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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
Got a lot of tomato pruning done.... I can see the ground underneath them now! Found quite a few green worms, not hornworms, being all fat and cozy down there.... hopefully I didnt take too much off and cause more than enough stress.... the tomato plants look like they need watering but some wind and clouds moved in, its looking like rain so ill hold off for a few hours and see if it does or not....

New one.... got some weeding done, but not enough.... quite a few buds forming on a few of the plants.... my pequins arent doing much....
It rained this morning, nothing to worry about, but they're calling for storms throughout the day.... father in law brought down some more of his yard tools, specifically for weeding, since he has his own gardener now so ill be randomly weeding and everything this weekend in my free time.... the wife has an "ouy of the house" to do list before I start my masters program so I won't have much time on the next few weekends....
Only ended up buying some spray paint....
So I was pulling out some weeds, this new thing I'm trying, yiu out it on the weed, push it into the ground and it causes the spikes to close in around the basebof the weed, so when you pull it, yiu have the base and whatever of a root ball it has... I was trying it on some of the smaller weeds around a tomato plant and when I pushed it into the ground, it dropped almost 6 inches into the soil underneath.... I really gotta get around to spreading iut these castor oil pellets to drive off this underground ninja....

Missed quite a few hornworms the last few days.... figured they wiuld have done more damage for as big as they were, but not so much....

For some strange reason, I never threw out a few sets of seeds that got moldy from my last riund of germinations and for another stange reason, I checked on them today and one just started sprouting only a day or two ago, I looks....
Yeah buddy...those gophers are ninjas for sure! My one and only mystery this year is from a pellet I had already thrown on the compost heap. Went out to dump some coffee grounds and one of my pellets had sprouted...huh. All that time and effort maintaining the perfect temp and moisture content and it decides to sprout out in the cool late February night air??? Funny how stuff works out. 
So I got curious and took a 4' stake and started poking around in the beds.... found tunnels in every single bed.... went inside, came out an hour later and my destruction was covered up or filled in.... it just better hope I don't catch it....
Most of the underground furry critters here are more after the grubs and stuff under there. They do disturb the roots and will nibble a little. I got them too, and they haven't seemed to bother my inground plant too bad.
Just a minor update, gave everything a seaweed extract soil feeding last night, spread out some of the castor oil pellets this morning around the beds and heavily in the holes around the beds.... watered everything tonight and flooded whatever holes there were....
The castor oil pellets must be working.... found a few holes in tge front yard by the fence that look more like the ninja was leaving the backyard rather than tunneling back into it.... no new holes or mounds around the beds.... estimating only s week or so away from my first flowers....

The tomato I pulled out and covered with pulled weeds had a lot of new root growth although the pkant is still dying, interesting....

Balancing my weeding between tge garden area and tge back yard....

Strawberries starting to put out a few buds....
So the wife decided she wanted to go out in town shopping today for a few things instead of on base.... I guess I got lucky, I found "fresh" manzanos.... we were only home for maybe 10 minutes before I had one sliced open, seeds removed to dry the majority of them and sample it.... pretty good, was expecting more heat, though.... will be getting a few in a cup for germinating tonight....

On the seeds germinating, I got a fire cracker about to show cotyldeons, rocoto and 4 mixed seeds from ajijoe showing taproots....

The first 12 to sprout get space in the beds.... depending on what doesn't get space, I guess I can always get a pot or two for them....
Gonna be doing another video in the nwxt few days when I get a chance to get some more weeding done.... got a few buds getting bigger and a lot of new growth....
Thinking of sectionalizing my weeding efforts.... lay down some dark plastic in sections to minimize cutting holes and let the weeds die from lack of sunlight and then pull the dead ones out.... I'm not making any progress with just pulling them, especially since I spend about an hiur after work trying to get the rest of the back yard weeded and ready for grass seed....
Busy weekend.... niece's first birthday and took my son to legoland, its just tall eniugh to start going on some of the rides....

Got a few seedlings to get in dirt.... most are from ajijoe's hot mix....
Pimenta de neyde
Gotta check my list from there...
Hot Jamaican
Butch t
7pot primo
Pequin in the cup
7 pot primo
Another shot of the butch t
Mystery super
The next three are mystery hots from ajijoe
Mystery super
Mystery super
Cgn 21500
Mystery super
To be continued....
Still working on ginishing up that list.... either my older tomatoes are starting to get a tan or they're starting to ripen.... it isn't noticeable enough to show up in a picture.... lost the new seedling I put in the dirt....
Strange, seedlings shriveled up sitting in the window over night like they were out in the sun all day with no water.... they were perfectly fine when I checked on them at midnight.... 0700 and they're toast....