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Potawie's early progress 2009

Neighbor came by today and his sunny windows are getting full of ladybugs so I now have him collecting them for me again. Last year he would vaccuum them into a clean bag and then tranfers them into a jar for me. I've had a few aphid problems but so far nothing out of control, and I haven't had to purchase any ladybugs yet(knocks on wood.)

Cool looking and very useful little ladies.
chicagofire said:
They really are wonderful, I think the snow reflection helped my hybiscus flower too, lots of snow mean lots of light.

I hadn't considered that part of having snow. Never been where there was enough to make it an issue.
I put together a fairly complete list of what I'm growing this year but I'm sure there will be some changes. Most I've grown before but there's a few new varieties as well

1. giant aconcagua
2. red lamuyo
3. orange mini bell
4. Tobago Scotch bonnet sweet
5. Botinecka zuta
6. szeged paprika
7. super shepherd
8. Tobago seasoning(AJ)
9. pimento L
10. Pimenta D'espelette
11. Murupi doce
12. Super sweet cherry

1. poblano brown(mulato)
2. poblano red
3. crimson hot
4. Chilaca
5. big chile hybrid
6. numex sunset**
7. bishop's crown
8. cascabel
9. Caterina/Catarina
10. golden Greek(2 versions,1 is known to be untrue but interesting)

1. Chimayo(3 new sources)
2. Fresno**
3. Jalpeno M
4. Numex pinata(new seed source)
5. *jalapeno gigantia f2(what the hell)
6. mirasol**
7. guajillo

1. Bonda ma Jacques
2. *Kapowie f3+f4(only 1 germinated so far)
3. *K2 f1+f2
4. S.B. TFM
5. Guadaloupe hab
6. Trini "lantern"
7. *Old yeller[My big yellow c. chinense] f2
8. Giant white hab

Super Hotties
1. Douglah
2. 7 pot/pod yellow
3. Fatalii
4. Trinidad Scorpion

1. Opalka
2. Omar's lebanese
3. Tiny Tim
4. German red strawberry
5. Reisentomate
6. Summer cider(apricot)
7. Zapotec
8. Bulgarian #7
9. Reisentraube
10. Sungold OP
11. Black cherry
12. Snow white
13. (undecided larger black/purple type)

Fresca Strawberries
Bush pickle cucumber
Red kidney beans
Plenty of herbs

* Dehybridizing these varieties
**Maybe, maybe not growing these this season
I'm finally starting to see more aphids now that spring is on its way, but I'm also getting some ladybugs too so now I have to decide whether to stop spraying now or not. There are not a lot of ladybugs yet, but I certainly don't want to kill them and/or their eggs.
Another problem this year is the whitefly. Last year was terrible for them, and I must have brought some indoors because my banana, tomato, and other fruit trees are full of the buggers and they get on some on the pepper plants too:(

Here you can see my first ripe tinyTim tomatos, but can you also see the whitefly?

*Plant is only staked up for picture

So far nothing wrong with this Douglah but I'll probably be picking off some flowers soon
Try some yellow sticky traps for the whitefly. It won't get them all, but it will control them until you can get the plants outside.
hey potawie,

your plants look great...

do you ever get curl up on some of your leaves ?

whats the curl up due from ?
A lot of people seem to get curl up with C. chinenses and it usually ends up being a magnesium difficiency or over-watering.
A lot of people seem to get curl up with C. chinenses and it usually ends up being a magnesium difficiency or over-watering.

ahhh ok,

what do you do when its a magnesium diff ?

any home rememdies ?
Use some epsom salts(magnesium sulphate), or you could use dolomitic lime but it isn't as instant a result
Do a search here for "epsom salts"
yeah i have already been doing that to the plants.. and nothing yet.. its been a week already... been sprinkling a bit on the surface as well as giving them a little mist..

i guess ill have to wait a little longer for some results...

thanks dude !

hey man, i guess you didnt get the seeds i sent...
Another reason for leaf curl up on my chinense appears to be from too much light?

I had my 250w mh hanging only 6" above the "canopy" and leaves were curling on many plants (but not all, oddly enough). Raised it to about 16" (to cover more plants) and leaves have uncurled.

Haven't changed anything else. But then again, could be coincidence?
lostmind said:
Another reason for leaf curl up on my chinense appears to be from too much light?

I had my 250w mh hanging only 6" above the "canopy" and leaves were curling on many plants (but not all, oddly enough). Raised it to about 16" (to cover more plants) and leaves have uncurled.

Haven't changed anything else. But then again, could be coincidence?

hmmmm, maybe ill try that as well.. i did raise it already but ill raise a little more for a week and see what happens..

thanks lostmind.;)
Flower picking question

So far nothing wrong with this Douglah but I'll probably be picking off some flowers soon

Potawie, I have a bunch of my Bhut's also flowering. They look about the same size as your Douglah. Do you recommend me picking off the flowers? I imagine this will allow the plant to concentrate more on foliage/root growth vs. flowers...
I usually pick early flowers to encourage the plants to grow bigger this time of year, but its also nice to have some early peppers, you just may be sacrificing overall production

Pimento L. and Jalapeno M. peppers are teaching me the alphabet:)


Don't worry about the seeds HP, I have too many plants as it is
I usually pick early flowers to encourage the plants to grow bigger this time of year, but its also nice to have some early peppers, you just may be sacrificing overall production

Pimento L. and Jalapeno M. peppers are teaching me the alphabet:)


Don't worry about the seeds HP, I have too many plants as it is

have you tried the Jalapeno M yet?...I don't remember if you grew them last year or not...
Yes I've grown the jalapeno M and they are among my favorite jalapeno for production, flavor, and appearance(with their great corking.) The plant in the above pic is actually a 2nd or 3rd year jalapeno M plant;)
as always potawie, the plants look great!! also nice list of chiles you're growing this season, many I've never heard of.

finding the ladybug was easy, now that whitefly thats another story :lol:
but I see white dots on the plant.
Beautiful Canadian Pepper plants. We are far from pretending that Spring has Sprung here in Winnipeg. You Ontarians have the life...that's for sure! Way to go with your amazing plants Potawie!