Product Testers FOUND for new product

EXACTLY! And if you know the audience, you know it's extreme chiliheads, and extreme chiliheads will buy anything evil, they like to torture themsleves. Think of music. People who like death metal buy death metal. Why should she "jazz" up her name? Still scratching my head how the word evil is offensive. :shrugs:

That's for her to know. I'm sure there are religious chiliheads in the geographic areas I mentioned that would, in fact, be offended by the choice of words.

Your lack of understanding doesn't mean there is a lack of actuality. ;)

It's why "different strokes", "to each his own", "variety is the spice of life", and so on, are canons in the conversational vernacular of this country. :)

That being said, I am sure that both you and she know the market better than myself. And the ranks of chiliheads may, in fact, be filled with primarily non-religions, un-easily offended folks. I have no idea. Haven't seen market research on the segment myself.
It's extreme hot sauce, not baby food, you are looking at it to generically. Knowing the audience is important, and we all know it here. Chiliheads!

Someone should tell Blair to rename his death sauces, and remove the skull keychains. He may get more business.

For what it's worth, I have it, and have put a drop on my tongue. It is Pure Evil!

I like it, I like the name, and I would stuff every stocking hanging off the mantel... If I were Santa...
It's extreme hot sauce, not baby food, you are looking at it to generically. Knowing the audience is important, and we all know it here. Chiliheads!

Someone should tell Blair to rename his death sauces, and remove the skull keychains. He may get more business.

There is truth on both sides of the views. You are correct when you say the audience is, Chiliheads. But what manufacturer, supplier or seller of goods ever wants to limit their sales to one audience? I surely know I do not, nor never would want to limit exposure.

Another tactic would/could be to market under such a label as "Satan's Whore Spawning Double Hot Poker in the Eye Sell Your Momma Rectal Destruction Death Sauce,".... and then also bottle it under a more "general public" accessible name for more of a mass market.

Double(or more even) name market campaigns do happen quite often, and have mixed to moderate results. Often after awhile, other names will be dropped, and all will be incorporated under one umbrella name. Usually the one that sold the most... which is usually the one that has a "broader" market appeal.
Lots of saucemakers enjoy a niche audience and understand their product will never sit next to Heinz ketchup in the supermarket, nor do they want it to. Some aim for that, and some want to keep it niche. Creator (Defcon), for example, has expressed that he is not aiming to get into Wal-Mart, he enjoys what he does and the fact that he never has to conform. They would probably not want to market a food product with a biohazard symbol.
It's extreme hot sauce, not baby food, you are looking at it to generically. Knowing the audience is important, and we all know it here. Chiliheads!

Someone should tell Blair to rename his death sauces, and remove the skull keychains. He may get more business.

So folks that have religious beliefs they feel strongly about don't/won't eat extreme hot sauce?

Or religious folks give hot sauce a pass because they know it's marketed in a religiously flippant way?


If you know it based on research, then great. If you 'know it' based on a 'feeling', then it may/may not be worth re-evaluating as conventional wisdom that inhibits sales.

Don't know Blair. But maybe he will get more business! Maybe not! Only he knows if he's done the research, or as he learns.

He also might sell more marketing it with different labels in different areas. That's a pretty common practice with product around the country and around the world.

Look, I'm not trying to have an argument about whether I know the market better. I don't. But I do know that CW can sometimes cripple companies, and that if you don't/can't look at audiences outside of the 'box', it can cost you.

Might. Might not.

Not a big deal, either way. SL is wise to at least be questioning herself, her product, and what/where she's going with it. The best business leaders do exactly that. All the time. Year after year.
So folks that have religious beliefs they feel strongly about don't/won't eat extreme hot sauce?
Now you are just putting words in my mouth. I haven't even mentioned religion once in this topic. Read back if you must.
Now now children. Everyone here wants to be right. Lets all share the ego pie and leave it alone. I can see a closure of this post coming in the near future. Only SL will know what will work for what she wants to do with it. She has plenty of input from both sides of the THP community. She is an intelligent women I'm sure she will make a smart decisions and her product will do well in the consumer market. Lets not make her feel bad about what she names her's her baby and she has put a lot of time into it. :)
Now you are just putting words in my mouth. I haven't even mentioned religion once in this topic. Read back if you must.

Right. But the root of the controversy is religious. Clearly. Am I not clear in that understanding? What makes it "controversially marketed" if not the religious aspect?

Also, can you address the rest of the points I made. ;)

Bottom line is as 3/5 says, though. Only SL knows her market. Smiter and I are looking larger picture. Doesn't mean we're right or others here are more right or wrong.
SL has a lot of market research now lol.

SL good luck with it, and the name :scared:
I love a good debate. I think the couple of examples that THP has given though in Drake Devil Dogs and Blair's Death Sauces (for those that do not know, Blair is probably the highest selling, most popular, craft hot sauce making in the business) are perfect for illustrating the point that millions of people are not offended by the use of Devil or Death in the product names.
I love a good debate. I think the couple of examples that THP has given though in Drake Devil Dogs and Blair's Death Sauces (for those that do not know, Blair is probably the highest selling, most popular, craft hot sauce making in the business) are perfect for illustrating the point that millions of people are not offended by the use of Devil or Death in the product names.

I don't think the argument was that millions are not offended. I don't think that's in question. It was how many MORE millions could be sold. :)
I don't think the argument was that millions are not offended. I don't think that's in question. It was how many MORE millions could be sold. :)

I think the original question was SL wasn't quite happy with the name: "Any suggestions?".

This is a lot funner with a cocktail!

I could probably make it work with my mad photoshop skills...
But the question is would I want to for only a possible 5% market opt in
from the commie satan worshiping liberals ...

<Joke> :dance:

HAHAHAHA! 5% is 5%!!!! LOL
WOW! I take off for a couple hours to make hot sauce and package little boxes of heat and look what happenes!

Thank you to everyone for the great discussions! I won't get to everyone, but I'd like to respond to a couple.

Smiter Q- thank you for your great insight based on your years in the biz. You're right that every dollar counts and one should consider everything to get the most revenue.

After (enough) years selling salsa, I know that 75% of the populace buy mild-medium sauces. 24% buy generally "hot" sauces (maybe Colula and Tabasco level) and maybe 2 out of 100 will buy our "Scorcher" heat salsa. The scorcher is only about a 7 on a chilehead's heat scale. So the market for this food additive is maybe 1 out of 500 of those that will actually buy it for themselves. Probably more than that will buy it as a gift for a chilehead they know.

THP website seems to have attracted a much larger percentage of superhot chileheads, but there is still quite a few here that are medium chileheads.

about the conservative/Bible belt ideas-
very good points from several people. I'd like to add one more. If the sauce was a mildy spicy, sweet sauce with the name "God's Love In A Bottle" would some sector of the populace be turned off and not buy it? Probably so.

What about Evil Knevil (he was over-the-top as CJ's definitions go), "sinfully good", or the comment "Oh That's SICK!"

I'm still open to other suggestions, even though the bottles that went out today were labeled Pure Evil.

Another one I was considering is "G2V" but very few know what that is. It doesn't have the instant knowledge or insinuation of the heat in the bottle.

Also, I still don't know how to identify it other than a "food additive". It's not a hot sauce, maybe after people get their bottles, somehting will come up.

I feel like I'm missing comments in the time it's taking to post this so I'll be back in a minute with another post about the packages.

Yep I missed the last couple comments-

How about-

Pure Heat

Liquid Fire
Now I'm worried that the product won't live up to the hype. We'll see in a couple days~~~

Most packages went out today. Still waiting on a couple paypals to come through.

Thanks again, everyone, for the great input.
about the conservative/Bible belt ideas-
very good points from several people. I'd like to add one more. If the sauce was a mildy spicy, sweet sauce with the name "God's Love In A Bottle" would some sector of the populace be turned off and not buy it? Probably so.

Most certainly! Always...there's someone. It's about the least offensive to the most for a general product. But that's not what you have.

The magic are the names that are mildly suggestive to some and religiously pious to others. If you can nail that (and I've rarely seen this), then you're GOLDEN!! lol.

Ah...either way, g'luck with it, and thanks for spurring the conversation. I really do love this board.
I've been thinking on this SL, and I just can't come up with anything that I like.
Drops of Sun?
Liquid Sun?
Capsia-Sun (pure heat non extract)?

Sun Crystal?

I can't wait to hear feedback from your testers!