many other much better-tasting cherries. It's grown for its weirdness, for taking copious photos of it and making avatars and entering weird tomato contests. Our 9 year old won a huge bag of Tomato Tone last year. :shocked:
Well it didn't take a week to warm up:) I brought most of my big plants into the greenhouse for a good aphid spray and some sun today, and I had to put the shade-cloth on during this gorgeous sunny day.. and more great weather to come
Still lots of cleaning up to do in the greenhouse, which has become more of a garden shed over the winter so I'm off to do more tidying

Bring on spring!!
very cool... no wonder you get monster peppers..

look at that greenhouse !

that thing must help out with the growth of your plants...

i need to invest in one or make one... looks really good dude..