beer =[ Remgrandt's Six Months of *NOT BREWING* ]=

Cleaned all kegs and fermenters, except for two corny fermenters ...

Depending on a lot of things, really, I might still get a Brewdown beer knocked out, but I'm more focused on getting myself brewing again - generally speaking - than about getting an entry in ...
wheebz said:
I just think you are afraid to actually send me some beers because you know they suck despite my help
amirite guys or amirite
yeah, that's why i offered you to come over and have them right here with me =/ ... so i could have that experience in person, lol ...

i don't have much beer right now, and i def don't have the best one's I've made - that's for sure - so there's a small amount of reluctance in that regard, but i've mentioned it more than once =)

the bhut stout is fucking killer right now, though ... i guess you'll have to trust when i rebrew the red-eye, that it was good originally ...

if you want to bust my balls, bust them for buying too many ingredients after you warned me not to, and boxing myself in - because that - combined with getting behind on cleaning kegs, is what shut me down for a while ...
wheebz said:
I just think you are afraid to actually send me some beers because you know they suck despite my help
amirite guys or amirite
I will say that it was somewhat intimidating sending you beers....but the feedback is priceless.

But yes. Grant is ascared.
i'm really not ...

i'm amazed how shitty so many commercial beers are ...

i am a lazy procrastinator about things that are tedious, or, are challenging in terms of my ADHD ... no doubt about that!
getting there ...




Have to process a sack of MO, clean two remaining fermenters, and make a bucket of PBW to clean some ClearBeer apparatus, and finally to pump PBW through some silicone tubing from my recirculation tubes for chilling/mash recirc ... and that's it, now.
wheebz said:
not enough stuff
well, 5x of those kegs need to be filled, so they can live inside the freezers once more, and stop taking up space sitting empty in the room ...
and there's an empty grain container for the MO, that's taking double space for the MO, too, which is currently in one of those black tupperware ...
besides that, you just told me you could build multiple gaming pc's from your extra parts yard ...
not my fault you went pro and homebrewing doesn't sound like fun to you anymore =) ...
It took me a year to deploy the chamber vac that I had to have for the 3-4 years before it, but still didn't use for a year ...
It took me 13-14 months to bake a sourdough boule, after (barely) caring for the starter for that long, and gearing up that long ago ...
Someday I'll ferment some foodstuffs, but the gear has been here for a couple of years now ...
Arepas still haven't happened, and they couldn't be easier ...
Ceviche I finally did, but I trained up on sushi and ceviche like two times in the past couple of years before - and still experienced a failure to launch ...
Still haven't pressure-canned ...
That's what I like about 1010 - he's the opposite, he wakes up Saturday and just does it ...
Ozzy too, mostly ...
I think you are a little bit of both, though ... I've seen you put some pre-gaming time into stuff before doing it, I think ...
Different strokes.
Wheebz doesn't follow the food threads, or he'd realize I've been knocking out other items on my TODO these past couple of months, like the bread, the ceviche, the chamber vac'ing, some cocktail shit etc ... but not before brewing consumed me for 9 months.
and here in lies the problem
brewing only consumed you for 9 months
shits weak dawg
live, breath, eat, or drink, whatever, beer!!!
ill tell you what
as fucked up as darwins was
his god damn ceviche was the best ive ever had
tctenten said:
Wow....u got a lot of supplies. Holy shit.
Yeah, mostly went only really went over the edge when I brought in the stuff to do a couple (2-3x) 12 gal batches of huge beers (Red-Eye and Wheebz stout) ... then decided to stick w/ 3 gal for the time being.
Before that, I just a bunch of hops, really, as I'd made my way through most all of the WL and Wy yeasties at that point - albeit not the indie one's ...
I might still brew a Brewdown beer, too ...
Yeah I research a fair amount depending on what I'm doing, then jump right in.
Research, and just simply finding time. That's my biggest obstacle these days.
Yeah, that usually my problem ... but construction has slowed to a crawl here, the past couple of months ...

Always does during election years, unfortunately ...