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Quad's FrankenGrow diary

Yay! They're still alive! Sometimes that's the best you can hope for with over-wintering, even in FL. I had plans to harvest all winter if I could just keep them warm enough. Now I don't even get out of bed to tend them unless the mercury dips below 33F.
Good to hear you're going to give it another shot Quad! I hope you finally get some of the superhots to produce for you. Best of luck man.
U R welcome for the seed. Now get some seedlings in a bright sunny window and give them a good start to life. I need to apologize for a picture in a Fairytales thread, glad you have a good sense of humor. I still laugh when I see that pic. Good luck with your garden this year.
Yeah, these are rather old drapes, a stiff linen blend I think.

Temps up there never get about 90-ish, and if there's a spark that bad the whole place would go up anyway. :D

I have more faith in it than the wiring in this 100yr+ old building. ;)

Besides, mylar that ya'll use is extremely flammable, prolly more so than these very heavy non-synthetic fiber drapes...most are made fire-retardent eh?


Just looked for a tag on 'em....nada but a drycleaning sticker from 1989..lol
Pretty much the same as last post....waiting on seeds to sprout mainly.

Oh, and I foudn a perfect spot for a cup of mystery asian pepper seeds..on top of an old crt monitor that I leave on because it's too ancient for suspend mode..lol!


It's always pretty warm, and I may as well use the heat eh?
I just used a yougurt lid as a tray in case it leaks any, and its' nice and toasty.

Clingfilm with a few holes in it keeps the heat and moisture in.
Novacastrian said:
That things not to attached to a commodor 64 is it Quad? :P

LOL! That'd be neat...but nah, it's used occasionally for my router/firewall box and does duty mainly for an old Win2k box.

PhatManDerek said:
Quad, I really love your setup man.

Thanks man, as they say..poverty is the mother of invention. ;)

Plus, I'm just a salvage & thrifty sort.
Haha...that side is sun-faded, but it's actually a big promo cardboard pretzel I scored from an old job...just fun stuff. :)
Ok, so I got tired of the giant-stalk stuff, and cut back my Naga Morich and both Fatalis...was painful but had to be done.

I just waited until there were new growths coming from the bottom again, then *whack*..cut off like 15" of plant.

Was pretty sad to do...but it's a lot more healthy now that it's growing back:


L to R is the Naga Morich, Fatali, Fatali, Choc Hab. and the Bih Jolokia. All but the choc hab and bih had been cut waaay back.

The Choc hab has filled in just super so just a minor pruning there. The Bih is trying to become a tree and has needed a lot of "training", but is doing well.

I should have chopped the Naga ealier, but I just was scared. As you can see by the difference in the pics from 2/16 and now..the Fatali's are doing nicely from their earlier whacking.

Plants are getting mix of daylight when there is some like today, and the lights when not...so far so good.

Haha my friend nice to see your 2009 going with a hot bang,kewl use of the drapes and the light and i admire your re-use of things
we forget that lots of those plastic items that come with food make wonderful small propagators,all the best buddy :)
Thx mate!

Here's a copy from another post about heating mats that shows my ghetto propogator. ;-)

I tried that, but couldn't find any that didn't have auto-shut-off because of laws here. (people leaving 'em on all night and frying granny is bad i guess)

Top of an old CRT computer monitor not allowed to go to sleep gets to about 85-100F.

I just use some old Jiffy tray holders as spacers so it stays about 85-ish and aluminum foil in case of drips....water going in the top of a CRT is BAD. ;)

Like so:

old cinnamon roll tray w/ Pro-Mix BX, and a $2 thermeter on top of a $6 CRT. A dbl'd-up styro cup in background w/ clingwrap. :)

The old Jiffy tray being used to diffuse some of the heat and allow the CRT to still do so as well.

Lots of those old CRT's can be found for free, why not use 'em?