i can imagine gypsy brewing.
i'm spending my second year brewing deep-diving on beers brewed with coffee, as a sort of self-imposed freedom in constraint ...
it's the overarching umbrella. who knows, maybe i'll become a gypsy brewer who does beers with single-origin coffee, as "a thing" someday ...
i think it'll just help to have a little more focus in terms of what i do recipe-wise this year, really, but this seams like an easier way to tame my focus, where instead of thinking about anything i'm losing, it's framed up by "getting" coffee ...
Wheebz says they suck, and hates it as an ingredient - well, so yeah, that doubles the fun, right? =)
so, every beer is getting at least a coffee bean ... starting 3/29.
other constraints:
- not allowed to buy hops, yeast, or specialty grains until Fall
- not allowed to migrate to bigger system until Fall
- not allowed to brew more than 1.5 gal exploratory batches
these things are designed around blocking certain character traits of mine that ultimately get in the way of my best craftsmanship ...
it's time to do the reps now.