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Quad's FrankenGrow diary

If anything, the plants have been loving the 80F days here....

Was just doing a check of one of the zillion bud-things on my 'ol Bih, decided to pick one and cut it open. Sure enough, it's an undeveloped flower bud...nice and purple inside. Woot!

SO, I searched some more, and looks what I found:


It's a flower!! The first real flower it's ever had, and my first superhot flower ever! :woohoo:

Then I realized something...if it actually blooms and produces this year....I'll be up to my neck in Bih Jolokias as the plant is VERY dense and covered in buds.

Plant pics:


Man, I hope it keeps it up... :-D
It's not bad at night here...the brick holds in the heat but it tapers off.

Whatever the outside temps are it's about the same inside. It's around 65F now at 10pm
See! I knew that bad boy was gonna bloom eventually! Remember, these things live in the DESERT! No amount of fluctuating temps can keep these guys from producing at least a few pods. Judging by the pic, it looks like you're gonna have more than that! Don't worry if some flowers fall off. Just leave those buds alone and let that plant do its thing. You'll get pods man, just you wait!
Thx everyone. :D

IDK, I guess it's just ready to.

The only thing I can think of it's the only plant not hit as hard as the others when they got cold adn dropped leaves in Oct. The Fatali, Dorset and ChocHab ain't budding yet.

I have been giving weak fish fert and epsom along with a dissolved multivitamin in the water lately along with the weak 10-10-10 generic fert...but that's pretty normal stuff. I did give 'em a shot of Superthrive lately too, but I doubt that's it.

Prolly is cuz just now it's like 80 in here and fully sunny.

Go figure...this weekend is gonna be in the 90's...and right now they are fixing the roof and the A/C...now I know why they raised rent by $10/mo.

So, plants are happy, and I'm sweatin' with my beer.
Maybe Quad's been gone so long cause he ate a ripe Bih, and he's been quivering on the shitter for the last 2 weeks scared to walk out and look at the plant again. More likely, he's just layin under the canopy watching pods form like a kid on mushrooms!
Nope, no fruit. Flowers all fell off.

I've been having all teh plants just in the window now that it's summertime, and they really like it. But IDK...still no fruit. :(