I'll be holding on to most of my pods this week, so I'm only offering 3 boxes with the same contents. Each box will contain...Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, 7 Pot Barrackpore, 7 Pot White, Naga-Reapers (not a cross...supposed to be reapers very sweet and very hot), Yellow Aji, one baggie containing Charapita Yellows and a few pequins, and one 3/4 full bag of Pequin/Goat Weed seasoned powder. Oh, and I will throw one true Reaper pod in each box for FREE!!!
All three boxes are the same, and already sealed. I also threw some Birgits Locoto pods in each box to ensure they were full. First three to post here and PM me will get them. Price is the same and a steal...$16 shipped, US only!
Also still have Powder available...all out of Primo, but I am stacking up some pods and will make some more in a few weeks. My 17yo daughter now does all the bagging and labeling and takes 30% of the $$$ made. Last week she made twice as much doing this as she did at her "real" job as a "Sandwich Artist"...
She says it looks like some sort of illegal operation???

(the beer was mine) She's only been helping for a few days and she's already talking about upping it to 50%!!!

It really don't matter since mama takes the other 70%.
Aight folks...lemme know!