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Quad's FrankenGrow diary

The plants enjoying today's sunshine. :D


They look all tangled, but it's just the angle. It's tight for sure, but there's a bit of room between them still.
More babies..yay!

A diff. batch of 'nother Japanese Pod seed...I ditched the former ones..alas.
These were hotter chiles...and sprouted in like 8 days. They get to live. ;)


So cuuute.
Those be buds my friend! Looks like you've got some Bihs in your future! If it has trouble pollinating itself, go find a nice fine natural hair paintbrush and start hand pollinating. YAY!! QUADZ GONNA HAVE SOME PODS ON HIS MONSTER FRANKENPLANTS!
Thx mates...after a year and a half, they'd better do something useful.

ALthough, they are pretty plants to have around anyway...BUT, me wantee pods. ;)
Ya know quad, I've always admired the fact that you've kept those plants for a while, loving them as much as you do even though they've not given you pods yet. I've followed this thread even before I was a member, and really felt for you when the cold hit and they dropped all those leaves. But your patience has paid off.

You are definitely a chilehead. I think anyone else who didn't love chiles would have gotten pissed after a year of no fruit and dropped those things out the window by now!
Thx man, I appreciate it. :)

I'd been told sometimes they don't produce well the first year, so taht kept me going..plus I'm stubborn. :lol:

I dunno, I just love to garden anyways. I've been wanting to since last I did like 30yrs ago. Everytime I walk by 'em it makes me happy.

Kinda like kids..sometimes ya wanan tear ya hair out, but all in all, it's totally worth it.

The fact it's EBiL HoT Chiles is just a bonus, eh?
congrats Quad...hot Bihs for you in 10 weeks...
Well, looked today, an although the new growth ya saw is doing fine, the bud-looking things just dried up and fell off. :(

Here's pix of that same area, and another area that is similar.



Other than a light/fert issue, IDK what would cause that with an otherwise healthy plant.
QuadShotz said:
Well, looked today, an although the new growth ya saw is doing fine, the bud-looking things just dried up and fell off. :(

Self pinching plants.... a must have :)
I'm kiddin. Just be patient as you have been....it will pay off!