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My watch must be fast, It's 6.05 and alls calm...or I missed the boat......Oh well I'll have to wait for the next Rapture....OR NOT
If I had known earlier i could have rented a bouncy castle or something... you know to give the event the respect it deserves
Excellent now I have an excuse for the Mrs to let me drink while I am sick woooo hooo.

dont forget, i am fairly sure this is based on american time....
so for us ozzies we will have to wait...

*insert scary muusic here*
uh oh its 15 minutes to 6pm here :eek:

when I read "insert scary music here" "good vibrations-the beach boys" came on... Guess I had better pack my white robe and harp
Apparently you can take care of your own plants Capsidad, me too, we are both still here...

Hey Aussies, don't forget about us over here.
guess our good aussie friends were beamed to heaven, the ones remaining will have to endure until oct 21......any THP aussie members still here.......guess not....you were all good, have a nice teleportation.

i still have 8 more hours, lets see, just put my plants outside and watered them, topped up the oil and brake fluid in the van, made my girls a pancake breakfast, made our bed, did last nights dishes - wifey left early for her weight-watchers meeting. what else on the honey-do list: pick up wife's racing bike and daughter #2's bike, bring daughter #1's graduation dress in for alteration, pick up booze(that's for me), cancel my mobile service as my 3 year plan is up on Monday, plant some herbs i bought yesterday in my herb garden....don't these list ever stop... guess there is no rest for the wicked... oh ya, i'm staying until oct 21. by then, all my plants will be finished producing and the first snow should have hit - just have to watch for cracks in the ground.

i'm too fat for teleportation anyway, i would break the theory and there would be burning colon spread throughout the multiuniverse and that would ruin it for all the good people. ha, imagine if they started with me first, now that would make a lot righteous turn evil!
My son is pissed. It looks like he's gonna have to study for his final exams next week after all
