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Remember When...

I remember when cell phones came out - My dad had one installed in his car with a antenna on the rear window and you held a big ass shoebox to your head. He was in sales and the company paid the bill. So when I would borrow his car to go to the arcade (I was a Robotron junkie) my buddy and I would order a pizza to pick up on the way home
frydad4 said:
Remember when the appropriate length for men's shorts was above the knee, just below the testicles?
Bawhaha looking like a mini Larry Bird in gym
midwestchilehead said:
Remember when you had to buy another Eagles or Doobie Brother's Greatest Hits 8-track tape because you wore out the first two?
I actually used to have an 8 Track "walkman" (not really Sony brand... just a portable).... had an 8" speaker in the side with a shoulder strap to carry it.
Buzz said:
I actually used to have an 8 Track "walkman" (not really Sony brand... just a portable).... had an 8" speaker in the side with a shoulder strap to carry it.
Is it the one with a T handle? thats the one I had with a Best of Young Bloods that my friend stole from his brother
frydad4 said:
Remember when they used to sell cap-guns that had the rolled up red paper with little gunpowder "dots" on it, and you used to just take a hammer and smack them, sometimes several at a time...
Try a pack of matches,same result.

I remember when you could pound out nickels to the size of quarters and get a Coke for 10 cents.

I remember when JayT started this same thread.
Pr0digal_son said:
I remember when JayT started this same thread.
Yes, but 87% of the posts were about hot dogs. :dance:

Remember when "Internet porn" consisted of printing out a long sheet with a series of X'a and O's on a dot matrix printer, whereupon if you put it on the wall and stood back 10' it looked like a naked chick?
Skateboarding was called sidewalk surfing,boards were flat wood with metal wheels...
Waffle stompers (boots)and jesus walkers (Sandles-often made out of b52 tires from nam)were forms of foot ware. 
Nehru shirts , turtle necks , short hair wigs...
TNKS said:
Anyone remember PF Flyers ?
roflmao...I actually thought they would make me fly....well, that's what the commercial said anyway....
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Remember never wearing a seatbelt or bike helmet or pretty much any safety gear for anything ever? Good times.
LOL my seat belt was my mom's arm - damn near took the breath out me or I get a nose bleed if she was late.
Remember regular gas and having a car that used it and couldnt find a station that sold it after the unleaded conversion
Remember when bands use to play instruments and didn't need computers?
Remember when you had to get videogame secrets/moves from word of mouth because no one had the internet?
Remember when the internet was becoming popular and when you downloaded porn it would take a week and you had no idea what it was until after it was done downloading?
Remember when everyone thought you were insane for putting 2 packets of tacobells hottest sauce on each taco?
Remember when your parent could drop you and a buddy off at the mall with 10 dollars each and you could eat dinner AND play arcade games for hours?(anyone seen an arcade lately? half that crap is 1 dollar per play now..)
     Remember that one shady gas station that was about an hour bike ride away (probably only like 5 or 10 minutes) with the cashier that didn't care how old you were and would sell fireworks and lighters to any kids?
     Remember going "spelunking" in storm sewer tunnels? The one by the edge of the corn field with the steel bars that were just broken enough that everybody except that super annoying fat kid from down the street could make it inside?
     Remember not having a flashlight when you're already about 500' (probably like 60') into the tunnel, so your buddy who's dad is in the army "adjusts" the cheap butane lighter to throw a 5' (10") tall flame, complete with liquid balls of flame?
     My brother and I tended to use our imaginations a lot growing up. And fire. Lots of fire. We had a set of lawn darts (Our parents bought them for us for Christmas. What the fuck?) They were probably the safest toys we used.