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seeds PRF seed tray '09

They will be moved apart as they grow. I will group plants that I want seed aways from the others. Already have roots growing out the bottom of some 5 gallon containers. They seem to like the light under the tree as they get good morning and evening sun but blocks the high noon sun. Until they start to crowd each other or growth slows I like the rows like an orange tree plantation. Thanks for all the positive comments.
:shocked: They look good!! Seems you have a lot of space available for your peppers.

PRF, I meant to respond to this. I wanted to say I've seen NO PLANT that can match the vigor of the yellow Scorpion plant from CARDI I grew in '08. I grew plants from my saved seed in '08 this year....largest, healthiest plants again. Amazing. :) They truly were beautiful pods too, but not superhot heat levels. Maybe 8 out of 10, but quite unique and nicely flavored.


Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Hey Chris we are all growing many seed from you my friend. Just an update the Yellow Scorpions and Morouga I received from you are my best looking plants. The Douglah I have a couple but only half germinated but those look great. I have a couple from Sara growing so I should be able to help out the cause come fall. The Bih look incredible and have much more of a Jolokia leaf shape than my Bhuts. Also have a Jonah and a special light green Bih looking good. Thanks always my friend.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
They seem to like the light under the tree as they get good morning and evening sun but blocks the high noon sun.

The trees have conspired to give me the opposite situation. I get shade in the morning then blazing midday sun, then shade again after 4 or so. They wilt like crazy and then bounce back - anything still wilty in the afternoon shade gets water. I also check on them in the morning and maybe give the southernmost ones a drink to prepare them for the day ahead.
I'm hoping for some really stressed out plants.
A couple more pics of the garden growing under overcast skies. The next 10 day forecast has scattered thunderstorms everyday gives me a break from watering. Difficult weather this spring for growing peppers in the southeast. Windy as crap yesterday and a high of 67F on Monday?:rolleyes:

Absolutely gorgeous. You have some huge plants already Cappy. Lord only knows what they'll look like in August. You're a one man carbon dioxide recycle center. :lol:
great looking plants Cappy...wish mine looked that good but they don't...they are wind blown and kinda lean at the moment....but...I do have lots of pods on....got a Cappy 7 Pot hat is an inch long already and the Naga Morich are putting pods on like crazy...matter of fact...all the seeds I got from you are podding as we speak...
Haven't seen the sun all week, wind and rain the past 5 days. Found a break in the clouds to snap a few pod pics and run back inside. The fatalli are really getting nice and thick in the first pic, a Condor's Beak Habanero in the next, lots of White Habs with a few already harvested, and a Red Savina forming. The wind has broken a branch off a naga and blown over several other plants, but I should have a bunch of Datil peppers to harvest this Memorial Day weekend off a 2nd year plant. Hopefully the weather will let up and give my plants a break.



Thanks Josh and scoville. Actually there is a recession in the palm tree nursery business and all these containers were recycled from a closed lot. Much of my potting mix is also recycled this year just added peat and compost to last years pro-mix. I really didn't spend all that much on the garden this year, but I have found myself investing in more fertilizers this year than I have in the past to keep things green. Just spread a bag of bonemeal around between all my plants earlier today.
Yes,I've just done the bonemeal and epsoms salts today,10 days of rain,all the nutes in the soil washing out,might as well take advantage of the situation!