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Quad's FrankenGrow diary

Quad, I'm no expert here, but you might try giving it something higher in P and K to promote blooming and fruit set. I'm also having a problem with a nice big plant that won't hold flowers or set fruit, and I gave it some Espoma Tomato Tone fertilizer. Very high in P and K, and it seemed to work well on peppers and tomatoes alike last year. Will see how she goes on this plant...
These are notorious for flower drop Quad, nothing abby normal going on. Plus if you look close there be more buds sprouting right next to where the old ones fell off. If you grow it,it will produce.:)
Thx guys, I might try getting more P/K in there somehow.

Right now I use a diluted 10-10-10 fert with some epsom and molasses for my waterings...about every 4-5 days or when ever they start wilting a bit.

The soil has the Terracyle 5-3-4 granular fert with worm poop and stuff, I add in a bit about once a month and mix in before the next watering.

I need to find a ride up to the store to get some kelp/fish bloom ferts.

Been meaning to for awhile, but is a PITA when ya don't hava car..
Hey Quad, I commend you for sticking with it! You will get bihs/bhuts soon. Great thread, thanks for posting it.
I see plenty of buds still on your plants, man. That little bit of bud drop is the plants way of telling you it didn't want to torch you too severly on your first harvest. :D
QuadShotz said:
I need to find a ride up to the store to get some kelp/fish bloom ferts.

I bought a plant from Home Depot a few months ago and had the same problem. I followed the advice hear and started using some high P fert along with some of that fish fert and 5 weeks later I have at least 20 pods ripening as we speak. I actually picked a couple last night and popped them in my PHO and wow the flavor and heat is a LOT stronger than store bought. Hang in their I'm sure you will have more peppers than you can eat in no time.
Silver_Surfer said:
I see plenty of buds still on your plants, man. That little bit of bud drop is the plants way of telling you it didn't want to torch you too severly on your first harvest. :D

Haha! I think I'll live though...;)

LGHT said:
I bought a plant from Home Depot a few months ago and had the same problem. I followed the advice hear and started using some high P fert along with some of that fish fert and 5 weeks later I have at least 20 pods ripening as we speak. I actually picked a couple last night and popped them in my PHO and wow the flavor and heat is a LOT stronger than store bought. Hang in their I'm sure you will have more peppers than you can eat in no time.

Kewl... I picked up some fish fert adn other stuff today, so will see soon...


Big one is a Sweet Banana Pepper. It's actually growing out the bottom of the peat pot and will need pottin up SOON. The smaller one is a Orange Hab.

Yes, I checked for pests b4 bringing home...learned that the hard way before.

Some of the plants said sweet banana, some said hot banana...but they looked about the same. Is that just labeling or different varients? I got teh sweet one cus I have enough hot chiles as-is.

Shopping WIN:

orange hab - 1.00
banana pepper plant - 3.00
bigazz bottle of alaska fish fert - 6.52
stuff for taking cuttings - 4.00
4oz Superthrive - 7.72 (Dammm..I paid $14 last year for 1 friggin' ounce at local nursery store!)

And, SNAP! I passed 4,000 posts and spaced it....haha...derp!

Thanks everyone!!


I potted up the Sweet Banana plant I'd bought at wally world yesterday to a 32oz cottage cheese container. The baby Hab has also been freed from it's tiny peat prison to a 4" pot.


Poor banana chile was kinda forlorn, but is greener today and starting to perk up. The hab's in fine shape too for a baby.

Was nice to take off the peat pot and see nice white healthy roots and no crawly critters or anything. Coming from outdoors at a Walmart...ya never know. :)
No, it's still doing the same thing.

Seems to be either just growth, or they're falling off.

No flowering...I'm pretty sure there's just not enough light.

I like having the plants, but I'm not planning on any more as where I'm living at it's just a waste of time.
QuadShotz said:
No, it's still doing the same thing.

Seems to be either just growth, or they're falling off.

No flowering...I'm pretty sure there's just not enough light.

I like having the plants, but I'm not planning on any more as where I'm living at it's just a waste of time.

Clean out an old closet and take them indoors I plan on growing all year round.
LGHT said:
Clean out an old closet and take them indoors I plan on growing all year round.

All I have is the indoors, which is the problem. Without hi-power lights or enough direct sunlight, I doubt I'll ever see fruit from the superhots.

chillilover said:
Do you pay hydro where you are or is it included in the rent? You could get some hps or metal halides.:hell:

I don't pay extra for water or power, but the antiquated wiring in my building built in 1899 probably couldn't handle the amperage. Plus, there's only like two 3-prong outlets in the whole apt. Put it this way; when I use the toaster oven..the cord gets warm...

If I had an outdoors space, the weather is great right now...but I don't even have a balcony.

Basically, I can start plants, grow plants, and all that just fine...but the superhots especially are needing more than 6hrs of angled sun and some floros to produce. I'm pretty sure if I used HPS/MH lights, I'd either burn the building down, or get folks wondering why my apt. uses so much power...
3 amps is quite a lot actually...i think the average 400W light is closer to 4 amps also.

The problem is, this is bascally a slum building that hasn't been kept up.
The roof leaks when it rains, and stuff is literally falling apart. There hasn't been an on-site manager in years now.

So, I'm scared to plug in anything using 3-4 amps ALL DAY LONG. Without a grounded plug or modern wiring, it's like going to bed with a lit candle.

Not to mention there's no enviromental controls here, so what about the heat when it's summer and gets to 80F+ in here?

Assuming there was a fire, the building's fire alarm tends to go off by itself sometimes. Meaning the fire dept really doesn't care that much to bother....they do, but each time the thing is a false alarm, their response time slows....

That's what you get when you're poor and paying $345/mo. for rent.

Not much.
I guess your right 4 amps isn't much for houses with regular wiring but in your case I guess it would be dangerous. $345 for rent :shocked: I didn't know you could pay that low so I guess you can't complain. The heat it gives off would be another thing. I guess you wou;dn't like that much in the summer? Anyone near you have a house you could keep the plants at outside in the summer?
Nah, I COULD use my uncles back yard as he doesnt use it, but it's been taken over by my brothers pit bull...

Plus, not having a car the transit for upkeep would not be worthwhile. The fam isn't reliable to water or do anything themselves...they kill anything that grows.