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PRF grow room

I am getting people asking me to show my grow room which is actually a closet in my spare bedroom. There are many variables that I've had to work out, mainly the heat put out by my HID, but all seems to be going well ATM. I am lucky that my closet has an attic access and I just stuck a big box fan in the hole to remove hot air. It stays 75F day and night. I have just 2 lights, a 4 ft. floro and the 400w HID. When my plants outgrow my setup they go in the window until they go outside under the big halide in the sky. That's it. All I wants is great looking plant starts out of my grow room. 6-7 more weeks until I start hardening off my plants.

The air in my grow room is turned over 15-20 times every hour and that is how I cool my grow lamp. I can let you live up in the attic if you like IGGY.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
The air in my grow room is turned over 15-20 times every hour and that is how I cool my grow lamp. I can let you live up in the attic if you like IGGY.

As long as you feed me fish head from a bucket I'll be a happy man.
HA! I could see my wife letting me comandeer an entire closet. She complains about storage in the house as it is. Looks great PRF. By the way, the 1st of 6 seven pod seeds you sent me that I planted last Sunday has germinated and is standing straight up already. One week! Amazing. Thanks again for those. Going to be a fantastic Summer.
Sheldon that does not suprise me those seeds were fresh when I sent them out to everybody. Keep us updated. The wife has every other closet in our house full of her stuff, it was the least she could do is give me the spare bedroom closet. Either that or ask her to move out.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I am getting people asking me to show my grow room which is actually a closet in my spare bedroom. There are many variables that I've had to work out, mainly the heat put out by my HID, but all seems to be going well ATM. I am lucky that my closet has an attic access and I just stuck a big box fan in the hole to remove hot air. It stays 75F day and night. I have just 2 lights, a 4 ft. floro and the 400w HID. When my plants outgrow my setup they go in the window until they go outside under the big halide in the sky. That's it. All I wants is great looking plant starts out of my grow room. 6-7 more weeks until I start hardening off my plants.


I'm just taking a closer look at these pictures, PRF, and notice the cactus. Is that an edible cactus? Does it fruit? I had a sauce that contained cactus once and it was outstanding...but here in the Canadian Prairies a bit difficult to find. How hard are they to grow?
Not an edible cactus. My wife has had a cactus since we have been together and it fell over last year and this arm broke off. Placed it in a vase with water and presto roots. Don't have the original cactus anymore but several offspring. It is the easiest plant to care for.
Ya, I have a few cacti growing myself (had more out in LA, but alot of them died in the cross country move to Cleveland)....I have one species of "edable" cactus...... : evil grin : ... the rest are just prity to look at....
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Not an edible cactus. My wife has had a cactus since we have been together and it fell over last year and this arm broke off. Placed it in a vase with water and presto roots. Don't have the original cactus anymore but several offspring. It is the easiest plant to care for.

I don't know, PRF - someone gave my wife this hideous plant (never blooms) about 10 years ago. That plant refuses to die - it's a Keith Richards of the plant world. It's been upset so all the soil fell off, chewed by cats, gone without water for days and days and it still keeps on keeping on. I may need to run it through a paper shredder and let it sit in the August sun under a magnifying glass for a week then bury it six feet in the ground to get rid of it!

Nice practical set-up you got there, PRF!

I just got my first grow light this past Friday, 110W 2 bulb CFL that emits 10K lumens. Do you leave the lights on 247 or do you have a photo period cycle?
I keep the light on 24 hours everyday when they are young to give them the best start possible. Not trying to grow mature plants in my room, just strong seedlings. The sun will take care of that.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I keep the light on 24 hours everyday when they are young to give them the best start possible. Not trying to grow mature plants in my room, just strong seedlings. The sun will take care of that.

I have my lights on an 18 on 6 off cycle, but I also want to give my young seedlings a good start. Do the plants not require some "rest" from the light? Or is it a case of the more light they get, the better?
To just tell you the truth my ballast is a HPS pulse start and I don't want to pulse start my MH bulb but just once a week. Bright as tropical noonday sun the first of spring with a slight breeze is what my plants what and that's what they get. If I could go 16/8 I would definately do it.
Very nice setup! I see you have the cups stacked and ready to go too!! That's what I'm doing now after seeing the results you got. Quick and easy and takes them a while to outgrow. I have a bunch of seedlings in cups already getting natural light, but they are still small.
PrairieChilihead said:
I have my lights on an 18 on 6 off cycle, but I also want to give my young seedlings a good start. Do the plants not require some "rest" from the light? Or is it a case of the more light they get, the better?


Lighting duration is discussed quite a bit in this thread.
