• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

I have decided to start a dedicated Grow Log for
the Purple Thunder Bhut Jolokia hybrid.

It made its first appearance in 2015:
"This coloration might be the result of the intense
light on these red Bhuts, but only 2/6 show the trait.
If it is a cross,the only purple-y plant near the bhut
was Trippa's Mystery Cross. All of these seeds from
the same pod:"

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My PT F4 update for the week. Everybody seems to be doing well. The ones I sowed in the Solo cup are definitely behind the IDOO started plants, but all good. The purple coloring sure seems to come out more distinctly under the IDOO lights as opposed to the less powerful cheapie Amazon light......



PT F4 update..... I'll be planting out one of my Purple Thunder plants today, but thought some comparisons would be interesting......

Both of these plants were sown in my IDOO on the same day (1/25), and germinated within a couple of days of each other. The one on the left was moved to a SOLO cup on 3/3, and the other remained in the IDOO (until I SOLO'd her today.) Interesting to see the difference in height, as well as the difference in color (more green on the SOLO cup plant that's been under the cheapie Amazon light.)



On the same date (1/25) I sowed a couple of seeds in dirt just to see how they would fare vs. the IDOO starts......well, they are still rather small, and honestly not looking super healthy.....


I'm going to move them each into their own cups today with fresh soil, and we'll see how they do.

Nice comparisons, @rgreenberg2000.
The plant on the right is a good preview
of how the summertime foliage should look.

The two you are transplanting to fresh cups
and soil should improve markedly.
They look stunning in those pots.

BTW I meant to mention I really like
your 1.5 liter pot set-up. You are very
clever, my friend!
Doing a little field trip for the three plants I still have inside.......I think the little ones will come around, but they aren't super happy right now


My transplant is looking ok with some good new, purple growth......not sure about the coloring on some of those large leaves below, but I'll pinch 'em off if they keep discoloring....

Some new and old plants for this update..... I gave two of my PT F4 seeds to a friend, and he now has them transplanted outside. I asked him to get me a couple of shots since I know Paul wants to keep tabs on how this generation of seeds performs..... Here they are:


....and, in their container with a BBG and a Mucho Nacho.....


My PT F4 plants are all doing well starting with my transplant (shares his container with a BBG):


The indoor crew is looking pretty good, too:



Thanks, Paul!
Hey, Rich, looks like your PT are doing well.
Good on ya for sharing the pepper love with
your friend!
The Cali sun is really bringing the color to those
F4 plants. They should be awesome specimens
in a couple of months!

Thanks for posting those,@rgreenberg2000!