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Pubescens Thread - CMPMAN1974 - 2009

A few pics from today...




First ripe pod of the season. LOVE this one. It's new to me. Extremely juicy thick walled pods and blazing hot. I was gifted ONE seed from a friend. Lucky, I made the best of it. :)



The plants look great Chris. Be sure to post more pod shots when they start ripening for you. I can't seem to get my Rocoto Red to set any fruit. It is in direct sunlight though. I am considering moving it back into the shade on August 1. The problem is that it only gets sun from 3pm until sunset. Not really enough as far as I could tell.
I've got mine in partial shade, Josh, and it's just now setting fruit. They seem to do that alot (late season fruit set) and seem to like the shade.
My rocotos weren't setting fruit until I moved them out of the afternoon sun - they now only get sun in the morning & seemed much happier (they set about 10 pods each) We've had a pretty wet July & it's left them a little sad again... hoping July will have some sun!
Great pics Chris! I'm also having trouble with my Manzanos. Two of the three are big but can't seem to even produce flowers. One of the non-flower plants gets more sun, but the other is right next to a manzano covered in flowers. These two are in nearly full shade. Still no fruit set, so if they start to pod up when the temps come down I guess I'll have to pray for a late first frost.
My Manzanos have a decent # of pods, but I've hand pollinated a few times already. They are with the rest of my plants now and get sun from 8am until 3pm and shade thereafter. Both 3rd year plants. Sweet pics Chris. Nice fat pod.
WOW! :shocked: That looks AWESOME! Almost a chocolate purple color on that pod huh Chris? Great taste and heat I'd assume....
SeeyouJimmy, it was the only pod on the plant as of now. I imagine they will be more uniform later, but I can't say yet. :) It is an elephant man pod. lol.

It had nice heat and flavor, but not as good as Bolivian de Milles IMO.

Any signs of giant pods in the making yet?
Or just buds?
Nice pics.
I'll be smokin up some pods soon from my plants.

Did your other plants start to get it together yet?
I hope so.
Some great looking Pubes chris,Flower pics are great and the deformned pod has a beauty all of its own,Keep the pics coming chris great post :)
Beautiful pictures,awesome pods. Glad to see these pics are marked, that should discourage the turkeys who seem to post your pics without asking.