• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Pulpiteer 2015 - New Year, New Hopes

I've been working towards 2015 for a bit now, so I figured I might as well get the glog fired up.
Quick recap: I'm a pastor was moved by the denomination last summer (happens every so often in my profession), so 2014 was not great. The soil in the new garden spot needs a ton of work. So this year is a year I hope to move forward.
One benefit of the new place is a 10 by 10 (or so) area in the basement that I can use as a plant room.  I've been working on that lately.
The room was previously used as a small wood shop, so it has a large table and a simple, homemade wooden shelving set up.  Here is a shot of it with the lights temporarily in place for my over winters.  I've already taken out one level in order to have a large growing area in the middle.  Also, on the far end, you can see I began a simple extension.  I wish I had a picture of how it was when I first started.  There were narrow shelves on that far wall.  I tore all of that out.  Also, there was a ton of paint and stuff on the shelving unit, that I had to move elsewhere.


I got some insulation from a big box store (Menards), and began cutting and duct taping it in place.


I attached the vanity lighting to 1 1/2 by 3, then screwed it in from the top so the screw head was flush with the upper level, and the lighting was as far up as it would go.


Insulation in, lights on. On the top level I have 2 four foot t8 bulbs. 6500k color. The heat from the CFL's on the mid level make the top compartment warm. I hope warm enough for seeds to sprout.


Since I want to be able to have loose plants on the mid level, but don't want water seeping into the wood or down into the lights on the bottom level, I took some cardboard from our packing boxes and made a custom fit box for that second level. I then lined the box with 2 garbage bags I sliced up the sides in order to make plastic sheeting.


For the bottom level, I added insulation on the floor, since I figured cold air would come up from that. I also bought an 8 bulb, 4 foot, T5 grow light, which you can see hanging from the top of that bottom level. Finally, I thought I'd put a little 10 gallon fish tank in the bottom. This will provide humidity and when I get water from it to water the plants, it'll be full of nitrogen. Oh, and in the tank are 2 Firemouth cichlids.


Also on the bottom level, to the right, I put in an exhaust fan. I got 2 of these little fans. They were on sale because they were out of season. I cut a custom hole in the insulation and stuck it in. I know, it looks factory made, right?


And here is the whole set up. Maybe you can see the second exhaust fan. I put it in the upper level to the right to blow across the seedlings when the come up. Also, my thought was that I could push the hot air to the left where there is a gap running down the side wall, and maybe the bottom fan would pull it all the way to the lower level and push out the cold air.


Of course, you need to cover the front in order to keep the heat in. I took some large cardboard boxes and covered the front with Mylar emergency blankets.


I put two screws on each side on the very top, and ran some wire through the top of the card board wall. And I hang them on that to hold it up.


Ok that's my 10 picture limit.  I'll try to make it back tomorrow to cover my overwinters and the seeds I just put down, as well as the soil rehab project. 
It's been fun to get this going.  Hopefully it'll pay off.
Thanks for stopping by!
Jeff H said:
Looking good Andy. As far as the rockwool cubes are concerned, I believe you are supposed to give them some nutes, but now that you have them in soil, I'm sure they'll take off.
Thanks Jeff! I definitely don't have the touch with rockwool.  I liked the idea of the roots breathing better, but I guess I'm just a soil guy.  It was worth a shot.  I'm hoping they'll take off.  I think their roots need to break out of the cube and they should do ok.  I've got some that are looking decent already.
PaulG said:
+1 Jeff, my thinking exactly.
Nice soil mix, Andy - I'm bookmarking your recipe!
Thanks - it's an educated guess after reading lots of recipes and buying different nutrients on sale or as I came across them.  I think it'll have enough stuff in there to get them to plant out.
beerbreath81 said:
great looking plants Andy, never heard of using cinnamon to deter damping off, may have to experiment with it this year. Nice soil Mix and looks like your girls are very eager to join in the fun and get thier hands dirty.
Thanks! Like I said, I've had good luck with the cinnamon, but I started doing that the same year I started soaking in chamomile tea.  One of them is working.  Dollar store cinnamon seems to work just fine and it's the right price.  The girls were driving me nuts when they saw that I got that stuff out.  My oldest girl (2nd born), remembered doing it last year and really wanted to help.  They really enjoyed it, and I'm trying to soak up these years because I know they grow quick...
RocketMan said:
Gotta say that's a great soil mixing system you have going there :) I'm really looking for ward to seeing all your hard work start to pump out the peppers.
Thanks Bill! The biggest challenge is to keep them from getting all the soil on the floor! :surprised:
Devv said:
Good to see your girls in on the action; kids just love to be a part of what you're doing...
Keep it green my friend!
Thanks! I hope it rubs off on them a bit.  Gardening is a great activity to get them involved with, that's for sure.  My youngest will turn 2 in May, so I'm sure he'll be my little helper outside.
So... I'm realizing that I have a problem.  I am planning ahead for this year's pepper draft (the 4th annual btw), and I since I am at a new church, I've got people from both churches involved.  If you need a recap on what the Pepper Draft is, check here, or here, or here.  This means I am going to have a record number of entries.  I may have up to 10 people.  If I want them to each get 15 to 20 plants, then that is 150 to 200 extra plants on top of the 130 - 150 I am growing myself.  This also does not count my tomatoes and various other plants I'll start from seed.  This means I am looking at upwards of 500 plants in my grow area. 
I am not going to have enough room.
So I decided to utilize what I have and clear out the upper level of my grow shelf and add in my existing vanity strips as well as order a 2 foot T5 set from ebay.
Here is the upper level after I began clearing it out and started adding lighting.

Here you can see the vanity strips. I did my best to avoid screwing a wood screw through the floor into the upstairs, and I think I avoided that. I ended up moving the one on the left one slot over and I'll put my T5 set in that spot when it gets here next week.


Next: to insulate. Here is some insulated bubble wrap that was in the dumpster from the preschool next door. It was used to deliver frozen cookie dough, I believe. And some cardboard, because I've got tons of that between ordering packages and moving boxes.


I took the cardboard and put it along the upper shelf, marking with a pen where I needed to cut slots for the joists. Then insulation wrap and duct tape does its magic.


Installed. Also, when the fit is snug enough it just sits by itself, no extra tape - or at most just a couple of strips.


Here is a pulled back view of the whole thing. You can also see my youngest who is obsessed with checking out that fish tank several times a day.


Final step: I need to water proof it. So, just like the lower level, I used cardboard for the side, and a garbage bag for the plastic liner.


And there it is. This may give me space for another 70 or so plants up top. I will still be hurting for space, but this helped and it used a lot of what I had in place already.

Earlier this week I did a water change on my 90 gallon tank upstairs (with a Red Devil cichlid in it), and brought almost all the old water downstairs in jugs or, in this bucket. I then added some drainage from a worm bin and some fish emulsion into it, and I have the bubbler going to keep it from growing anaerobic bad stuff. To my surprise yesterday, I found this foam head on it, so I guess I have a compost tea of some sort. I'll use this to water my plants, and dilute it for my smaller ones.


Finally, I did some potting up last night - and will do more tonight.

I used Cappy's "hot butter knife seedling transplant trick" - which seems so simple, but it is amazingly more effective than my normal "flip upside down, squeeze, and shake" method. I have trouble culling extras - so I only culled two. The others I carefully untangle their roots and pot up separately. I need the extras for the Pepper Draft anyway.


And they are looking decent.


I need to add an updated growlist. I'll do that soon. I am still waiting an order from pepperlover, which should be in the mail any day. I am wondering if the post office lost it, because I usually get orders from Judy so incredibly quickly. It would be the second lost piece of mail this month, if that's the case. Anyway, I also received seeds from Sawyer. Some awesome ones to try: a possible mustard 7 Pot, a Peach 7 Pot, and something he is calling an Arkansas Peach - which is a funky reaper that grew out peach. I'm excited for that one. Oh, and he mentioned a cool idea for seed saving in an email to me that I want to try so I can send some seeds out that have a chance of growing true.

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!
Your grow closet is bomb, Andy!  Nice work.  Good old yankee ingenuity!
I liked your comment about your son being obsessed with checking the
fish tank often; sounds like he's in training for obsessive checking of seed
trays for hooks!  Good work, dad   :rofl:  future chili heads of america, unite!
Your grow is looking good - nice transplants.  Off we go!
Just made it through from the beginning to get caught up here, Andy.  Wow, you've been really productive!  I'm liking everything I see, especially getting (and keeping) the kids involved. 
Are those buckwheat seeds you got from Jung?  I'm not sure a faster green manure producer exists.  That purple-throated mullein looks interesting.  I always let a few of the common mullein grow in my garden.  They are easy to control to keep from becoming too invasive and it's a real treat to watch the goldfinches go crazy for the seeds in the fall.  (I've only seen that a couple of times.)
Devv said:
Wow Andy, your grow area just keeps getting larger and larger. And it's looking good!
The plants are coming along nicely; you're going to have a great year!
Thanks Scott! It's progressing forward.  Now I hope the work I did on the garden soil pays off on plant out.
beerbreath81 said:
Plants looking great Andy, No doubt they loving that warm area you set up for em. The grow shelf is lookin awesome. I noticed more cinnamon on the leaves, maybe Ill throw some on mine once they show their faces :D
Thank you! I just got a new dollar sized cinnamon shaker last night, so I can continue applying.  You can just throw it on the soil right now before they pop up, actually.  I don't try to get it on the leaves, I try to get it at the base of the seedlings to get anything in the soil.  I'm just not as accurate as I could be, so it does get on the leaves at times.
Pinoy83 said:
your grow room is crazy good....and aquarium water to make tea is even better.... :fireball:
Thanks you! Yeah, I think that aquarium water will help.  I think the only problem is that I need to lower the pH on it.
JJJessee said:
Looks great, Andy. Classic man-cave stylin'!
Soil recipe looks good.
You're on your way to a monster grow.
Keep it chillin'
Thanks - yeah instead of a "man-cave" I make my wife call it my, "Plant cave."  I just got an Amazon Fire Stick so I can stream stuff down there too.  Which is cool, because I can watch youtube gardening or cooking or pepper videos as I work on my plants.
PaulG said:
Your grow closet is bomb, Andy!  Nice work.  Good old yankee ingenuity!
I liked your comment about your son being obsessed with checking the
fish tank often; sounds like he's in training for obsessive checking of seed
trays for hooks!  Good work, dad   :rofl:  future chili heads of america, unite!
Your grow is looking good - nice transplants.  Off we go!
Thanks Paul, he's on his way to obsessive seed checking for sure :surprised: .  I am doing my best to raise the next generation of chili heads!
Sawyer said:
Just made it through from the beginning to get caught up here, Andy.  Wow, you've been really productive!  I'm liking everything I see, especially getting (and keeping) the kids involved. 
Are those buckwheat seeds you got from Jung?  I'm not sure a faster green manure producer exists.  That purple-throated mullein looks interesting.  I always let a few of the common mullein grow in my garden.  They are easy to control to keep from becoming too invasive and it's a real treat to watch the goldfinches go crazy for the seeds in the fall.  (I've only seen that a couple of times.)
Thanks! I've kept busy with the whole thing.  It's been fun to create something.
Those are buckwheat seeds.  I've got wood chip mulch on part of the garden, and I figured I could do a cover crop on the other side and grow melons and squash into those.  I'm excited about the purple throated mullein.  It looks pretty.  I've got to remember to save leaves for tea - supposed to be good for colds.  I'll remember that about the finches.  We've got plenty here.  Of course, that will be next year before they get that far, if I remember correctly.  I think they are biannual. 
Ok - SuperBowl Sunday so this is happening:

I coated with yellow mustard and applied the rub yesterday, so I could let it sit.

3/4 c. Brown sugar
3 1/2 Tbsp bishops crown powder
3 Tbsp sea salt
1 Tbsp dry mustard
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 tsp dry thyme
2/3 tbsp allspice
1 tsp celery seed

I also got some wings to make. I've still got to soak them in buttermilk. Then I'll coat them in flour and deep fry them. It's my first time trying that, so we'll see. I feel bad about the store bought sauce, but I've only got so much time...


Alarm was set for 3 am, since it's a 9 lb. pork butt and I want it ready by 5:30 or 6:00, and included some time to sit in its juices.

Here it is right before going into the smoker. I was tired.


I am smoking it in the garage with the back door propped open a bit. Also, I sprung for a meat thermometer. It was a life saver this morning, as I could fall asleep on the couch, once the temp stabilized and I can also keep the smoker door closed because it's already taking the meat temp.


Here it is a ways into the process. I had to add more wood chips.


And when the meat reached 165, I wrapped it in foil and put it back in to finish. In watching some videos, this was suggested in order to keep some of the juiciness. Worth a shot.


And now we wait...

I'll continue with the pictures later.

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Thanks guys!
and now the food part 2...
This remote thermometer was great.  Here it is not too long before the meat was pulled out.
I'm not an alcohol drinker, but I do enjoy ginger ale and they have some fun ones out there.  This one tasted great.

Meanwhile... soaking the wing in buttermilk...


Pork is ready



Got the wings going - breaded in flour and deep fried.


I kept some breaded and some in the wing sauce.


Here's the spread.


And my plate - good food to watch the big game.


And there it was - great food. I over ate.
What a great setup you have Andy! The outdoor plot may need some work, but you've got plenty of room to spread out if you want it. Nice touch having a fishtank in the grow area for CO2, and an ambitious grow list... toss in the foodie pics and this is a very well-rounded glog. Keep up the good work!