Potawie's Pepper Progress

It's impressive, but I like this one more:
Speaking of frogs, doesn't this pepper look like it has a frog's body and some sort of bird's head? Pretty cool looking pepper anyways. Its another Trinidad scorpion.

They are white ammo which was Reimer's rip-off version. Apparently they gave up on their PVP varieties since non of them are listed on their website last I checked. BTW don't buy seeds from Reimers!!!
Speaking of frogs, doesn't this pepper look like it has a frog's body and some sort of bird's head?

It looks like a baby bird! Its wings are small and unfeathered and held close to its body, and the head still looks too big for the body.
scary :) you'r wright pam ...sell it on ebay potawie LOL !!!...anyway amazing scorpion :lol:!!! what to you do with all those pepper ??
I smoke, dry, sauce, pickle, freeze, eat fresh, cook with, give away, occassionally sell, and some get strung up for decoration. Oh and some spicy vodka and pest control too. I think thats everything.
Damn mice ate most of a ziplock bag full of dried yellow habs and some choc habs as well as my Whippet's tail ristra and some other stuff from 2006 crop. I now have mouse proof storage but who would have thought they'd eat habs.
You should have seen the deer that ate a hab. What a show that was, snorting and stomping and snot flying. The deer haven't been a problem since then.
You should have seen the deer that ate a hab. What a show that was, snorting and stomping and snot flying. The deer haven't been a problem since then.

lol, I got to try that on the squirrels next year.
You should have seen the deer that ate a hab. What a show that was, snorting and stomping and snot flying. The deer haven't been a problem since then.
Did you know that's what killed bambi's mother? :?:
scarecrow said:
lol, I got to try that on the squirrels next year.

I've heard you can mix chile seeds in with birdseed to keep squirells away. Alright there's one more pest contol use for my peppers.