• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

rhm3769's growth-New pics, Butch T and Scotch Bonnet pods

Most recent, have a few earlier pics posted elsewhere.... Both are white habaneros, the first is about 6" tall, the second is about 8", both about 6 weeks from sprouting....


Mostly full sun, but it's been overcast for about two weeks.... Strangely, the butch t at work is the only thing staying a healthy green and not dropping leaves....

Had my first real harvest today.... Small but more than one pepper.... 3 white habaneros and 4 that I have no idea but where supposed to be white habaneros....
Mostly full sun, but it's been overcast for about two weeks.... Strangely, the butch t at work is the only thing staying a healthy green and not dropping leaves....

Had my first real harvest today.... Small but more than one pepper.... 3 white habaneros and 4 that I have no idea but where supposed to be white habaneros....

Congrats. Like PaulG has in his sig: Every Pod a Victory!
Got a bunch of pictures I've been meaning to post....

Could it be a build up of minerals from rain water and container growing?

Phone won't let me see the IMG link, I'll try to get it fixed later.... One of the pictures of my Charlie Brown White habanero Christmas trees....
Gonna try to get pictures up later.... Everything seems to going fine still.... Temps hae been dipping into the 60s at night.... Waiting for the butch t to start flowering, it has a good number of buds with a few that look like they could be blooming in a week or two.... Really looking for it for seeds, running low, thought I had more than I did.... Scotch bonnets are growing, one plants pods are bumpy and feel rubbery, not sure what that's all about.... Santa fe grande is still going, pods are pushing 1" to almost 2" in length, doubt they'll get much bigger considering I have two plants in the same pot.... Wasn't really interested in growing them, they were free seeds that came with an order, figured I'd find a use for them somehow.... Harvesting from both white habanero plants, one doesn't seem to be a white habanero, they're longer and not round or jellybean shaped and a bright yellow....
Really got to get new pictures....

No change in the white Habs, waiting on another round of ripening.... Scotch bonnets like nothing like the one pod on the plant at work, they're bumpy while the one at work is smooth.... First few butch t flowers that have opened have no pollen so far, but I hear that is common....

Plants at work are slowly starting to come back....

Need a way to kill ants and keep them out of pots without harming the plants and the pods....
Post up some pics! Would like to see them.

Regarding the ants, unless they have a hill inside your pots, they should be coming from somewhere outside. Can you try spraying with ant spray around the base of your pots?
They're in the pots.... Come out in swarms when I top water.... It's funny because as much as I'm out on the balcony, I never see ants around, only inside the pots when I water.... Must be something good in them since they had to travel up the drain pipe for 8 floors to get to them.... Haven't seen any aphids and these yet....

I do have some ant spray, I've successfully used it inside a pot before and then flooded it with water to get it out, the plant survived and is the healthiest looking one I have right now.... And no any problems in that pot since, but I'm kind of skeptical on doing that with the plants that are flowering/have pods....

Coffee grounds haven't worked for ants.... They are driven out more by peroxide than plain water but it seems as the pot starts to dry, they come back.... They aren't moving from pot to pot, I try to water then at the same time....

But they are taking care of pollination for me for the most part.... Just don't want my son playing out there and messing with one of the pots and ants coming out.... Trying to get him into gardening and peppers early.... He knows what a pepper is, and he'll eat some of the taco bell sauces and a piece of jalapeno every now and then, but he doesn't understand yet that he can't play with the plants....
If they're in the pots, then that's a tough one. Sounds like there are ways to keep them at bay, but to truly get rid of them might require complete repotting into fresh soil. I've done this for a couple of my plants, complete with hosing 90+% of the old soil out of the root ball. I watered afterwards with some SuperThrive and BioWeed kelp concentrate once and they never showed a hint of transplant shock. The buds that were on them continued to grow and are now flowering.
I'll have to edit this later to get the labels right....

All of my plants, it cut off the Santa fe grande in the picture.... Next five are white habanero, the first few are the plant putting out the longer pods ripening to yellow, the others are the round and lighter yellow pods.... Then Santa fe grandes, two plants in one pot.... Then butch t with flowers, followed by some of my scotch bonnets.... Will repost the others so they show, they should all be the plants at work with a shot of the pod on the scotch bonnet...





Not exactly what I wanted to do, but I have a successful pollination of one of my butch Ts using a scotch bonnet.... Between my two plants, 10 flowers without pollen and seeing the temps starting to dip into the 60s at night and knowing within 30-45 days it'll be in the 50s, I'm starting to feel pressure to speed things up....
Looking at the average highs and lows for Okinawa, it doesn't seem to drop below 55 with the coolest temps being jan-feb for a week or two.... It feels alot colder than that, but I guess that is all mental after the majority of the year being 70+ with alot of humidity....

Scotch bonnet pod at work seems to slowly be ripening, will have to give it a day or two to be sure that it isn't just light playing tricks....

Still amazed how fast pods grow after pollination. The butch t pod pictured above has doubled in size in about 24 hours.... Possibly have one setting at work and three more at home.... White Habs have quite a few starting to ripen....
So either my soil or fertilizer mix has earthworm eggs in it.... Been seeing a bunch of dead baby earthworms on the top of the soil in a few pots at work after a really rainy weekend.... It would also explain how I've seen them in pots on an 8th floor balcony....
No real changes.... Gotta get some new pics though, pods getting bigger, Santa fe grandes starting to yellow....

Didn't grab a pic of it, the scotch bonnet at work ripened red.... So hot, much hotter than store bought orange Habs.... Waiting on the ones at home to ripen....

Have to look into relocating all the plants at home temporarily.... Maintenance is looking at painting the building and balconies pretty soon....
Santa fe grandes are starting to ripen.... Scotch bonnet at home is ripening.... I've noticed these ripen from the bottom up, that isn't normal, is it?