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seeds PRF seed tray '09

bigt said:
How do you harvest the interior plants? You need a golf ball retriever with clippers.

It is like finding easter eggs in all the craziest of places. I am definitely on my knees reaching in for the loot. I have been on my back like a car mechanic reaching for pods. Sometimes I have to chop the pepper and watch where it lands. JungleRain all plants are healthy and producing pods but yes more have come from the outside so far. Interior plants had to grow taller before starting to pod. I probably sacrifice a few pods but I like the small footprint easy to water.:)
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Interior plants had to grow taller before starting to pod. I probably sacrifice a few pods but I like the small footprint easy to water.:)

Plus they probably all support each other so that reduces staking right?
It is very windy where I live near the beach so that was the idea Josh. We will see what happens when they are heavy and full of pods? Had my first Douglah experience tonight during dinner. Ate a whole one sliver by tiny sliver on a homemade pizza. Fantastic chocolate chinense taste with a hint of jolokia. Any hotter and I couldn't eat it, my wife says I make funny sounds and my scalp sweats making my head look all wet. Really enjoyed this one.
Final pics of the garden plants for 2009. The tallest ones are the 7 Pod and the Yellow Scorpions which are over 6 ft. and growing pods over my head. Production has been solid thru the heat of the summer under the shade of the tree. Spacing has some issues, my garden is in a space of 20' x 30' which is nice not all over my yard, but pod production would have been a whole lot more if spread out. Not complaining been a great season with many huge harvest still to come this fall!



Huge plants Cappy! That's a forest right there. Much taller than anything I have for sure. Amazing.
Unf####nbelievable PRF. I'm always in awe how people can grow such large plants in pots!! I must do something wrong as my plants never grow tall. They are short and compact in raised beds. Hypothetically, they should be bigger in ground.

I'm sure the crap MI weather doesn't help and short season. It's all good though. It's interesting seeing how different gardens grow. GREAT season your way. Keep up the excellent growing.