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rhm3769's growth-New pics, Butch T and Scotch Bonnet pods

Most recent, have a few earlier pics posted elsewhere.... Both are white habaneros, the first is about 6" tall, the second is about 8", both about 6 weeks from sprouting....


After dealing with massive bud drop, it looks like things are turning around.... Branching on some of the side growth and everything but the butch t has buds....

Still nothing from the Bolivian rainbows or the crimson torpedo.... One fire cracker seems to be doing well, working on second set of true leaves.... Chocolate Habs are looking sad, roots aren't growing....

I'll try to get some new pictures up soon....
White habs. Something happened to the shorter one, the top of the main stem got damaged and stopped growing and it started bushing out.

Scotch bonnet, starting to branch and bud

Butch T.

Santa Fe Grande, both are starting to branch and bud. The smaller pots in the back are chocolate habs and firecrackers, nothing special about them right now.
Good grow with good details. This will help you for next year, plus who knows how many people will benefit.
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Looks like I might have to relocate my plants to the fire escape balcony as they haven't been getting the same amount of sun the last few days.... Taking it as a bad sign.... temps have dropped pretty drastically, too.... about 5F at night, although its still decently warm for them....

During my pest checks today, I tried counting buds on everything, it's too much now.... The tall hab lost most of what it had, but there 3-4 buds at the newer branchings, the short one has buds and branching at 6 of the side growths.... One santa fe grande split into three branches that are branching with buds.... Now if only everything stays and doesn't drop and produces....
Pictures to follow, nothing new from my last post....

Got some bigger pots for the plants at work, kind of worried, they haven't been checked on over the long weekend, it's more of a pest/wind concern than sun and water.... I'll had to grab some pictures of them, too.... Been awhile since I've posted them....
Butch T, bottle for size comparison.

Same Butch T, different angle

Santa Fe Grandes

Scotch Bonnet

Bushy White Hab, Just a bit taller than the Scotch Bonnet

Tall white Hab, haven't measured it recently, it's gotta be at least 18" now....

Close-up of some buds on the bushy white hab

Scotch Bonnet at work

One of the white habs at work, no picture of the second one, it's a bit smaller but just as bushy

Butch T at work.... It doesn't want to grow.... Is that sunburn on the one leaf?
Looking good, those leaves big and the plant looks way too tall for white habaneros. All 3 of my plants are about 2 foot tall and at least 2 foot around like a bush. They have looked like that every year I have grown them. Curious to see what yours turns out to be...I could be wrong since sometimes pictures are deceiving.
My tallest white hab plant was about a foot to the first branching.... Picture is deceiving you there.... I'm almost certain they aren't white Habs but regular orange Habs instead. I got them frm from a buddy without a green thumb. I found out on these forums the company he bought them from has a habit of shipping orange hab seeds instead of what they sell mostly. Not entirely a loss for me, they don't sell Habs here in Okinawa....

Funny thing to note, the plants grown here at work are all smaller than their brothers and sisters on my balcony.... The Habs are about 10 weeks old, the rest are about 8 weeks old.... The ones grown on the balcony get more attention so they get fed more often but only a few hours of sun while the ones at work get rain water and full sun.... The Habs at work are smaller because they weren't transplanted to bigger pots as quickly as the balcony Habs were, that kind of explains that, but the scotch bonnet and butch t, no idea unless the infrequent feeding is to blame....
No storm coming as of yet, this time around.... in a few days, I should have at least one bud open for my white habs.... Within a week, it should be so many I won't be able to keep count.... The buds on the Santa Fe Grandes are huge compared to the white habs and scotch bonnets, but nowhere close to opening yet.... The scotch bonnet buds are also bigger than the white hab buds but don't seem as far along, either, so that is promising, I think, that they are white habs....

The scotch bonnet branches are growing more vertical than horizontal compared to the white habs and santa fe grandes, is that normal?
Starting to get into the habit of watering more frequently.... The sun has been pretty brutal during the few hours my plants see it. Not watering to the point it starts coming through the bottom, and the plants are looking stronger. Starting to get impatient and contemplating moving one of these down to my work....
Buds opening any day now.... The butch t at work grew some over the weekend.... The work scotch bonnet is in better shape than the home scotch bonnet for some reason.... The one at home keeps dropping buds still....
Everything in one shot....

Above shot of my tallest white hab....

Shots of buds randomly between my two white hab plants at home....




Santa Fe Grande

Scotch Bonnet
In the last picture of the white hab buds above, the bud in the center of the picture opened up this morning.... Didn't get a picture of it, it was already making me late for work....
Still no pics to show but three opened up and have quite a few more only a day or two away from opening.... But now we're expecting another typhoon this weekend....
So the Scotch Bonnet and Santa Fe Grande at home are still dropping buds randomly. The scotch bonnet is dropping smaller ones while the Santa Fe is dropping the bigger ones, but both white habs are starting to bloom.
So I've been dealing with some wilted and burned newer leaves.... The white Habs at home dropped some healthy newer leaves but no buds....

How long after a flower opens does it generally take to set fruit? Ive been trying hand pollination at least once a day, some are starting to brown around the edges of the petals but that could also be from what ever caused the new leaves to burn.... I can't tell for sure but it looks to me like a few are starting to swell at the calyx....

I don't have grow lights and it seems impractical to buy them to use for a few days every few weeks when typhoons come, is there anything else I can do to keep them healthy when moved inside with no sun for 48-72 hours?
Will be posting pics later.... I have at least one successful pollination.... And things are looking promising that they are white Habs, or at least not regular orange Habs, the buds are alot smaller than those on the scotch bonnet at work....

Edit: Much later.... just got home to realize we got alot more wind than I was expecting, all but one plant was basically horizontal.... Nothing snapped, so everything is fine, it seems, but alot of the leaves are looking pretty bad off right now.... Will have to wait and see if they straighten out and can stand on their own, guess I'm gonna have to get some stakes for them pretty soon....
So everything can pretty much stand on their own.... The one pod is slowly getting bigger....

I cannot keep buds on the scotch bonnet at home or the Santa fe grande....

Went through and picked off about 15-20 dead/dying leaves from the white Habs....