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I know I'll have problems with these guys and my lettuce this year. Suggestions (yes, I know, shoot and eat them or pellet gun) on how to get rid of them please.
You can pee around the garden after a couple of pints.... cheaper than Milorganite :shocked: :sick: ... Ive read they also dont like Bloodmeal but there is a bit of an odor... also Shake Away Small Critter Repellent which I believe is powdered urine of a fox or cayote or something... I think I bought it Home Depot or Agway I dont remember
IGG, I am having a major problem with them already they are tearing up my sugar snap peas. I have chicken wire around them now but I still opt for the more permanent fix.........
Crossman pellet gun. I have put a bounty on them 5 bucks a head my 2 older boys love the idea. Anything that moves near the garden is fair game and worth 5 bucks.

Get a dog. It may not be an option, but rabbits don't dare come into my yard. They are mostly indoor dogs, but their scent stays in the yard.
cheezydemon said:
Get a dog. It may not be an option, but rabbits don't dare come into my yard. They are mostly indoor dogs, but their scent stays in the yard.

Then pee on your dog for extra protection :onfire:
poor wabbits????? Those little monsters know just how far the dog chain lets her go then sits beyond that until I let her loose. Our town has no rules on rabbits BUT you can't fire a gun in town, not even a pellet gun. It's a never ending battle and the rabbits seem to win more than I do. Pepper spray helps some but you need to reapply after every rain. Fences,if you have enough curved under the ground so they can't dig below it help some, basically unless your yard and garden is like Fort Knox they can find a way in. They are quite inventive when it comes to getting fresh young plants. Our town appears to be rabbit central, those cute little cottontails aren't so cute when they are munching you garden.


As long as you don't do it front of people it can't hurt anything.

Police: IGG, you're under arrest for public indenceny.
IGG: But occifer, I am only trying to scare away wabbits

BTW, I grow lettuce under a sheet - keeps it tender and from getting leggy (Simpson Elite and Flashy Back Trout).

Flash back trout?lol. Got me thinking of that Cheech movie where he shares a joint with a fish. "man you fish lipped it"
This was my problem last year.

He posed for pics and everything. It took me forever to get rid of him. I had to stand very still for an hour wait for him to come for the carrot and get him with a homemade spear. But it worked he avoided the trap because he was snacking on my plants.
He went throught less pain then the plants he ate. Plus he tasted good it was not all a waste I even used some of my peppers to spice him up.
Groundhogs are some of the smartest and savvy rodents I have ever dealt with. We had this one in a barn that was eating away the foundation of a vital support beam. I knew he was there, he knew I was looking for him. I had to stand behind a post for nearly an hour before he stuck his nose out far enough for me to blast it off with my 20-gauge shotgun.

I've shot those things in the hide from three feet away and seen them scramble back into their hole, albeit missing some fur. They are tough.
