Question ? Plant protection oh Red savina and dorset Naga

I am just wondering if any one can help me? I am chasing a list of chilli seeds or a data base of seeds that are protected internationally via patents or otherwise so they can not be re sold. Does any one know of such a list or data base? I know the dorset naga may be on such a list also the red savina may be. Thanks very much for your help.

check out its a good start. check out white bullet etc, theyve been trademarked. got to the seed company and maybe work backwards if that makes sense???
Just curiously, why? Thinkin about trademarking the orange hab ?lol.
Protected/ trademark plants

Love the oj hab mate, love em!!! lol ! Thanks for the info. There are 3 reasons why I want to know, 1 is to see if I can add the red savina and D.Naga to my seed list and sell the seeds, without stepping on toes. The other is out of curiosity. I also want to register one of my chillis, I can then see if anything like what I have is on there.

Fun fun

It seems like a tedious process to register a new variety but it would be cool if I could.

The Red Savina is indeed protected by Plant Variety Protection, but I think in the US only. the name itself is trademarked, so maybe you could sell them under a different name?
I know the dorset people applied for PVP, but don't think it's actually valid at the moment.
think in many cases,people change there names slighly or completly,great for the seller as they avoid patents but frustrating for the buyer track down the real name of the variety they have for the dorset they still awaiting patent apprently :)
You can exchange seeds, you just can't profit from them unless you're registered to do so. The Dorset naga can't become a PVP because they only selectively bred the plant and did not introduce any new genes. As far as I know nobody has ever been prosecuted for breaking PVP rules.
Trademarked peppers are a different story:
"A trademark is the individual "brand name" of a particular type of seed soldby a particular company, and acts as an indicator for the source of the seed. The fact is, any number of companies can each sell the same variety of seed under their owntrademarks, provided they comply with all other applicable laws. For example, AB Company may,if it wishes, sell the public domain, non-certified broccoli variety known as "Wok" under itswidely-recognized (and federally registered) GENIUS® trademark..."
Here's some I think are PVP:
Black pearl
francicsa hab
red savina
ole hot pepper
jupiter sweet
prairie fire
IDK about trademarked or other ones, but here's the PVP info:

Plant Variety Protection Office

Scanned Certificates Database & Certificate Status Database (needs .PDF reader for some of it)

Variety: Red Savina
Experimental name or Synonym: GNS 007/9201
Taxon: Capsicum chinense Jacq.
Crop: Pepper
Applicant: Frank Garcia, Jr.
Date filed: 08/26/1992
Status: Certificate Issued
Status date: 12/30/1993
Date issued: 12/30/1993
Years protected: 18
Number of pages: 14

FAIK, Dorset Naga doesn't have PVP status yet, it's just marketing saying they are the only authorised seller. Hell, Reimers sells "Dorset Naga"....go figure, eh?

Here's some I think are PVP:
Black pearl
francicsa hab
red savina
ole hot pepper
jupiter sweet
prairie fire

All I can say is that you can buy Red Savina and Medusa off Ebay (don't do it though, they could be anything). You can get Dorset Naga seeds too. I've seen a few sites selling Red Savina.
I think it would cost too much to prosecute a small ebay seller. There are lots of PVP sellers like reimers but they are licensed to do so. Dorset Nagas will likely never have a PVP but its possible they'll trademark the name.
I think Datils are covered also.

if you want to sell/copyright your own seeds you would have to prove that the variety is pure and can be reproduced consistently. if it's a cross you've made and it has worked only for one or two generations then it may not be stable enough to qualify, especially if you are selling them.

good luck. unfortunately I don't think you'll be able to use the name 'scorpion' as it's already taken. maybe xgrafcorex can give you the name of some other type of nasty critter you could use.
Chimayos are old too (400+year in Chimayo area)but they are trying to protect it to keep it genuine and to keep it within the chimayo region of New Mexico where it was a commercial crop and where it is said to grow best but now is nearly extinct.

Edit. I believe now that they are trying to trademark the name "Chimayo" and not trying to get PVP status.