Powders Available...

Haha...no takers on those killer barrackpores from the BA seeds you sent me Brent.
Ok folks...time to relax and start drinking...I messed around too long and missed the damn PO...so they'll all go out Monday. Next week I'll do all the setup on Sunday and just plan on sending on Monday less stress that way.  :doh:
I still have a ton of pods...and will pre-group them and post the pics up tomorrow for any more takers....several POUNDS of powder left too!!! :party:
I'd like to get,
Manzano (seasoning blend...mostly powder with a dash of flavor added)
Red Fatalii
Bird Aji (small wild variety with great flavor and pretty good heat)
I know it's late, so if you can't send it until next weekend it's no problem.
Logrus9 said:
I'd like to get,
Manzano (seasoning blend...mostly powder with a dash of flavor added)
Red Fatalii
Bird Aji (small wild variety with great flavor and pretty good heat)
I know it's late, so if you can't send it until next weekend it's no problem.
I'll pack it up today!!! 
I modified the original post...3 SFRBs remaining! 
I'll take one of those SFRB's of peppers. When can it ship? I tried to send you a message, but it said this person can't receive messages. 
Dj...I had already put them in the freezer by the time you sent this. I will have some more next weekend!!! As for the messages, they should work now. My membership expired yesterday...talk about bad timing!!!
All shipped! The SFRBs have tracking and i will PM each of you this evening with your #s so you can follow your pods travels. No tracking info on the powders...but I have "expected" delivery dates on all. Please shoot me a message when your package arrives.
Expected Dates are...
Riverside, CA
Elizabethton, TN
Las Vegas, NV
Miami, FL
Reedsville, PA
Drexel, NC
Cortlandt Manor, NY
Virginia Beach, VA
Mancos, CO
Hamilton, NC
That should be everybody??? 
Have a great week everyone! Some folks have already hit me up, so I will post up some more next weekend!
I would like one bag of each of the following powders:
Yellow 7 Pot
Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Bhut
Yellow Cardi Scorpion
Manzano (seasoning blend.
Black Naga
Red Fatalii
Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Brain Strain
Thank you for your generosity!
Time for me to pull the trigger on this.  PM me with payment details and I'll get it straight away.
One bag each:
Yellow Cardi Scorpion Hot Salt
Manzano (seasoning blend...mostly powder with a dash of flavor added)
Light smoke or no smoke:
Bird Aji (small wild variety with great flavor and pretty good heat)
Got mine today thank you. The smoked powders smell great because it's not overpowering, you still smell the pepper. The Aji has a nice fruity smell. Time to suffer. :hell:
I will be sending out powder orders tomorrow!!! One standing order is missing an address and another has yet to pay...double check your PMs if you've asked for some powder. 
I have plenty more powder!!! Well...except for Primo, I am OUT!!! Low on Manzano and Red Fatalii. Good news is I added some Caribbean Red Hot Salt and Fatalii Hot salt to my collection along with some Smoked Scotch Bonnet. PO closes at 1pm PST so get your orders/payments and addys to me before then and I will get them out! 
I will also be selling some pods, but will wait until Sunday to put the packages together and post what's available and will mail them out Monday. PM me if you're looking for anything! I am already SOLD OUT of Bubblegum 7 Pots for this weekend, and maybe next weekend too. So if you're looking for them you'll have a bit of a wait. 
Can't believe the awesome response so far!!! I even enlisted the help of my 17yo daughter so she can earn a little gas money!
I'll be holding on to most of my pods this week, so I'm only offering 3 boxes with the same contents. Each box will contain...Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, 7 Pot Barrackpore, 7 Pot White, Naga-Reapers (not a cross...supposed to be reapers very sweet and very hot), Yellow Aji, one baggie containing Charapita Yellows and a few pequins, and one 3/4 full bag of Pequin/Goat Weed seasoned powder.  Oh, and I will throw one true Reaper pod in each box for FREE!!! 



All three boxes are the same, and already sealed. I also threw some Birgits Locoto pods in each box to ensure they were full. First three to post here and PM me will get them. Price is the same and a steal...$16 shipped, US only!
Also still have Powder available...all out of Primo, but I am stacking up some pods and will make some more in a few weeks. My 17yo daughter now does all the bagging and labeling and takes 30% of the $$$ made. Last week she made twice as much doing this as she did at her "real" job as a "Sandwich Artist"...

She says it looks like some sort of illegal operation???  :rofl: (the beer was mine) She's only been helping for a few days and she's already talking about upping it to 50%!!! :crazy: It really don't matter since mama takes the other 70%. :violin:
Aight folks...lemme know!
Shane is a good fella.  Great powders and a pleasure to interact with. 
If I didn't have a LFRB of fresh peppers on the way I'd be all over these, bro! 