• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

rhm3769's growth-New pics, Butch T and Scotch Bonnet pods

Most recent, have a few earlier pics posted elsewhere.... Both are white habaneros, the first is about 6" tall, the second is about 8", both about 6 weeks from sprouting....


No real new growth, so no new pictures.... The two white habs at home have dropped another leaf or two but growth at the sites is more evident. Scotch bonnet has greened up nicely. Started some more chocolate habaneros, bolivian rainbow, fire cracker and still trying to get some shima togarashi to germinate, but it seems that is a losing battle as the peppers were frozen before given to me. Also started some crimson torpedo seeds a few days ago, have one starting to sprout already. Also, started some white habanero seeds from another company.

The white habs at work haven't done much, either but the one in the pot has greened up some and the new growth has progressed abit. Planning a repot sometime in the future.

Haven't gotten much water in 2 weeks other than spraying the surface lightly with a h2o2 solution the last few days to combat the increase in humidity after the storm over the weekend.
Might be putting up new pic later today, not much growth, though.... But I guess when you see them a few times everyday, you don't notice it....

The white Habs grew about an inch, got alot of side growth on one and some new top leaves on the other.... Butch t has been slow, scotch bonnet and Santa fe grande have some new leaves....
Still tiny and hard to get on a phone, but a few hours later and it's definitely looking like buds starting to me.... As I'm not sure if these are really white Habs or not, I'll let this plant flower and hope they fruit and remove buds from the other three when they start....
5 buds easily visible now.... Not alot of side growth still.... A bud is visible on my Santa fe grand as well and it's only 3" tall....

The last fees I've tried to germinate have had the shell stuck, the seedling leaves aren't even visible, it's like they stop growing as soon as it pokes through the starting mix.... Cover and moisten?
Potted two of the plants at work up....

My plants at home had alot of gnats around this morning.... Hit everything with some Epsom salt spray, alot weaker than my last spray and then watered with about 10:1 h20/h2o2....

Anything else I can do to get rid of them? Last night I noticed the surface of one of the pots was disturbed, but I didn't think anything of it, I was awake too long the last time I checked on them and could have forgot I did it, but apparently not....
Will be posting some pictures later today....

Dried lavender seems to be keeping most of tr gnats away.... One white habanero is a foot tall with 7 buds forming.... The start of branching appears to also be starting to branch.... The other three are just bushing out....
I think your over feeding them if your doing it every other day. Especially if you have nutes mixed in with the soil. Like you said give em a good flush of straight H2o and let the soil dry out in between waterings/feedings. I would switch off with the water and nutes. The salts in synthetic fertz can build up over time in your soil. Thats why they need a good flush in between feedings. Good luck with your grow! Things look good so far.
Thanks.... Everything is looking fine with the exception of a few leaves that we're burned awhile ago but didn't drop.... Still planning on a decent flush....

Not sure which post you were commenting on, but my water/feeding recently has been lightly misting the surface once a day with plain water until the spray bottle is empty and then a few ml of randomly half strength to full strength miracle gro once during the plain water spraying....
Once the plain water sprayer is empty, i switch to a 1:10 peroxide and water sprayer until its empty.... Then they get a spray of Epsom salt with a good plain watering followed by a watering of the same strength peroxide mixture.... This is about a two week process....

It's rarely enough watering to cause water to drip out the bottom of the pot.... They seem to be liking this, everything has grown at least 2 inches....

White hab, lots of side growth....

White hab, a few buds growing....

Everything in one shot.... need more dirt in the yeloow pot, ran out, didn't realize I was running low when I started repotting....

Scothc bonnet and Butch T....

Can't see it, but the bigger Santa Fe Grande has a few buds forming in the center....

The white hab that has buds growing, it's a foot tall now.... Wasn't sure what the little sprout was, but it's been plucked out....
Just moved everything over to larger pots.... Interesting, and I've noticed it with other transplants also, those that got watered more frequently had larger root systems than those that didn't.... But a larger root system usually went with a smaller plant....

My scotch bonnet was bigger than my butch t at all transplants.... Since I figured from the first transplant that a smaller plant meant a smaller root system, the butch t was watered more often and only enoughto just penetrate the surface.... After this transplant, the root structure was bigger for the butch t....

Was it because the water didn't always reach all of the roots and some instinctively shot down looking for water?
It's about time for my daily update.... No pics....

My budding white hab at home is only days away from blooming.... The bushy white hab is starting to show buds.... Santa fe grande, scotch bonnet and butch t aren't doing much other than slowly growing.... Two chocolate Habs have sprouted, all three of pepperjoe's white Habs have sprouted and showing signs of their first true leaves.... Fire cracker and crimson torpedo only have one sprouting, took too long waiting on the crimson torpedo to grow itself out of the case, doesn't look like it'll recover.... Still no Bolivian rainbow or shima togarashi....

Both white Habs at work are getting bushy, one is budding, the other has been dealing with aphids.... The scotch bonnet is growing but is behind the one at home.... Don't think the butch t will make it, hasn't grown since it was relocated, it did have some root growth but it's leaves are starting to yellow....
Cloudy and rainy all day.... First night in awhile that hasn't been above 85.... But cooler nights and rain all day makes alot of ants show up on the balcony.... Another typhoon is coming, can't be bringing ants inside with them....
It's not clear in a picture, had to move everything inside for this storm and inspection for bugs I found one of the buds about to open and flower!
Picture to follow.... So I got home after a 36 hour typhoon duty to find two buds opening! Moving them back outside after the wind dies down some more.... Made the mistake last night of trying to put them back outside, I couldn't feel any wind, but I guess the way it was blowing was causing it to wrap around the balcony, lost two buds on a plant in the 15 seconds I had it outside....