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Rhm3769's 2013 grow, posting pics

Starting my glog early although I'm getting a late start on the grow.... Moving pretty soon from Okinawa back to the States so I can't start until mid may at the earliest....

Looking at growing:
Bolivian Rainbow
Crimson Torpedo
Santa fe grande
Peter pepper, red
Habanero, chocolate white tazmanian and golden
Scotch bonnet, red
Hot Jamaican
Jamaican mushroom, yellow
7 pot primo
Fatalli, yellow
Butch T
Atomic starfish
Bishop's crown
Okinawan hot pepper
Another okinawan variety
Purple flash

Plus I have some mystery mixes.... And I crossed a butch t with a scotch bonnet just for fun....

More than likely I'll be growing in containers again but I'll have more space than my balcony right now.... One maybe two plants per variety with more for a few of them....

I'll be able to section off a part of the yard for growing space to keep the kid out.... What's the easiest way to handle possibly 60 plants? Hoping to have at least a 9'x7.5' area.... Is that enough, too big, too small?
glad to see you are about to plant out... let us know if you need any help with the harvest =D the family and i make many trips there
Thanks.... I got 8 in the ground so far.... I have to find my notes, 4 seeds from a super hot mix from another member here and 4 for a mix fron ajijoe....

Gonna add a layer of the gro mulch tomorrow and start working on the next bed as long as these 8 survive...
All 8 have survived so far.... starting bed #2 in a few hours.... don't have my plan available, I think this one is the hab varieties and scotch bonnets....
The smaller two of the 8 arent doing so well.... it got warmer than they're currently used to and they didnt get the hour break from the sun.... but then again, I didnt water them all that well after planting last night, either....
Got some issues.... not isolated to any one thing.... the plants in the ground, the smaller ones are struggling, leaves are either dropping or shrivling up like they're dried.... those in the starting tray still, it seems to be doing the same, but only the bigger ones.... maybe its a water thing, in the bed, it doesn't seems like the water is making it down too deep....

Got one tomato in the dirt.... finished breaking and mixing the dirt in the 2nd bed, will be planting those 8....

Hit everything with a weak foliar spray of seaweed extract.... thinking of doing seaweed one week, then fish emulsion the next followed by epsom salt the next and repeating the 3 week cycle....

Not sure why its so blurry, ill try to get another later.... there are three that arent too visible, two of them are most likely gonns die....

Tomato plant in the middle....

Edit, 4 arent visible....
Looks like overwatering and maybe fert burn on some of them. Hard to tell. What kind of soil are the ones still in the starter tray in?
Whatever burpee sells with them.... they didnt get any ferts until after, and it was weaker than the bottle said, even as a foliar spray....
After looking at everything still in the tray, some look too weak to tray to transplant, especially if its gonna rain like all of my weather things are saying.... I guess I'll be adding some to my list for trying to regerm....
Last night, I had 11 planed for solo cups, now at most 9.... I'll move two of my mystery mix seedlings planned for solo cups into the mystery mix bed to replace the two that died.... and I'm pretty sure theres another one or two in that bed that won't make it if it rains today....
You need to get some good soil and put them in it...don't skimp! The seed starter mix has NO nutes in it so they're probably starving. Pick up a bag of MG, Happy Frog, Dr. Earth or something similar and put them in it! Most folks hate on Miracle Grow because of their affiliation with Monsanto but the stuff works. I have also used Happy Frog with good success. If you'd like I can stop by my nursery. They carry Happy Frog if you decide to come over and they usually stock some superhots and other cool varieties like Pequin, Goat's Weed, Fatalii and Manzanos...You want me to take a look and see what they have? The plants are between $3 and $5 I think depending on size. Could make up for some lost time...I'm in Poway...so only 25-30 miles from your house depending on where you're at in Oceanside...
Thanks but I'll manage.... mixing my own, the tomatoes are doing awesome in the mg potting mix I grabbed the other....

Grabbed 13 more cinder blocks free from someone abiut to move.... just need one more abd the dirt for those two beds....

Ill be working mostly today since its cooler and overcast on fixing everything up....
I didnt intend on it taking so long to get them ib the ground, if so I wiuld have just got a bunch of cups abd mixed some soil and starting mix like I did in okinawa. And I didnt intend on them sprouting as fast or as soon as they did.... considering pulling up the ones in the griund already and using the other bag ofworm castings and the other bag of the planting mix in these 4 beds since they're using more of the ground soil than the cinder block beds will.... the plants going in those beds will be going into the miracle gro moisture control potting mix in solo cups before the beds are ready for them....
Well if you're looking for any plants I just got back from the nursery and they have a TON of supers this year...maybe 50 different varieties and some really cool ones at that. I didn't intend to pick any up myself but couldn't help but walk out with a Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion...Chocolate Scorps, Morugas, Bhuts of several different colors, Fatalii, 7 Pot Red and Yellow, Douglah, King Naga, Naga Morich, Butch T, 7 Pot Jonah, Butch T/7 Jonah cross,...many more along with Pequin, Tepin, Manzano, Scotch Bonnet, Black Cobra (Goat's Weed), Aji Amarillo...Many more. The Supers were $4.99 each. Let me know if you want to head over there I will shoot you the name in a PM. Good luck with your recovery...go easy on the water!
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind....
Somehow I got roped in for helping babysit for a buddy's homecoming this weekend....

Got seeds for 14 varieties sitting in wet paper towels in plastic sauce cups in the garage.... when we left the house, it was 78 in there.... replaced the plants in the one bed that died, 2 of those 14 varieites resewn are for others that probably won't make it....
Up to three starting to germ.... gotta keep an eye on things, it was 91 in the garage yesterday afternoon.... contemplating getting some smaller cups to move them into with the miracle gro when the root gets longer....